Maria Baer, Residential Organizer at The Baer Minimalist, is a powerhouse when it comes to getting your life in order. She works with a variety of clients with all sorts of needs, and on October 27, she’ll be sharing wisdom with our Indy Maven community at Indiana Design Center. To learn more about Maria’s interests and life as a professional organizer, we caught up with her in advance of the upcoming meetup.
What made you decide to make the switch from your previous career path to starting your own business?
For as long as I can remember, I had dreamt of starting a business fueled by a passion of mine that could be my full-time gig. Over the years, I always had some sort of side hustle: accompanying on the piano throughout high school and college, creating jewelry for my former Etsy shop, selling acorns for 5 cents apiece with my childhood neighbor—you know, legit side hustles.
Organizing was always a passion of mine. From 2015 – 2017, I worked for a tech start-up and got to see how organizations grow from the ground up. I felt like I had a strong understanding of marketing and sales from that role and previous roles I had held, and thought, why not try? It certainly has taken a lot of relentless drive, but I’m so proud of the business I’ve built over the last four years.
What is a common concern among your client base?
There are so many obstacles that might lead someone to a professional organizer—everything from a pending move or renovation to a packed schedule, to just feeling stuck with progress on a particular project.
I think the most common thing I hear from clients is the question, “Is this the worst you’ve ever seen?” People are curious where they fall on the scale, but the beautiful thing about having an organizer involved is that it will only get better from here. We’re like another you, only one with zero distractions.
What types of clients do you work with — Singles? Parents? Businesses?
I have such a wide range of clients, from 20-somethings settling into their first apartments, to busy families trying to make sense of it all, and even a few corporate clients sprinkled in. Every day and every project is so different, which is something I absolutely adore about this line of work.
How often do you meet with each of your clients?
It ranges quite a bit! Some clients reach out for a very specific project and we meet a few times and knock it out. For others, I have the privilege of meeting with them on a monthly or quarterly basis and we go room by room until their entire home has been edited and organized. And then we start over again…because you’re never really quite finished. Or at least that’s the case in my house.
The Baer Minimalist has grown substantially this year! What are your big dreams for the organization?
Such a fun question and one I spend quite a bit of time thinking on and dreaming about. I’ve got a great group of assistant organizers and we are all looking forward to what TBM could grow into once certain things are in the rear-view mirror (See ya, COVID!)
As the holidays approach, many of us have holiday decorations on our minds. What suggestions do you have for aspiring minimalists who also have an itch for all things festive?
If you’re an aspiring minimalist, then the best thing you can do is to bring the outside in. Grab some pine cones, evergreen, and twigs and go to town. The best part is, you don’t have to pack up and store these items from year to year.
Can you give us a sneak peek of the tips you’ll be sharing with us later this month at Indiana Design Center?
Yes, we will talk about everything from decor, to gift wrap, to staying on top of all. the. things! Basically, all of my favorite topics. And if anyone has a specific holiday-related question, message me on Instagram! I want to tailor this to all of the Mavens!
We are so excited to hear Maria’s tips on Wednesday, October 27 at 6 p.m. at Indiana Design Center. Register today to join us! Tickets are $20 for non-members and free for members using the discount code found in the monthly member email.
The Monthly Maven Meetup series gives Indy Maven members the opportunity to connect, laugh, learn, and vent each month. The events are free to members and $20 for nonmembers to attend. Members: Check your email inbox or the Facebook group for the special discount code to register for this event for free. Not yet a member? Become one today!