5 Questions With Amanda Seibert, Author and Founder of “Mama, Sing My Song”

Born out of a tune to soothe her own fussy baby, Amanda Seibert has channeled her musical talents into a thriving business and new book called “Mama, Sing My Song.”
Mama Sing My Song Cover

5 Questions with Stephanie Groves is an ongoing series featuring local women doing interesting things that we’d like to know more about. Want to be featured? Email us at editorial@indymaven.com.

Amanda Seibert
Amanda Seibert

Amanda Seibert is the founder and “original mama” of Mama, Sing My Song, a company that creates personalized songs and lullabies for thousands of kids all over the world. Expanding upon her company’s mission to celebrate the diversities of each child through song, Seibert’s debut children’s book, “Mama, Sing My Song: A Sweet Melody of God’s Love for Me,” will be released on Tuesday, Sept. 27.  

Seibert lives in Indianapolis with her husband and three children, and Indy Maven caught up with her to learn more about her company and the upcoming book launch. 

You are the owner and founder of Mama, Sing My Song. Can you explain a bit about what your company offers? 

Absolutely! At Mama, Sing My Song, we take a parent’s huge, unending love for their child and all the wonderful qualities that make a child so unique, and we turn it all into a personalized song just for that child. Mamas are saying that our personalized songs are the sweetest gift they have ever received/given their children, and we hear stories every day of how these songs are impacting lives in deep and meaningful ways. It’s truly an honor to be a part of it! 

How did you get the idea to create personal songs and lullabies? 

When I first became a mom, I made up a little song to soothe my fussy baby, and it worked! I sang the song over and over until she recognized it as her own song, and she’d say, “Mama, sing my song!” Soon I started making up songs for nieces, nephews, and friends, until one day, someone across the country whom I’d never met reached out and said, “I hear you write songs for kids; can I hire you to write songs for mine?”  

From there, things kind of took off, and four years later, we have a team of professional songwriters and musicians, writing and recording songs for thousands of kids around the world! 

I never would have dreamed we’d be here, but every day I feel so grateful to be using my gifts in a way that brings joy and meaningful connection to families and reminds children of just how special and loved they are.

In addition to your successful business, you are now the author of a children’s book. When and why did you decide to write the book? 

Mama Sing My Song CoverFor the past four years, our company has been creating personalized songs for children around the world to remind them how loved and treasured they are. In so many ways, this book is simply an extension of what we’ve already been doing. It’s a song for every child reminding them of the wonderful person they were created to be and just how much they are loved! 

The book “Mama, Sing My Song” celebrates every child’s unique and wonderful qualities. Why was that an important theme to explore for you, and what advice would you give parents to help affirm the wonderful qualities they see in their children? 
Amanda Seibert
Amanda Seibert

I believe that every child is uniquely created and that the words we speak over our little ones can shape them for years to come. As parents, we have the incredible privilege of helping our kids form their identities — the things they believe about themselves — through the words we speak to them. 

My advice is to intentionally look for the unique and wonderful qualities you see in your child, and then speak (or sing!) it over them. Our words are so powerful! 

One of my favorite features of “Mama, Sing My Song” is that there are dedication pages inside the cover for parents to fill with affirming words for their children. I hope these pages will give parents an opportunity to pause and think about their child’s wonderful qualities, and that these handwritten words of love will be treasured for years to come.

What do you hope that readers will take away from your book? 

My hope is that the truths of this book will sink deep into many young hearts, and that years down the road as our kids make big decisions and wrestle with who our culture says they should be, that this song will be stuck in their heads in the most wonderful way always reminding them of who they are and how much they are loved.

Stephanie Groves is the Executive Editor of Indy Maven and she and her daughter love singing songs together.

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