Whether you’re new to Indy or a local, follow these foodies to learn about all the best places to get amazing food and drinks in the city – or get inspired to try them again. These women showcase the best that the Midwest has to offer and will definitely leave your mouth watering.
Siblingsthateat is an Instagram account run by Josh Carmichael, who lives in Chicago, and Katey Velgis, who lives in Indy. Together they share delicious food from all over the Midwest. You can also find them on Yelp, Tik Tok, and Facebook.
Their Handle: @siblingsthateat
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Sierra Jackson is a food, drink, and travel blogger in Indy. Sierra’s page features food and drinks for many different local bars and restaurants around the city.
Her Handle: @sierrainthecity
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Lara is a food blogger in Indy known as the informative foodie. Follow this account for photos of tasty local foods and drinks.
Her Handle: @see_do_eat
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Taylor Stewart posts photos of foods and drinks throughout Indy and on her travels. From fries to ramen, Taylor showcases plenty of tasty dishes to try. You can also follow her on Facebook.
Her Handle: @supperinthecity
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Megan Wood posts about food and beverages in Indy, featuring everything from poke to donuts.
Her Handle: @mmm_mmm_wood
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Traci is an Indy native who travels around the city finding the best foods and drinks. Her photos will have you ready to head to the nearest Indy eatery. She also posts on Facebook.
Her Handle: @treatyourselfindy
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Didi Eats Indy is an account created by local blogger Didi. She posts as she explores local restaurants in Indy.
Her Handle: @didieatsindy
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Anita is a food blogger under the name the Estonian foodie who showcases Indy dishes and her own creations and recipes on her account.
Her Handle: @a_totalfoodie317
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Mer and Meg are cousins who share food from Indy and New York. They also feature their own recipes.
Their Handle: @mmsescapades
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Sarah Fugarino lives in Indy and uses her account to feature Midwestern treats in the city.
Her Handle: @foogs_
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Elyse and RC are brunch bloggers. Their account features delicious brunch food from all the best local spots. They love brunch so much they had a brunch wedding! You can also follow them on Facebook.
Their Handle: @indy_brunch_couple
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Bookseatsandbooze is an account run by “a foodie that loves to read.” She posts about and reviews books, food, and booze in Indy and on her travels.
Her Handle: @bookseatsandbooze
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Nikki is a local blogger who reviews restaurants in Indianapolis. Her posts feature the best foods and drinks that Indy has to offer.
Their Handle: @_eatingindianapolis_
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Ellie Allen is Indy Maven’s editorial intern who got extremely hungry writing this story and is excited to try all these amazing dishes.
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