Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!

Stephanie Grabow is a former charity executive and political junkie who took a mid-life turn to follow her passion for empowering women and combined it with her love of “WOW style.” As the owner of Stephanie Grabow Style +, she is a personal color analyst and style coach who teaches women how to “show up with confidence to create their impact.” A native Southerner who married a Hoosier with deep roots, Stephanie and her husband have a 16-year-old son that she says is going to “make Indiana proud someday.” She also shares that her personal motto is: “Be brave. Be loud about the things that are important to you. Take a stand and look cute doing it.” Over to you, Stephanie!
My Maven Superpower is … Tenacity. When I’m working on a problem, I stay with it until I wear it down or wear it out.
A fun fact about me is … As a kid, I was a competitive baton twirler, and my favorite high school football halftime trick was to twirl fire batons on the 50-yard line. That’ll draw a crowd. 😄
The skill I most want to learn is … Speaking Spanish. I speak a little bit, but becoming better able to have a solid conversation is something that I really crave so that I can connect with the native Spanish speakers in our community.
The best book I’ve read lately is … “Going There” by Katie Couric.
My first job was … Working in my family’s gift shop. I wrapped gifts at the holidays.
My favorite nonprofit to support is … Moms Demand Action. Their work to reduce gun violence is literally saving lives every day.
Self-care habit I swear by is … Yoga. And a heaping spoonful of peanut butter every day.
I feel most confident when … I show up in a room looking pulled together. Then, I’m able to direct my energy into creating meaningful connections and interactions, and not waste my focus worrying about whether my bra strap is hanging out, or if my dress is too frumpy.
The best career advice I can offer is … 1. Always show up in service. 2. Never quit on a bad day.
Favorite purchase lately is … This new clothes steamer has made the chore of getting the wrinkles out of clothes so much easier!
My favorite local restaurant dish is … Acai Bowl at Cafe Patachou.
The thing I’ve been binging lately is … “Workin’ Moms” on Netflix. Moms who work, and swear. They’re my kind of people.
A Maven you should know is … Shaunt’e Lewis.
The thing I’ve achieved lately that I’d like to celebrate with the Maven community is … Launching Stephanie Grabow Style + in early 2022, and then having the business exceed our projections so quickly, has been a confirmation that women in Central Indiana are hungry for these services. Watching our clients create their impact on the community has been mind-blowing in the best way.
What’s next for me is … I’m preparing to launch a new suite of services to provide style coaching to women through a virtual platform. The ability to help women in other cities and towns elevate their impact is so exciting!
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Stephanie Groves is the Executive Editor of Indy Maven.
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