Maven to Know: Amanda Dawson

Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!
Maven to Know: Amanda Dawson

Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!

Amanda Dawson has been in the financial services industry for 28 years and currently serves as the market leader for PNC Organizational Financial Wellness in Indiana. In her role, she leads a team of bankers dedicated to helping employers enhance benefits for their employees. In particular, connecting today’s multigenerational workforce to solutions to ease their financial stress and focus on financial wellness – from student debt solutions, retirement options to maximizing health and benefit accounts. 

Amanda DawsonMy Maven Superpower is …transparency 

Best book I’ve read lately is …the Bible

Self-care habit I swear by …walking at least 30 minutes a day.

My first job was …Dairy Queen in the Greenwood Park Mall.

The best career advice I can offer is …be passionate, get involved and have a mentor. 

A purchase I’ve been loving lately is …my heated throw blanket.  

My favorite local restaurant dish is …hibachi chicken from Kumo.

The thing I’ve been binging lately is …Hell’s Kitchen

A fun fact about me is …completed my first half marathon in 2020.

The skill I most want to learn is

How to knit. Something I have always wanted to learn and think it would be a great way to unwind and relax, while doing something productive.

A Maven you should know is

April Perkins, owner of HotLox Hair Studio and Brow Magic PMU

My favorite nonprofit to support is

Wheeler Mission because they provide critical Christian-centered programs and services for individuals in our community experiencing homelessness and those in need. For several years, I have supported the organization with financial donations and also collecting donated essential items such as clothing, toiletries and other basic necessities to improve quality of life for individuals and their families. 

What’s next for you? What can we expect to see over the next few years?

I hope to continue advancing opportunities for businesses to grow and succeed in the region, in particular in how I can excel in offering financial wellness in the workplace.  As a market leader, I will continue to put my passion to work as I look to collaborate with employers to help them reduce workforce financial stress for their employees. I also have my eye on becoming more involved as a volunteer with a few local non-profit organizations in our community.

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