Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!
Abigail Kom, who spent this summer as our 2023 Indianapolis Press Club Fellow, is a senior Public Relations student at Butler University. Besides all the work she’s completed (with a positive attitude and utter professionalism) behind the scenes, just take a look at all the stories she’s brought to our readership. Abby lives to learn, and is currently learning a lot as the 2023 Indiana Press Foundation Fellow, and working as an intern at Indy Maven. But when she is not working with the incredible Leslie Bailey and Maura Malloy, she is learning from the distinguished faculty at Butler University. Hoping to eventually work within Public Relations or Advertising, you can find her honing her communication skills as a National Champion and President of Butler’s Speech and Debate Team, a third-year Resident Assistant, and as a Peer Mentor in the College of Communications. While she adores the college of communications, she also enjoys enhancing her creativity with the Jordan College of the Arts as a music major (and oboe player!). When she isn’t in class or interning, you can find her studying in a coffee shop, training for her half-marathon, or visiting her family back home in Minnesota.
My Maven Superpower is … Networking! (and where is better than Indy Maven!?)
Best book I’ve read lately is … The Extraordinary Power of Leader Humility: Thriving Organizations & Great Results – Marilyn Gist
Self-care habit I swear by … Going on ice-cream walks.
My first job was … working at a farmer’s market (check out my Indianapolis Farmer’s Market Series)
The best career advice I can offer is … Get involved. Get to know and care about the people you are working with.
A purchase I’ve been loving lately is … my Brooks running shoes.
I feel most confident when … I’m wearing clothing that I love.
My favorite local restaurant dish is … Upland Brewing’s Whipped Feta.
The thing I’ve been binging lately is … my favorite podcast, Wine and Crime.
A fun fact about me is … my Aunt wanted my middle name to be dot… Abby *dot* Kom.
The skill I most want to learn is … how Leslie Bailey balances all of her plates.
A Maven you should know is … Jenna Unrue (if you see her bakery sweets around town, they are a must-try)
My favorite nonprofit to support is … TANL (Turn Away No Longer). My friend is a founding member and former foster kid. A great organization with a great mission.
What have you achieved recently that you’d like to celebrate with our community?
I won a national title in Speech and Debate this past Spring!
What’s next for you? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
Indy Maven is my third internship, and I’d like to do one more before I graduate college this Spring. I am looking at staying in Indianapolis and working Full-time, and am definitely looking for advice from anyone in the community that wants to reminisce on their *just out of college* job search. Feel free to reach out, I’d love to hear from you.
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