The Top 10 Things That Saved My Life This Year

And 30 other things that made the list.
What's Saving My Life Right Now, Leslie Bailey, CEO Indy Maven with a headshot of Leslie Bailey in a small circle in bottom left

Leslie Bailey
Credit: Polina Osherov for PATTERN

In January, I was inspired by Kendra Adachi aka the The Lazy Genius, who was inspired by Barbara Brown Taylor, to start a quarterly “What’s Saving My Life” list. Over the years, I’ve done my own versions of this but couldn’t find the right cadence or approach. This felt right—and so it began. Reviewing my lists from 2024 was an interesting way to look back at the year. Some items were fun and simple. Others quite literally kept me alive, seeing me through dark periods like the passing of my mother-in-law and several bouts of depression. But I still stand by all of them. From books to life hacks, services, and products (in no particular order), here are the top 10 things that saved my life in 2024.

1. Apple Watch 

I was late to the game and I didn’t understand the hype. I even bought a refurbished one thinking it would be something I’d try for a bit and move on from but oh, was I wrong. My watch helps to keep me both organized (more on this later) and active. I love it and that annoys me but it’s the truth.

2. The Indianapolis Public Library 

Why it took me so long to embrace the library I do not know, but I’m close to my goal of reading 40 books this year (I won’t hit it but I’m happy with my number) and I couldn’t have done so without it. I love popping in to pick up a book on hold when I’m in a hurry, dropping by solo for some rare free time, or taking my kids—I just got my 6-year-old his first card, too.

3. HerMD

When I went into HerMD in Carmel with some general health concerns this summer (your typical peri-menopause adjacent fun), I knew they’d stick with me until we found answers. A few months later, I’m thrilled to say that working with their team, I feel better than I have in years! I cannot recommend or thank them enough.


4. Daily Walks

Libraries, walks…it appears the simple things have illuded me in previous years but I’m glad to have them in my life now. I love walks. Walks around my neighborhood, walking in cute little towns, walks with my family, walks with my dogs, walks in the mountains…wait, we call this hiking – see below.

5. Sedona 

In addition to “walking” I picked up “hiking” this year. It’s in quotes because it was more like I got hiking boots and took some walks in the woods…until my friend Olivia and I went to Sedona, Arizona where she proceeded to take me on an absurdly long hike for someone who keeps using “hiking” in quotes unnecessarily. Anyway, it was a really special trip I’ll never forget.

6. “The Plan”

Did you know 93% of time management books are written by men but 70% of time management books are consumed by women? This is why “The Plan,” written by you know who (I’ve GOT to stop talking about this woman), is revolutionary. I look at so many things in my life differently since reading this book.

7. iPhone Reminders and Digital Calendar

Thanks to Kelly Nolan I now put all sorts of things on my calendar from the obvious like a lunch hour and exercise but also sneaky things like showering and driving that take time but we somehow don’t account for in our precious waking hours. I also heavily utilize adding new reminders to my calendar and the reminders app itself. I’m not forgetting things less but I now have systems in place to make sure they still happen. Magic!

A photo of Renee Pillow for a health and wellness trends story

8. Strength Training 

Between weekly sessions with Rachel Lacey at Maven Space, a few sessions at F.I.T. with Renee, and Peloton sessions at home, I’ve gotten into strength training this year. It’s great and empowering. Every woman should do it. No really – benefits include improved bone density, better sleep, improved balance and mobility, decreases your chance of falling but also the ability to get up if you do, weight management, and so so so much more. Like opening tricky jars.

9. Air Fryer

Where was this thing all my life? I have a Breville Smart Oven, which I do love with the exception of the the air fryer. It doesn’t crisp anything up so I couldn’t understand the hype around actual air fryers until I tried one. Similar to the Apple Watch, I bought a cheap one thinking I would use it for long but it’s now a workhorse in my kitchen.

10. Chargers Everywhere 

I upgraded to an iPhone 16 only to find that, of course, none of my chargers worked with it. After weeks of moving one charger room to room, from work to home, I finally bought a two-pack to have one wherever I went. And to make life even easier, I got them in purple instead of white—no more mix-ups! 

Phone Chargers

I hope you enjoyed this series! We’d love to know what saved your life this year? Should we continue this series in 2025? Share your feedback with us at

Leslie Bailey is the founder of Indy Maven and Maven Space. She’s an enneagram 7 and an Aquarius which means she looooooves trying new things.


Leslie Bailey is the co-founder and CEO of Indy Maven and Maven Space. Follow her on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Goodreads.

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