When we read this Vox piece about a study showing that male political reporters are three times more likely to retweet their male colleagues versus fellow female political reporters, we turned into the red-faced angry emojis. The lasting impact of these small actions continues to limit womens’ influence in the political sphere—something we don’t need as we head into the 2020 elections.
We thought a list of great female voices in the local world of politics would come in handy so we can make sure that smart women on both sides of the aisle are heard.
Read on and roar, ladies.
Mary Beth Schneider, editor at The Statehouse File and former IndyStar political reporter
Her Handle: @marybschneider
A Quick Sample:
This stuff happened this year. 2019.
He’s been president since January 2017.
By now he should be experienced.
And if not, why give another four years to a guy incapable of learning the job? https://t.co/6tGSOZpZyv— Mary Beth Schneider (@marybschneider) October 30, 2019
Lara Beck, communications strategist
Her Handle: @beckcomgrp
A Quick Sample:
Watching the debate w my 11 y/o. He has better one-liners than several of the candidates…
— Lara Beck (@beckcomgrp) September 13, 2019
Lindsey Erdody, state government, politics and philanthropy reporter for IBJ
Her Handle: @lerdody
A Quick Sample:
This what political observers had predicted campaign finance reports would show— @MayorJoeForIndy is outraising, outspending @Jim_Merritt by millions of dollars: https://t.co/Ig3f3TgZaJ pic.twitter.com/BuNQlip3mN
— Lindsey Erdody (@lerdody) October 22, 2019
Niki Kelly, state government and politics reporter for the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
Her Handle: @nkellyatJG
A Quick Sample:
Ready for Day 2 of the Curtis Hill disciplinary hearing. pic.twitter.com/uJUFqH0SQH
— Niki Kelly (@nkellyatJG) October 22, 2019
Kaitlin Lange, Carmel, Westfield and 5th Congressional District reporter for IndyStar
Her Handle: @kaitlin_lange
A Quick Sample:
Endorsements are already starting in the 5th District. Yesterday, former Zionsville Mayor Jeff Papa (who works in the Statehouse now) endorsed Kelly Mitchell.
And today, Emily’s List endorsed Christina Hale.
— Kaitlin Lange (@kaitlin_lange) October 29, 2019
Tina Noel, communications specialist
Her Handles: @tinadnoel, @tinanoelpr
A Quick Sample:
University of Notre Dame hosting its first presidential debate in 2020 https://t.co/yydLv5z7c1 via @cbs4indy
— Tina Noel PR (@tinanoelPR) October 12, 2019
Ebony Chappel, writer and host of “Eye on the Community” on HOT 96.3 FM
Her Handle: @ebonythewriter
A Quick Sample:
Started out the day at the Indiana Commission for the Social Status of Black Males sharing donation education and the story of Steve “Big Steve” McElvene – a young man who became a donor hero. Thank you to ICSSBM for the partnership. #LeaveALegacy @INDonorNetwork @DonateLifeIOPO pic.twitter.com/jkbD92up9j
— ebony marie chappel (@ebonythewriter) October 29, 2019
Tatjana Rebelle, activist and founder of VOCAB
Her Handle: @tatjanarebelle
A Quick Sample:
So y’all disappointed in people speaking the truth and not that 10 Points Coalition is taking money from programs that ACTUALLY work on gun violence within communties? https://t.co/Mjei2x4yHt
— Tatjana Rebelle (@tatjanarebelle) May 10, 2019
Shannon Mears, attorney and chair of HOOSIER WOMEN FORWARD
Her Handle: @mears_shannon
A Quick Sample: She’s a great retweeter!
Congratulations to our HWF alumna @arielle_moyee on her new position! We are so proud and excited for her as she continues to lead Indiana forward. https://t.co/nhIvdyFan6
— Hoosier Women Forward (@inwomenforward) October 3, 2019
Courtney Arango, communications specialist
Her Handle: @courtneyarango
A Quick Sample:
Great perspective, @SherinaEdwards #WIE2019 https://t.co/1GYUeZvVCT
— Courtney M. Arango (@CourtneyArango) October 30, 2019
Leigh Riley Evans, community builder and City-County Council candidate in the 9th District
Her Handle: @LeighRileyEvans
A Quick Sample:
Need a ride to your job interview? @lyft can help. #equityandaccess https://t.co/yeHt9paYML
— LeighRileyEvans (@LeighRileyEvans) October 26, 2019
Rima Shahid, Executive Director of WOMEN4CHANGE INDIANA
Her Handle: @rimashahid
A Quick Sample:
I wish #Indiana would take notice and do the same. With the bicentennial of the #19ammendment right around the corner it is essential that we memorialize women the same way we have done for men. #suffrage #vote #monument https://t.co/M5gM7jIAaL
— Rima Shahid (@rimashahid) October 24, 2019
Cynthia Morraz, community volunteer
Her Handle: @cynthiamraz
A Quick Sample:
Thank you @inwomenforward for a wonderful event
.@TiffanyDCross not only called out folks but made a call to action to everyone in the room : make sure the people u hire reflects the community u are serving
I am grateful to be surrounded my inspiring women #WomenInPolitics pic.twitter.com/fJF6tiz1vD
— cynthia morraz (@cynthiamraz) September 20, 2019
Erin Macey, Senior Policy Analyst at Indiana Institute for Working Families
Her Handle: @Erin_INWorkFams
A Quick Sample:
The last policy brief in our #inclusive, thriving workforce series comes out this Thursday – on Halloween, because at $2.13 per hour, the tipped minimum wage in Indiana is scary low.
Catch up on the series here: https://t.co/KwqgcGvy5b #wagegap #equalpay #endpoverty pic.twitter.com/EqWvn8nCtW
— Erin Macey (@Erin_INWorkFams) October 30, 2019
Elise Shrock, self-described political comms wonk
Her Handle: @eliseshrock
A Quick Sample:
If you know @arielle_moyee, you know she does the most. Love, love this feature on her as a community organizer, @IndianaYoungDem leader, dynamic black Latina woman in politics and working mother of two of my favorite little bookworms. We ❤️ you A! And we couldn’t be more proud. https://t.co/xmNkXumSeX
— Elise Shrock (@EliseShrock) October 25, 2019
Abby Gardner is the Executive Editor of Indy Maven and a freelance writer. She fully admits she both loves Twitter and also recognizes it may be taking years off her life. You can follow her @abbygardner.