Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!

Taylor Bamgbose is a writer, artist, and certified life coach living in Meridian Kessler who works to “support women’s mental and emotional well-being.” In whatever medium she’s working in, her aim is to “help women find more peace, clarity, and connection through the exploration of their inner world.” Turning it over to you, Taylor!
My Maven Superpower is … Intuitive listening. Whether as a coach, or simply as a friend, sister, or wife, I work really hard to hold non-judgmental space for those around me.
A fun fact about me is … When I was little, my dream career was to be a marine biologist. But I was also terrified of sharks and really deep water (even in lakes). It took me a while to realize those things don’t really go together. I think painting in a studio is a much better option for me!
The best book I’ve read lately is … “Network Power: The Science of Making a Difference.”
The skill I most want to learn is … I would love to get better at digital painting on my iPad. It’s a whole different skill set than painting on canvas, but it offers so many exciting possibilities.

My first job was … Working on my grandpa’s farm. He was a crop farmer in Wisconsin and didn’t like to use pesticides, so I worked every summer pulling weeds out of the soybean fields by hand. My grandma called it “building character.”
Self-care habit I swear by is … Practicing gratitude. When I’m anxious, overwhelmed, or fearful, there’s nothing that helps me more than thanking God for his evident faithfulness in my life.
My favorite non-profit to support is … Outreach, Inc.
The best career advice I can offer is … Trying to find your “passion” can feel intimidating and confusing. I think it’s more helpful and straightforward to follow your curiosity. A genuine, eager desire to learn more and improve in a particular area will often lead to long-term engagement and mastery over time.
A purchase I’ve been loving lately is … Not an item, but we recently started investing in a regular house cleaning service. Game changer!
I feel most confident when … I’m living in alignment and integrity. Living out my values and keeping my promises to myself are so much more powerful to my self-esteem than any praise I could receive from someone else.

My favorite local restaurant dish is … Any dish at Vida (especially the ricotta doughnuts for dessert). I’m never disappointed.
The thing I’ve been binging lately is … “Industry.”
A Maven you should know is … Maria Baer.
The thing I’ve achieved lately that I’d like to celebrate with the Maven community is … I recently had a solo art exhibition at Lost Dog Gallery, and it went amazing! Great crowd, great conversations and engagement with my work, and fantastic sales of both prints and original paintings.
What’s next for me is … I want to keep growing my art practice — maybe do some exhibitions in other cities. I also have a dream to bring my interests in art and writing together to create an illustrated coffee table book of essays, or something like that.
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Stephanie Groves is the Executive Editor of Indy Maven.
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