Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!
Caroline Dowd-Higgins is a speaker, executive coach, podcast host, and author who has dedicated her career to empowering women to thrive in life and career. Using a strengths-based approach, she works with leaders and organizations to help them achieve their personal best, honoring their authenticity and wellbeing. Providing actionable solutions to workplace challenges, Caroline helps leaders discover the meaning, purpose, and power in their work through coaching, training and development, writing, and public speaking.
My Maven Superpower is …Empowering women to play to their strengths, so they can enjoy their careers and love their lives!
Best book I’ve read lately is …Hidden Potential by Adam Grant.
Self-care habit I swear by …Pure Barre workouts 5 days a week.
My first job was …Waiting tables in a diner.
The best career advice I can offer is …Don’t worry about what other people are thinking about you – chances are they are focusing on themselves.
A purchase I’ve been loving lately is …My new Monos suitcase for travel.
I feel most confident when …I’m playing to my strengths and in a power outfit.
My favorite local restaurant dish is …sushi.
A fun fact about me is …I used to be a professional opera singer.
The skill I most want to learn is …How to cook – or maybe not!
A Maven you should know is … Kristen Moreland – she is a brilliant badass woman entrepreneur.
My favorite nonprofit to support is …Dress for Success and Constellation Stage & Screen.
What have you achieved recently that you’d like to celebrate with our community? My global podcast, Your Working Life is now heard in 34 countries!
What’s next for you? What can we expect to see over the next few years? I am ramping up my national public speaking practice.
I feel most myself when … When I am on stage delivering a talk that empowers people to live their best lives.
My “must have” product is …Vitamin C facial serum.
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