We did it, ladies. Another year—actually another decade—is in the books. As we look back on 2019, we’d be remiss if we didn’t say that our launch will be one of the things we remember most fondly—along with the amazing new friends we’ve made because of it. Thank you to all of you, our Mavens, for your support and inspiration.
But there are so many other important events, accomplishments, and, yes, some setbacks that we won’t soon forget either. Here are some of the moments that stood out to us, and our ever-growing Indy Maven community:
Three local women wanted to make a point that Indy’s music scene isn’t all “white guys with guitars,” so they hosted the wildly successful WOO GRL Fest in April. (IndyStar)
Aleesia Johnson was named the 33rd superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools. She’s also the first African-American woman to lead IPS. (WFYI)
The Irish started fighting like a girl when—for the first time in its storied history—Notre Dame’s famous leprechaun is a woman: Lynette Wukie. (IndyStar)
The mysterious, male-only Antelope Club on North Delaware Street just started letting women in seven years ago. Now, one—Ashley Miller— is its president. (IndyStar)
The Indiana Clothesline Project launched and will be touring the state for the next year in an effort to raise awareness of sexual assault. (Indy Maven)
The debates around a woman’s right to choose, including abortion consent laws for minors, and a law that requires abortion providers to bury or cremate fetal remains, continued. Women 4 Change is a great follow for updates on the latest cases and developments. (Women 4 Change)
The NBA’s first female assistant GM, Kelly Krauskopf of the Pacers, kicked off her first full year on the job. (IndyStar)
Zionsville elected its first female mayor, Emily Styron, in November. (Zionsville Monthly)
IU professor Eric Rasmusen made national headlines with his disparaging remarks about women, gay men, and people of color on social media. But female business students at the university turned it into a fundraising moment by selling sweatshirts that read “Female Genius” and “Support Women in Academia”. (IndyStar)
Women continued to make headway in male dominated fields, like law enforcement. Catherine Cummings serves as the first female major of the IMPD’s investigations division. (IndyStar)
The U.S. Women’s National Team dominated at the World Cup—and furthered the conversation about the wage gap in the process by refusing to just “shut up and play.” (ESPN)
A Swedish teen named Greta Thunberg became the face of the fight against climate change—and inspired the world in the process. Her speech at the United Nations was something we won’t soon forget, nor should we. (PBS)
It shouldn’t have taken this long, but the first all-female spacewalk finally happened this fall. (Glamour)
“I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar,” Period. End of Sentence. That’s what director Rayka Zehtabchi said of her big win on Hollywood’s biggest stage. We couldn’t either, but it was awesome. PS: You can watch it on Netflix. (Oscars YouTube)
Abby Gardner, Indy Maven’s executive editor, is simply hoping 2020 brings more highs than lows.