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Andi Robinson is a Content Strategy Consultant at her company Hijinx Marketing. A Central Indy resident since the mid-1970s, she grew up on the South Side before moving to the Center Grove area after college. After a career in juvenile justice and social services, Andi switched to working in marketing and for past 15 years has worked at a number of Indy-area companies, including Eli Lilly and Corteva Agriscience. In November of 2022, she left Corteva and started working freelance, helping small- and medium-sized businesses with their content and social media needs. In September of 2022, she published a book on content marketing called The Content Puzzle. Starting in the Fall of 2023, she’ll be an Adjunct Faculty member at the Lacy School of Business at Butler University. Andi has been married to her husband Rick for 25 years and has two sons: Cam is 24 and Cody is 22. Tell us more, Andi!
My Maven Superpower is … organization
Best book I’ve read lately is … Everybody Writes by Ann Handley
Self-care habit I swear by … sleep
My first job was … a sales associate at Jean Nicole at Greenwood Park Mall.
The best career advice I can offer is … follow your heart, do what you love.
I feel most confident when … the sun is shining.
My favorite local restaurant dish is … not super local, but the Triple B Burger from Emporium 109 in Ladoga.
The thing I’ve been binging lately is … Law & Order reruns.
A fun fact about me is … I am color blind.
The skill I most want to learn is … there are so many crafts that I want to try…quilling, resin pouring, and designing in clay.
A Maven you should know is … Jenna Kienle
What’s next for you? What can we expect to see over the next few years? Since I just recently started to freelance full-time, I will be adding to my client list over the next few years. I will be participating in more local business events, and I am in the process of writing a young adult novel.
Do you have any passion projects? I have a number of creative side gigs. I design and sell notebooks with unique interiors on Amazon. I have an Etsy store where I sell items related to office humor. I like to be creative in general and have designed everything from watch faces to phone backgrounds. You can find links to everything here.
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