Maven Space

Coworking | Event Venue| Social Club

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Maven, you’re in the right place.

You belong here.

We’re here to support entrepreneurs, remote workers, executives, creatives, dreamers, and doers who crave opportunities to make connections and find the resources they need to get their big ideas off the ground.

Five women sitting at an indoor cafe table talking amongst each other. In the background, bright bold large scale canvas photography shows a women with sunglasses and ring pops on her fingers that glitter.
couches at Maven Space

Find Your Membership


$45/month | $450/year

2 Days a Month

Social Maven

$95/month | $950/year

5 Days a Month

Maven Works

$195/month | $1,950/year

Unlimited Access

Maven Teams

$295/month | $2,950/year

Bring Up to 5 Team Members