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Kelsey Cook is in a new season of life as she steps into the role of CEO and coach at her own health and wellness business, KC & Co. Excited to create something new each day, Kelsey works to help individuals live healthier, happier lives. She looks forward to connecting with businesses, nonprofits and people in the community to tackle statewide health issues. Tell us more, Kelsey!
My Maven Superpower is … helping people live their happiest, healthiest life. I love my job as an entrepreneur in the health and wellness space and feel most fulfilled when other people feel their best.
Best book I’ve read lately is … “The Untethered Soul.” I highly recommend picking it up and reading it twice in an ideal setting with an open mind and no distractions.
Self-care habit I swear by … Having a solid morning routine that includes a lot of little self-care things pertaining to mindfulness and movement.
My first job was … teaching dance.
The best career advice I can offer is … Keep your head down and do the hard work. I’m always looking for something new to learn and wanting to tackle the next big thing. I constantly remember that the big “fun” jobs take grunt work, and now is the time in life to do all the “little” things that will teach me more.
A purchase I’ve been loving lately is … leggings and sweatshirts from Free People Movement.
I feel most confident when … I’m wearing an outfit that makes me feel like ME. Some days that’s full glam, some (most) days that’s workout clothes and a big crewneck.
My favorite local restaurant dish is … the Himalayan salt rock sashimi (add poke) at Salt on Mass during the summer, but my favorite fall dish is the reen chicken curry at Thaitanium.
The thing I’ve been binging lately is … Podcasts that talk about self care, politics, leadership, entrepreneurship and health. Here are a few – Huberman Lab, Skinny Confidential Him & Her Show, School of Greatness, BodyFrwd, Pursuit of Wellness, Ed Mylett.
A fun fact about me is … I make vision boards for each season of life – sometimes it’s for the year, sometimes it’s for a special day. As a visual learner, this is a way for me to see my goals laid out in front of me every time I look at my phone or laptop.
The skill I most want to learn is … I want to learn sooo many new things! Next on my list is training to be a classical Pilates teacher.
A Maven you should know is … Rachel Cerwinske – she’s the most fashionable, cat-loving, artistic, foodie enthusiast attorney you’ll ever meet!
My favorite nonprofit to support is … Mitch Daniels Leadership Foundation. I see MDLF’s drive to enable Hoosiers to drive impactful change being a cornerstone for Indiana’s next (or current) generation of statewide and national entrepreneurial, government and non-profit leaders.
What’s next for you? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
I’m motivated by this question just thinking about it! GROWTH. I would like to say – in the next (few) year(s) I’ll be making an impact in Indiana’s health space through holistic wellness and nutrition coaching and consulting. KC & Co. will serve communities, partner with NFPs and be a go to resource for small businesses to partner with and individuals to receive coaching from. The vision goes beyond Indiana – let’s aim for nationwide impact in the next few years.
What are you doing to level up?
Always meeting with new people in all areas of work and in all seasons of life. There is so much to learn from people with diverse backgrounds, expertise and perspectives.
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