Indy Maven Coronavirus Resource Guide: Parenting and Kids

It's not easy to keep the tiny humans and young minds busy/educated/entertained, especially if you're working from home at the same time.
a child coloring with crayons

Indy Maven is nothing without our amazing community and to that end we want to be a resource for you as we all navigate our new world amid the coronavirus pandemic. Whether you’re navigating school and business closures, managing life while working from home, or social distancing, we’re here with info on how you can help Indianapolis businesses and what new services companies are offering in this ever-changing landscape. Click here for our main resource page with links to guides in different categories

While it’s only been a few days at home with kids, for many it feels like it’s been months. It’s not easy to keep the tiny humans and young minds busy/educated/entertained, especially if you’re working from home at the same time.

Our best advice: Be easy on yourself (and them), take deep breaths. and check out some of the options below.


The trained and dedicated staff at Girls Inc. of Greater Indianapolis has created a resource page with strong, smart, and bold activities for girls, arranged by age group, to access remotely. The activity lists can be easily downloaded as printable PDFs.


Ready to mix up arts and crafts time? Pottery by You and More is offering To-Go-Go kits featuring all items needed to paint a ceramic piece or wood sign at home via delivery and pick up (for items using glaze that need to be fired in the kiln). 


The Children’s Museum is closed but there are plenty of ways to experience it at home from story time online, Facebook LIVE chats with experts, experiments with science educators, warm-ups with Riley Children’s Health Sports Legends Experience® coaches and more. You can stay up to date on the latest across their social media accounts and using the hashtag #museumathome.

Coronavirus moms

What do this lawyer, teacher, and doctor all have in common? They’re the three moms living on the northside of Indianapolis behind the new website They’re blogging daily about things you can do with your kids, e-learning tips, art projects, schedules and more all with a healthy (errr?) dose of humor, too. 


Our friends over at The City Moms are hard at work putting together a resource list for you. Stay tuned for a link coming soon!


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Does anyone else feel like they’re looking at life from inside a glass bubble? At Day 5️⃣ of Social Distancing, it’s really starting to ring true for our CityMoms, and we know for you too. Many of our favorite spots like @goldfish_carmel have closed. We’re hearing the at-home struggle of our members attempting to homeschool/work remotely/be isolated to a house with family day after day/miss their fave places/be in the ‘normal.’ Normal is coming again our loves. ➡️ This too shall pass. It will be rugged and rough and challenging but it will pass. Already we’re also hearing of the resurrection of family game nights and book-reading and snuggling on the SAME COUCH together. We’re hearing of the community banding together to provide food + support to small business + neighbors. WE SEE YOU INDIANA. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP. In the meantime here’s how we’ll be doing our part ➡️ theCityMoms’ team is quickly mobilizing a key virtual effort to take of YOU, momma. We know there are plenty o’ resources available to entertain the kids and fitness vids to squeeze into your precious free time. But theCityMoms has forever been focused on the women – the moms! ‍♀️ – we serve and we’re building out a platform to do that even more. Stay tuned. In the meantime, to our fave places: We miss you. We still you. Keep us posted how we can be here for you. We’ll see you soon. Xoxo, theCityMoms

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Sarah Mattingly, who runs The Creative Corner art studio for kids, is posting lots of fun projects on Instagram to do with your kiddos while they’re home from school.


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#createwhileyouisolate Great older artist idea!!

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Co-parenting can be difficult under the best of circumstances but things are all the more complicated now. Church Church Hittle + Antrim Attorneys at Law shared this handy list of recommendations to navigate divorce and co-parenting during this time.

Leslie Bailey is Indy Maven‘s CEO and Editor-in-Chief. Her new co-worker is 2 years-old and recently invented a game called “Hugs and Tickles” but pronounces it “Hugsntinglez”.

This post may be updated as new information becomes available. 

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