Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
January 2025 Overview
I feel like we always want to start the year with this incredible resolve and great momentum, but things don’t always go as planned, and we tend to forget that winter is a time for rest. We are meant to slow down, and things are supposed to be less rushed, but each year, without fail, we try to put the pedal to the metal and force our will. We stretch ourselves to the max and wish for dramatic, drastic life changes that, more often than not, are unrealistic and unattainable.
Last month, I ended this column by mentioning using the black moon on November 30th to prepare for change. I said something about staying committed to making the changes necessary to reach goals… and then I said this:
“As you’re setting goals for 2025, remember that you don’t have to push yourself to the extreme just to keep your momentum. Things can fall into place without any effort.”
Well, it’s a good thing that little effort will be required because, for most of us, little motivation is coming through this month. Mars, our planet of action, is already retrograde and moves into Cancer on the 6th, giving us all a break from emotional impulsivity and promising to bring lessons that require patience. In other words, you might feel emotional but are more likely to lack the motivation or impulse to react. Instead, you might feel totally at a loss when finding a response to challenges.
As we move into a new year, it’s easier to find respite and take comfort in the cozier things. Take a step back from commitments and be gentler with yourself as you set intentions for 2025. Try not to stretch yourself too far. Instead, aim for attainable goals and try to keep your feet on the ground, rather than ” becoming a millionaire” this year or forcing yourself into becoming a morning person—or worse, a gym person.
Meanwhile, with Venus having entered dreamy Pisces on the 2nd, things feel more ethereal and romantic, perhaps making it harder to stay realistic. Ain’t it a bitch? Isn’t that just the way it always goes? On the one hand, you feel equipped to make realistic goals… But then, on the other hand, you had a very strange dream last night that gave you a harebrained idea that will help you get rich quickly, and shouldn’t you take action since it came to you in a dream? Is this a premonition, or is January just not that exciting?
Don’t fret. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th, bringing more clarity to communication. This should make it easier to sift through thoughts and ideas than when Mercury was retrograde like it was last month. Capricorn has a reputation for being pragmatic and practical, so again, realistic goals are not only favored but they’re much more likely to be achieved.
Magic is always on its way, but you can bet on it this month since the North Node (often called the point of destiny) is settling into Pisces on the 11th. It’s been a long time since the North Node was stationed in Pisces–the last time was 2006!
This placement is sure to bring up unresolved themes and lessons from the past. Consider what was going on in your life and in the world in 2006. Where in your life might you still (or again) be experiencing the lessons from that period? For example, it was 2006 when I decided that maybe I needed to take some time off from school before committing to it. Maybe there is another major commitment I need to step back from for similar reasons. Whatever this looks like for you, be sure to hold space for love and empathy for yourself. Be honest, gentle, and open to receiving messages so that you can make peace with these things, and perhaps, over the next 18 months, they can be healed.
This month’s Full Moon is on the 13th in Cancer, landing close to Mars, bringing up feelings of impatience. Attention is drawn to the parts of you that feel an insistent, compelling need to drive things forward. Full Moons, luckily, provide an outlet for release. When the impulse to push comes up for you, meet it with gentleness, and if you can, let it go. Lean into these feelings and accept where you are right now; they are impermanent.
Important dates this month:
- Jan 2—Venus enters Pisces
- Jan 6—Mars Rx enters Cancer
- Jan 8—Mercury enters Capricorn
- Jan 11—North Node phases into Pisces
- Jan 13—Full Moon in Cancer
- Jan 19—Sun enters Aquarius
- Jan 27—Mercury enters Aquarius
- Jan 29—New Moon in Aquarius
BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
Relationships could be on the line this month, and it’s up to you how things go. You are responsible for communicating and advocating for yourself (or others, when appropriate). You are being given the gift of charm and charisma this month, with Venus falling in your 3rd house of communication. The connections you make are powerful and deep this month, and it would be a good time to connect with family, especially siblings and cousins. Mars retrograde forces you to slow down, as your attention is drawn to your relationships instead. This can also lead to miscommunications, so stay aware of any missteps you make. If there is a misunderstanding, you hold all the power to make things right.
Tarotscopes | Ace of Swords: Put yourself out there and share your desires with the world. You won’t get what you won’t ask for.
Famous Capricorn: Dolly Parton, January 19
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
The potential for a positive shift in your financial wellness is strong this month. Reflect on your relationship with money and consider your longer-term financial goals. What makes you feel safe and secure? Amplify it and look for the cracks. If there are situations in your life that cause you to make decisions that don’t support your goals, perhaps it’s time to reconsider them.
Tarotscopes | 4 of Pentacles: It’s time to buckle down, be mindful of how you spend your money, and pay attention to what that means energetically.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
You are absolutely sparkling and magnetic this month as you draw in opportunities to share your best qualities. Venus is encouraging you to beautify your life. For you, that might mean redecorating your space or expressing yourself creatively. It could also be a nudge to allow yourself to shine and show off a bit.
Tarotscopes | The Magician: You have everything you need to attract everything you want. Use your tools wisely.
Aries (March 21 – April 19):
This month, you might feel a little insecure and unsure of where you stand. Lean on your closest connections to talk things through and be honest. Don’t hold yourself back, because that only leads to more uncertainty. The feelings that come up this month are meant to strengthen your belief in who you are. You are building a stronger version of yourself, and all of this will pay off exponentially when it comes to how you feel about yourself.
Tarotscopes | 5 of Swords: To be stronger, you have to face the parts of yourself that don’t feel all that strong.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
Opportunities are showing up for you, but you must be bold enough to reach out for them. Don’t let things you want pass you by just because you are too afraid to say that you want them. It might be time to step out of your comfort zone and publicly share a passion. Sharing your dreams is what attracts them to you. It could be hard to find the words, and if so, find another way to express feelings.
Tarotscopes | 7 of Cups: The world is yours. But only if you reach out and grab it.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
When it comes to your work, you know your worth, but you may not feel like your efforts are always seen by those around you. Stand up for yourself this month and be bold enough to be seen. These feelings could be tied to something deeper, and as they stir things up within, pay attention. Are you feeling insecure because of something you are doing, or is something going on externally? Things feel off, but they’ll right themselves soon, especially if you find ways to communicate your worth.
Tarotscopes | 4 of Swords: You feel incapable of being seen right now. Take a break from needing external validation.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
You feel connected to all things, and all things feel connected. This month, new experiences bring you closer to achieving your goals, so try new things and be open to your vulnerability. It feels like you’re looking at a hologram or through a kaleidoscope right now. Things look and feel different depending on how you approach them. Review and rediscover how things make you feel. Reinvent yourself.
Tarotscopes | Page of Swords: Put yourself out there and be open to not knowing what will happen.
Leo (July 23 – August 22):
You are being drawn internally for good reason. This is not your normal speed, but prioritizing your innermost emotional needs will do you so much good. The things you feel sentimental about and deeply connected to may be a mystery to even you, but pushing past the strangeness of these feelings to reflect upon them will bring you a deeper understanding of what is most important to you. For now, an examination of your vulnerability is a requirement.
Tarotscopes | The Hierophant: Focus on what you feel most connected to, whether it’s a major departure for you or this is a place you’ve visited in the past.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
This month, find ways to align with your closest allies. Nurturing your deepest relationships–romantic, platonic, professional, or otherwise–is guaranteed to bring you closer to what you want out of life. As we enter this year, you will find balance and purpose through your connections as they reveal how you want to be perceived and what you can do to make it so.
Tarotscopes | The Empress: You feel empowered and nourished by putting that same energy out into the world. Take care of what you love, and you will be taken care of.
Libra (September 23 – October 22):
Your health, routines, and responsibilities are being highlighted this month, and cultivating healthy habits will make you feel more like yourself than you have in a long time. It’s necessary for you to take stock of where your energy is being spent, and focusing on what makes you feel best is sure to expose it. Are you putting tons of energy into an unfulfilling career or relationship? Are you deferring wellness for instant gratification? Why? It’s time for an overhaul.
Tarotscopes | 4 of Wands: Your task is to cultivate a beautiful sanctuary, both internally and externally. How do you need to be taken care of?
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
This month, you’re being asked to focus on playfulness and creativity. This might not always appeal to you, but approaching life lightheartedly will make you feel closest to yourself right now. How can you express yourself creatively, play with your inner child, and honor who you are without judging yourself? Go on adventures and try new things without feeling stupid about it. Silliness is good for you, so be silly, even if it feels uncomfortable. WWBMD? What would baby me do?
Tarotscopes | The Fool: Nothing is as it seems, but that’s a good thing because it means you can choose how you perceive it.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):
You are tying up loose ends, even if it’s just for the sake of not having loose ends lying around in your life. This month, it feels like you’re focusing meticulously on the little details, and that’s a great thing if it clears space in your life for you to reach your biggest goals. But are you hiding from something? Is cleaning the baseboards with a toothbrush a distraction from feeling your feelings? The little details are not a substitute for loved ones. Avoiding intimacy takes you further from yourself and where you’re trying to go.
Tarotscopes | Knight of Swords: You can’t force your way into feeling good if you avoid opening up to goodness.
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
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