I’m back for the second edition of “What’s Saving My Life Right Now.” If you missed the first one, you can check it out here, but the gist is: These are the things that are making my life better, easier, more efficient, or fun. I hope you find something below that does the same for you. Or, if you have your own to share, I’m all ears. You can share them with me via email hello@indymaven.com or find me on social @Lesalina.
Here are 10 things that are saving my life right now.
1. Air Fryer
In 2023, I resolved not to buy another kitchen gadget after a depression-induced purchase of a panini press on eBay while binge-watching Barefoot Contessa. But after trying a friend’s air-fried zucchini, I decided I couldn’t live without my own—and I can’t believe I have for so long.
2. Moshi App
I’d let our subscription to our kid’s Moshi app lapse, but one desperate evening attempting to put the boys to bed, I purchased it again and haven’t looked back. The bedtime stories are just what my kids (and I) need to calm down from the excitement of the day.

3. A Baseball Cap
On my trip to Sedona last month (very much a life-saver), I quickly realized one needs a hat when hiking, so I bought a cheap cap in a souvenir shop. I have an incredibly small head and look ridiculous in hats, so options were limited. But the benefits! Protecting my hair color. Keeping my dark-haired head cool! Blocking my eyes and skin from the sun! Why did no one tell me about these things sooner?
4. Books by Dominique Loreau
I’m currently reading “L’art de la Liste: Simplify, Organise and Enrich Your Life.” Y’ALL. It’s a book ABOUT LISTS. Could my little nerd heart be happier? I think not. I discovered “L’art” while looking for more work by Dominique Loreau after reading her book “L’art de la Simplicité: How to Live More with Less” last month. Loreau is a French essayist who has lived in Japan since the 1970s, and I love *almost* everything about her approach to life. (There’s some diet/body image stuff that is very French and could use a rework and probably a trigger warning).

5. Book Light
Speaking of books, my friend Jennifer Magley mentioned what a game-changer having a book light is, and I must say, it’s among the best $9 I’ve ever spent. It allows my husband to sleep without me keeping the light on (or my girlfriend on the above-mentioned trip), and I don’t have to wake myself up to turn the light off as I’m drifting off while reading.

6. My Mom’s Recipes
I made a list of things I wanted to focus on or do more of in 2024, and one of them was to cook more from my cookbooks and my mom’s recipe box. I love my NYT Cooking subscription, and I certainly haven’t stopped Googling quick recipes, but I’m enjoying the slowed-down process of perusing recipe cards. Plus, it makes me feel closer to my mom, who passed away six years ago.
7. Physical Therapy
In February, I went to the doctor to see about some hip/butt/leg pain I’ve had for the past seven years. Yes, seven. I’ve been doing physical therapy twice a week since then (and even keeping up with my exercises in between), and my pain has decreased significantly. Who knew?! This is your sign to schedule the appointment for that thing you’ve been putting off, friends.
8. Overnight Oats
I used to make these peanut butter overnight oats from Minimalist Baker all the time but fell out of routine. Thankfully, my lovely husband noticed I’ve been skipping breakfast and started prepping them for us weekly again. This means I’m no longer running around with coffee on an empty stomach, and the world is a better place for it.

9. Daily Walks
Thankfully the weather has finally turned, and I’m back to getting my 30 minutes of walking most days. This is a game-changer for my mental health and parenting.

10. Aqua Notes
Another thing I’d used for years and forgotten about. Are you sensing a theme here? I recently put my Aqua Notes pad back in my shower and realized how much I missed it. I’ve always said I get my best ideas in the shower, and this is the best way to capture them.
Leslie Bailey is the co-founder and CEO of Indy Maven. She loves lists and making recommendations, so thanks for indulging her.
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