Welcome to Indy Maven’s August astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins and Hayley Trussell, better known around Indy as the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
You’re embracing a newfound feeling of crystal clarity in December. With Sagittarius season now in full swing, you may be feeling more hopeful, and your goals may seem more accessible and real. Seeing things accurately was difficult for you last month. With Neptune retrograde in a difficult configuration with Mars (also retrograde) for the majority of November, your outer experience was being colored by emotion and confusion. This month will allow you to cut through the static and grab the real message behind the feeling. When Neptune stations direct on Dec. 2 and stays for the rest of the year, the fog lifts so you can confront what you thought might be chaotic, and it turns out to be much easier to handle than you thought. You feel energized and excited to dream again.
Even though you are seeing the truth more easily, you may feel immense highs and devastating lows this month. The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec. 7 conjunct retrograde Mars activates a past situation that has caused you to hold on to enormous resentment. With Neptune involved in a tense configuration to this Full Moon, you may realize that you have been deceived; you could discover that someone has been lying to you or not telling the whole truth. Reality checks and true feelings will come out alongside the revelation of new information, possibly after some digging on your part. The good news is that you’re prepared. You have the ability to deal with this situation maturely and effectively now — use your intuition but temper your response. Take a beat to strategize. With Gemini Mars retrograde and tightly conjunct with the Moon, use sneakiness and craftiness (the negatives of Gemini) to fight back. You may need to expose someone, but do so carefully and protect yourself. On the flip side, if you have some hidden information, you could be exposed at this time. Be careful to give all the facts now, so you don’t dig yourself deeper.
By Dec. 9, the transition of Mercury and Venus into Capricorn will slow the partying of the holiday season and have you focusing on “adulting.” Slowly, the emphasis on Sagittarian optimism is tempered and replaced by the cool realism of Capricorn this month. You may start to feel like being more conservative with your finances or start pulling back from the world to focus on your goals. You could also finally get sick of your bad habits and start to make a big change. You see things more linearly and start chipping away toward goals of getting yourself out of debt, saving money, or providing for your family. On Dec. 20, with the ingress of Jupiter into Aries until May 2023, you will notice a wave of independence and gain some momentum toward these goals. Jupiter represents the expansion and abundance you’ll experience, and the next six months will be marked by blessings you achieved on your own. Feelings of accomplishment will start to come into focus this month as you nail down what needs to be done.
The tone officially shifts to serious on Dec. 21 when the Sun moves into Capricorn — the sign signified by hard work, tradition, and patience. You may feel the pressure from multiple family obligations or trying to get major projects tied up at work before the end of the year. With Saturn ruling this sign, you may realize you’ve put on weight, overbooked yourself, or spent too much money and as a result, start to formalize promises that you won’t let this get out of hand. The New Moon in Capricorn square Jupiter on the 23rd inspires you to overspend for a good reason one last time this year. Even though you’re mentally pulling back, you may be forced to break a few eggs to make the omelet. Don’t think you’re doing something wrong: Whatever comes up to be dealt with at the New Moon requires you to pay more now for something that you’ll receive dividends for later, or which could save you in the long run. You are making changes, but you may need to spend money to make money and deal with the holidays before you start doing damage control.
From Dec. 23-26, with Mercury sextile Neptune in feminine signs, expect tender messages from friends and family, as well as the opportunity to forgive someone for past hurts. Fights are smoothed over during this time and there is almost a telepathic component to how you’re communicating with others. It feels like you just seem to know when something is wrong, and they know the right thing to say to you. Enjoy the pleasant Merc vibes while they last, because Mercury immediately retrogrades back through Capricorn on Dec. 29 until Jan. 18. Try to get any returns, paperwork, or deadlines out of the way early in December so you don’t end up dealing with delays and problems during this time. The year ends with a review of the traditions you have held onto in your own life as well as how those traditions are helping or hindering you from becoming who you’re meant to be.
Hey, birthday babe, you’re doing amazing, sweetie. The sacrifices you’ve been making these past few months have been piling up, and now the benefits are starting to show. As you stack up all of your accomplishments, though, you see that something is missing. It’s possible that what you’ve sacrificed wasn’t totally worth giving up. Sure, you have more money in the bank, but you’ve missed out on so many other things — maybe you have no idea what’s going on with your friends, or your partner feels neglected, or your health hasn’t been your top priority so you’re not feeling so good. If you’ve been on autopilot lately, it’s likely you were so focused on your goals that you didn’t even realize it. But now, as Jupiter enters Aries and we step more into your season, you need to loosen your grip and allow yourself to go with the flow and approach life with a little more lightheartedness. You deserve, and are ready for, the benefits of all the work you’ve been doing, but suddenly, it’s a lot more clear that everything has a cost, and some of the things you’ve worked towards just aren’t worth it. It’s not so worth it to get that promotion at the expense of your relationship. The constant grind only pays off in one way — while you may feel more stable in one area of your life, the stability was paid for with your freedom. And you, bb Sadge, of all of us, need to feel free. Even as you re-assess and your focus shifts back to yourself, you still get to keep what you’ve gained. You will not be punished for prioritizing yourself. Nobody would blame you for taking a step back from your responsibilities — like never, but especially not right now. It’s your time to shine, the work is done, and you need to let your hair down. The New Moon on the 23rd squares your ruling planet, Jupiter, stirring up some nostalgia for you. Is there a past version of yourself that you need to revisit? Maybe you need to actually get out of town! Everyone always says that Sagittarius wants to travel, but it just might actually be your time to finally set the date and really formalize some plans (just get it all in writing before the 29th when Mercury begins retrograding). It’s true about you that you need your freedom, and especially now. Leave your stressful responsibilities behind and let yourself live your life. You didn’t do all that work for no reason, bb. You did it so you could enjoy yourself, and now is the time.
Tarotscopes | The Sun — This month is bringing you clarity about your priorities. What have you been spending too much energy on, and what have you been neglecting?
Key Dates: Dec. 9, 20, 23, 29
Famous Sagittarius: Taylor Swift, Dec. 13
Local Sagittarius: Our very own Hayley Trussell, co-owner of Spellsisters 💖 💖, Nov. 30
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
Your intuitive, creative side is getting a boost this month, as several planets move into your sign, gifting you a dose of ethereality. You might feel a little dreamy throughout the month, which is a little out of character, but we’re not mad at it. New ideas and insights that come up this month are especially charmed, and when you take action towards them, they actually start to take shape. Everything means something for you right now, especially as both Venus and Mercury enter Capricorn on the 9th. You are entering a slower season of life, maybe even coming off a bit of a high. As you lean further into rest and stillness, you can recognize just how special the little nudges you receive are, from dreams, special synchronicities, and recurring messages. It should feel easy right now, and the only real risk right now is that you could complicate things by worrying that things are too easy. You are inclined to try to find the answers through effort and action, but really, they come through stillness. Right now, the solutions come with less effort, and the things you need to hear rise to the surface when you give them space to be. Look for information in your habits and routines, the mundanities that seem meaningless. Accept that the messages you receive don’t need to make sense right now, and that maybe it’ll become more clear as time passes. The hardest part for you is the recognition that maybe it never makes sense; it just is. You are learning to be with yourself and sit in the unknowing. This month’s New Moon may feel especially dreamlike and stir up some unexamined but deep-rooted emotions about something you thought you had forgotten. Just go with it.
Tarotscopes | The Moon — Life feels like a hologram sometimes. Is it a dream or is it reality? Not knowing the answers is actually inevitable right now.
Key Dates: Dec. 7, 9, 21, 23
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
You’ve been strong to let yourself be different, and you’re known as a trailblazer within all the spheres you hang around in. It’s amazing how much confidence it takes to be the odd one out, starting the new thing, driving the spaceship into the unknown — it’s this confidence that has built a strong foundation for your next level up. You’re no stranger to that sort of courage, but this month, your ability to stand up for yourself and to put one foot in front of the other is a little stronger. Your reputation precedes you, and everyone has their eye on you; people are looking to you for some kind of indication of what to do next. What this means in practical application is that everyone wants to work with you, people want to hang out with you, and we all need your advice. What’s incredible about you, though, bb Aquarius, is that you never let this go to your head, and in fact, you may even be oblivious to your own influential power. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus all hit your 10th house of career this month, boosting your potential for wealth and productivity, and maybe even changing your outlook on your career. It might feel like you can do anything, and honestly, you can. You never get too big for your britches, but at the same time, you’re growing into yourself. The possibilities for growth are limitless the first few weeks of December and working towards that growth might even feel effortless. This effortless ability to be a positive influence and have impact on the world is only effortless, though, if you are open to all of the potential of life. If you stay open to the changes that come up and don’t resist opportunities to change, the universe seems to roll out the red carpet for you. Now, your mission is to accept your place and boldly stand in your power. You’ve done the work to clear the boulders from your path, and the time for hesitating has passed.
Tarotscopes | Queen of Swords — There is no question of your power and sphere of influence. Everyone is looking to you to set the tone.
Key Dates: Dec. 3, 7, 24-26
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
Last month was a revelation for you. “It’s me, hi. I’m the problem, it’s me,” was the tone of that revelation. You may have come to grips with your role in your challenging situation, and now you can see how the part you’ve been playing has set you up for disappointment, failure, or even loss. You have definitely not been making things easy for yourself, and now that you recognize the hand you’ve played, you can start to let go of that old story and let life be a little easier. You have a lot of power, not just in your own life, but also in how your surroundings play out. Before now, you’ve been resisting action, afraid of your own power, and uncomfortable with what you might be able to do if only you believed in yourself. It’s clear now that you’ve been shortchanging yourself. As your ruling planet, Neptune, rights itself and ends its retrograde, you also feel like you’re being righted, and it feels more natural to put effort toward completion. Nearing the end of the year, your focus becomes wrapping up untamed projects and tying your loose ends. It might feel like you’re ending the year with a lot of unfinished business, but you’re really not. Take a quick inventory of your life: How different are you now from the person you were this time last year?
Tarotscopes | The Chariot — You have actually been driving this car the whole time. Now it just feels like a greater power than you’d realized before.
Key Dates: Dec. 3, 11, 20, 24-26
Aries (March 21 – April 19):
There’s a lot of pressure riding on you this month, Aries. In fact, by Dec. 9, you may notice your spirits drop as your to-do list lengthens. This is a temporary period, but with most planets in cardinal signs and your ruler Mars out of commission in retrograde, you could feel like you’re spinning your wheels and trying to jump one step forward for every two steps back. The Full Moon exacerbates the effect from Dec 7-17 — emotionally you’re tired and feeling like the more you want to rest, the more others need you. You need to prioritize whatever you’re dealing with and pull back from things that are not directly relevant to your home and family life. Despite the stress, there are some blessings coming as Jupiter enters your sign on Dec. 20, which may help you take control of your life and master your struggles. It’s as if you are the only one with the keycode to unlock the doors to this issue, so you keep getting called to let others in since you’re their only hope. You probably didn’t intentionally set things up this way, but as the Sun moves into Capricorn around the New Moon on Dec. 23, you might have to consider learning to trust someone else with the keys to the castle (delegation is a vibe rn). The new vibe going forward will be about you claiming the big stuff and letting others handle some of the small stuff.
Tarotscopes | Ten of Wands — It feels like the world is riding on your shoulders. Take a deep breath.
Key Dates: Dec. 3, 8, 19-20, 23
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
You may be taking some losses this month, Taurus. It seems that every bill needs to get paid and everything that could go wrong will in December. That’s OK though, because you are showing tremendous strength against the odds and have the cosmic assistance of many planets shifting into your sister sign of Capricorn. It’s OK to admit that you’re freaking out and you may need to learn to ask for help (we know … ew) in order to process what’s going on and move forward. This will feel like a bizarrely emotional time for you where you have trouble getting a grip and worry that everything is about to fall apart. You’re wrong though — everything in your life is actually coming together in exactly the right way. Unfortunately, this may mean that some space needs to be cleared in your life (space you would never clear on your own). Whatever ends this month was never yours and whatever is lost will be found again. Even though the Full Moon in Gemini in particular activates your finance sector, the shifting of Jupiter into a new sign on Dec. 20 means money won’t be slipping through your fingers anymore. You may realize in December that you need to rebuild savings that you were forced to spend to take care of some unforeseen circumstances last month. At the New Moon in Capricorn, you should feel a lot more settled. You may be locking down plans for a wedding or celebration next year and a lot of money is needed upfront. This will all work out in the end, but it is a stressful time. By month’s end, family should offer support and guidance.
Tarotscopes | Ten of Swords — You’re hitting a wall. Something is not as bad as it looks but it’s definitely over.
Key Dates: Dec. 6, 9, 21, 29
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
This is your month, Gemini. From the jump on Dec. 2, you notice a shift in your brainpower — all of a sudden you feel a clarity of purpose and have a much better time reading other people. You may have been dealing with severely scrambled signals last month and by the Full Moon in your sign on Dec. 7, you will feel like you finally know where you’re going. This Full Moon will occur in your first house of identity. You may be getting acknowledged by a boss or colleague, or possibly receiving an award of some kind. Whatever it is, you feel like you are finally in the right place and being acknowledged for what you contribute. An opportunity may present itself this month to move into a new job or take on more responsibility in a side project that would have you at the helm. This would be something you like, but it would require a firm time commitment and possibly moving other things around. If not related to your career, it will alternatively be your relationship sector that is requiring a decision from you. The auspices of Jupiter in Aries in your 11th house of dreams on the 20th indicates that a big dream you’ve had for a while is reaching its culmination over the next six months. By the New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd, you will have made your decision and started making plans for how you will make your dreams come true next year. Because your ruling planet goes retrograde on the 29th, be aware of delays and mistakes that can arise and make it difficult for you to keep your word. You may need to be extra clear or take extra days to get stuff done in order to stick with your timelines. The world is your oyster, but expect to feel a little run down until things settle down in January.
Tarotscopes | Lovers — You are entering a phase of perfect timing. You will have to make a choice between two good things.
Key Dates: Dec. 4, 12, 16, 26, 29
Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
This is a powerful month of reckoning before the New Year, Cancer. Whatever you thought you had planned will change this month. It could be related to the holidays, time off for work, or relationship expectations. Whatever it is, it is quite unexpected and even a bit shocking. The universe is showing you that you are not on the right path and this time will forcibly redirect you. At the Full Moon on Dec. 7th in your sector of self-undoing and hidden enemies, you may notice that someone has been lying to you or you may be outed for lying about something. The truth will be revealed, but with it may come changes to that relationship. Additional significations of this sector of your chart deal with health. You may have been experiencing trouble with your health lately (mental or physical) which finally crystallizes into a major issue that requires serious measures to correct. Pay attention to any symptoms that arise at this time; they may require treatment or investigation. Being forewarned is forearmed: Do not skip doctor’s appointments or therapy and take your medication. At the New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd, you may have issues come up in a partnership and realize you’re giving a little too much. Take back your power and allow your partner to take responsibility for their own issues. Although surprises are indicated this month, surprises can be positive. You may get engaged or married or have a particularly unexpected family visitor that warms your heart. Whatever happens, there will be tears shed and a feeling that everything happens for a reason. As the month ends and Mercury makes a positive aspect to Neptune, expect tender moments and trusted chosen family to come through and help you. You may be sharing happy news or sorrows, but either way, you are surrounded by people who care about you deeply.
Tarotscopes | Tower — You are on the wrong path. It’s time for a reality check.
Key Dates: Dec. 2, 7, 13, 23
Leo (July 23 – August 22):
December is about letting go and moving on. You may be processing some disappointments that occurred in November when the eclipse made a direct hit to your home sector. This month, although you’re feeling more positive and trust that everything is working out for you, it feels like you wish things could have been different. This is normal. You may feel sadness at the Full Moon in Gemini on Dec. 7, but with the 3rd house of communication activated, you will also be receiving an encouraging message around this time which will make it clear that you made the right (and only) decision you could have made. The transition of Jupiter into fellow fire sign Aries on Dec. 20 should mark the beginning of a very productive period in your life. You may start your own business, become financially independent, or move to a much better neighborhood for you. The positive changes begin in December as you let go of “what might have been” and move into the very real blessings that are waiting for you at the New Moon. This New Moon will be in aspect to Jupiter and will be granting big blessings — more than what you asked for. You could end up getting a very important gift around this time or realize you received a fat discount on something that you had been saving for. By month’s end, the Mercury retrograde will cause a backslide in your energy, but it will not affect your progress. You’re focusing on the future and letting go of being the victim.
Tarotscopes | |5 of Cups — You knew that path wouldn’t work out but it’s still sad. Feel freedom in letting go.
Key Dates: Dec. 1, 8, 13, 20, 23
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
You are in full menace mode, Virgo. You’ve taken care of every little detail ahead of time for the holidays and beyond and you may have started to engineer a full plan to restructure your life in 2023 already. Even if you feel like there’s a lot left to do and you couldn’t possibly be in a good spot, we urge you to consider what your friends’ lives look like right now and admit that you seriously have your shit together. Your patience is admirable: You’ve done a wonderful job of slowly hacking away at the bigger problems that cropped up for you during eclipse season and are turning them around one at a time. The small changes you’ve made are having a big impact at the Full Moon in your 4th house of home and your 10th house of career. The aspects in December show you being pulled back into your hermit cave and tinkering with your home while you deal with work developments that push you to apply yourself. You may be working from home or working out of your home and experiencing a major change in one or both of these areas. Although this influence could manifest as a crisis coming up for your parent or boss, it looks like it could manifest in a more positive way by starting a home renovation or putting an offer in on a house. If you have put in applications, you should hear back about an interview or an offer early this month. At the New Moon in fellow earth sign Capricorn on the 23rd, you’re making a fresh start after a year of being forced behind the scenes to clean things up. You may receive good news about a child in your family or regarding a creative outlet that starts to take off, as your 5th house of fun and children is being emphasized. As Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on the 29th, expect to reconnect with old friends or old flames and revisit an old time in your life over the new year. You are learning that you are still the same person you were, but the lessons have changed you.
Tarotscopes | Knight of Pentacles — You’re on the right track, but you need to give it all you’ve got. It’s a long game.
Key Dates: Dec. 3, 9, 15, 28
Libra (September 23 – October 22):
This month, you might feel especially prone to misunderstandings or miscommunications, and you could find that you’ve overextended yourself several times throughout the month. Don’t fret: You’re an excellent social butterfly, and somehow, you’ll figure out how to shapeshift as necessary and be the right version of yourself in each circumstance. You might end up feeling like you’re being required to twist yourself and show up in multiple spaces at once, but somehow you always end up pulling it off. Just as soon as one crisis appears to be averted, another obstacle appears. The key for you this month is to prioritize rest and self-care. Your health and well-being should be taking center stage, but you’ve got so many irons in the fire that the balancing act becomes exhausting. You, of all the signs, need to remember to take breaks — like real ones, where you totally unplug and allow yourself to reset and recharge. Watch your back as Mars continues to retrograde, activating your 8th house. The past seems to never really pass lately, and old wounds continue to resurface, ultimately forcing you to face them head-on. A certain situation you’ve been avoiding or maybe even inflating in your mind could come to head as your ruling planet, Venus, enters Capricorn on the 9th. It’s time to face the facts and let them be facts. You can twist yourself all throughout space and time, but you cannot, unfortunately, twist anything else — you can’t force people to change, you can’t conform to situations that can’t contain you, and you can’t magically command your wishes to appear, at least not without taking the appropriate actions. Suddenly, by the New Moon in Capricorn, which makes a square to Jupiter, it’ll be very clear to you where you no longer even want to try to fit. Now you just have to do something about it.
Tarotscopes | 6 of Swords — Let yourself move beyond the versions of you that once were but no longer are.
Key Dates: Dec. 9, 21, 23
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
Things seem to be going exactly according to your plans as we enter December. That is, until a little hiccup arises in the form of … other people. If it were up to you, everything would be in order and under control; you could be cool, calm, and collected. But it’s not always up to you, and as usual, not everyone is on the same page with you. You might feel like you’ve been reading ahead and you know all the answers, but some of the pages were stuck together and you’ve missed some key details. The details: feelings. You don’t like to account for other people’s emotions, and sometimes you don’t really understand how volatile your own feelings can be. But while it seems like smooth sailing, you might actually be forcing your way. This month, expect to be confronted with surprising disconnects — you may have been totally oblivious that you weren’t actually in harmony with the situation up until now. As Mercury moves into Capricorn, though, the mirage is becoming clear and it’s time to face reality. While your financial situation may have improved, or a relationship issue seems to have been resolved, you could realize that all is not quiet and the issues are not actually at rest. You could have disagreements about where your money, time, or energy should be spent (with partners, family, leadership, etc.), and by the time Jupiter enters Aries on the 20th, you could feel so disillusioned that it doesn’t really matter (tip: it does, though). For a brief moment, it might feel like nothing matters outside of achieving your goals by any means necessary, but then literally the next day, when the Sun enters Capricorn, the story you’re telling yourself takes on a different tone, and it’s one of reality. If it felt like it didn’t matter how you got there before, it will now. By the end of the month, you’ll realize just now intrinsically entwined other people are in helping you reach your destination.
Tarotscopes | The Devil — don’t let yourself be drawn backwards by your own demons. Pay attention to where you’re being self-destructive.
Key Dates: Dec. 3, 7, 9, 20-23
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
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