Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
November 2024 Overview
I can’t believe I’m writing about November already. Can you believe we’re so close to the end of 2024?
This month is full of astro ~moments~ as per usual. We start the month with a tense opposition between Mars and Pluto. This aspect has Mars, our planet of action and assertion, facing off with Pluto, who deals with transformation and rebirth. We’re being forced to change and adapt, and it’s making us aggressive about protecting our own nests.
What you feel passionate about could take a backseat to what the rest of the world feels passionate about. A struggle between power dynamics is almost guaranteed, especially considering that the election falls during the first week of the month. Tension is high. Regardless of the victor or outcome, the situation is emotionally charged and, at times, can feel unstable.
But this month, Pluto finally settles in Aquarius, where it stays until 2044. Systems and structures of yesteryear have held their grip on society for a long, long time, and it’s time for our collective rebirth. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798, a massively revolutionary era (lol, get it?).
Now, Pluto in Aquarius is requiring the 1% to take their seat wayyyy at the back of the bus. What have we learned from greed, violence, and systemic dysregulation? Aquarius is concerned with the collective and challenges the status quo.
Now, this is not going to happen overnight. We have 20 years. But right away, social norms and polarizing political ideologies will begin changing, especially those surrounding climate change and massively devastating storms, gun violence, the culture of supremacy, and the constant distractions of unproductive technology. Aquarius ensures that we use these lessons for the greater good.
We don’t know how this cultural evolution will look. But no matter how hard some may fight it—or how others might try to stabilize—we cannot control the outcome. Things cannot be smoothed over right now. What’s best for one is not necessarily best for all. The ripple and rift are required.
And Buddy, you can cling to a bygone era and tighten your grip on the ways of yore until the day you die, but systems and structures always die, whether you want them to or not. If you refuse to change, you’ll find yourself on your deathbed hanging onto a husk. A dead bit of nothing-that-matters that was for nothing-that-mattered.
In the moment, this probably feels less like revolutionary change than it is—I suspect it’ll just feel like every other day, like time passing. Because amidst all this massive change, there are still key astro components keeping us grounded and offering stability, maybe even providing some comfort in the chaos.
The month begins with a New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st, heightening our abilities to connect with guides and work with our intuition. Release the old versions of yourself to make way for that self of the future.
The next day, Mercury makes some strong aspects to Mars and Pluto before settling into Sagittarius, encouraging bold and direct communication. Then, on the 3rd, Mars moves into Leo, boosting confidence and making us feel more passionate about what we love. It’s a good time to face any difficult conversations you’ve been putting off and be direct about what you want.
The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th encourages us all to cultivate wealth, both materially and emotionally. With the Full Moon, we release that which no longer serves us, and this one focuses on stability, material comfort, and sensuality. Consider what prevents you from experiencing an abundance of those things, and then set the intention to release those things.
This month is a good time to determine what helps you feel grounded, from financial security to personal values. Review your budget and make plans to prioritize the things that make you feel safe and stable.
As the Moon opposes the Sun in Scorpio, you might feel like your inner and outer worlds are at war. The need for material wealth and comfort is counterbalancing the need for emotional depth.
Overall, despite how it sounds, November is a month for prioritizing pleasure. Because we’re all looking for joy and stability in a pretty chaotic world, even if that looks a little different for everyone. We’ve gotta strike a balance, babes, so be sure to prioritize your creature comforts. All the power dynamics and struggles for control will fade into the background of your life, and regardless of their heaviness, they won’t feel like the most important thing in your life this month.
Important dates this month:
- November 2: Mercury in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer & Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
- Cut the shit—don’t beat around the bush. There is no time for the mundane, and it’s right to business. Being honest and asking for what you want comes easier. For example, tell them you don’t want kids on the first date.
- Go after your big goals. You know, the ones you meant to accomplish this year but forgot about. This aspect between Mercury and Pluto supercharges ambition and follow-through. You can do anything you try to do. Trying is the key.
- November 2: Mercury enters Sagittarius
- Being honest about what you really want will pay off more than you expect. Be so for real!
- Make plans to expand your horizons—whether it’s traveling the world or learning something new—now is the time to solidify plans.
- November 3: Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn
- Choose your battles wisely. Everyone has their own perspective, so it may be best to just back off and wait for the storm to pass before pushing for your own agenda.
- November 3: Venus in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini
- Have fun and indulge in little delights, but don’t overextend yourself.
- Check your bank account! Don’t spend more than you have.
- November 3: Mars enters Leo
- Again, being honest about what you really want and standing up for it will pay off throughout the month.
- Don’t be surprised, though, if when you direct your passion outwardly, some drama flares. Other people have their own passions.
- November 4: Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
- Not to be dramatic, but miracles are possible today! Ask for what you want, for real. I can’t say it enough.
- November 11: Venus enters Capricorn
- We’ll all feel more of an urge to push for what we love. Hard work doesn’t faze you when it comes to getting what you want.
- Practicality is more appealing than fantasy at the moment.
- November 12: Saturn goes direct in Pisces
- Now that it’s time to move forward and take action, consider how you’d like to move forward.
- Take the lessons you’ve learned this year and apply them as you build a new and improved foundation.
- November 15: Full Moon in Taurus
- What is keeping you from reaching your goals and achieving success?
- Getting what you want out of life isn’t hard—it’s all about asking and taking the necessary actions. If you want something, you have to go out and get it.
- November 16: Sun in Scorpio opposed Uranus in Taurus
- Bro, be careful today. Avoid making crazy-big decisions and drama. The best way to do this, IMO, is to act within your character and not go off your normal track.
- The potential for accidents, injury, mishaps, and mistakes is high AF. Just watch your back.
- November 19: Pluto reenters Aquarius
- Pluto finally settles here for the next two decades, my dudes! Get the net. Get with the times. Spice up your life.
- Caution: Floor may be slippery when wet. Watch for fallen empires and a new world order 🙌
- November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
- Adventure, freedom, generosity, and flexibility are the names of the game.
- Expansion is inevitable, meaning spring will break for crusty old games and players as we are all catapulted into the new.
- November 25: Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius through December 15
- Don’t freak out. Check your work, speak carefully, and be careful with travel plans.
- Be wary of making big, life-changing decisions (signing contracts, speaking too soon, etc.)
- A hitch to major travel plans is possible. Seek stillness as you recalibrate.
- November 30: New Moon in Sagittarius
- Leaps of faith pay off. Break out of your comfort zone and take a chance on something you’ve dreamed of. You may have held back in the past, but now could be the perfect time to try something new. This month shifts your horizons and, thus, your perspectives.
BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
You’re not afraid of change this month, especially when you know it will lead to more excitement or a zest for life. You’re not used to acting on the fly but you’re so ready to switch things up. After all, it’s your birthday and you’re starting a new year! Whether your transformation means you’re looking for a new job, hanging out with a new friend group, getting a haircut, or just refreshing your look, it’s time for your transformation. Empty your wardrobe and only fill it with things your future self would wear. Apply for a dream job you think you’d never get. Give compliments and connect with people that seem like they’re having fun. You are open to change and seeing where it can take you. Lean into the urge to find something different and try new things, and I suspect you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how the universe rewards you.
Tarotscopes | The Fool: There’s no reason to keep doing what’s always been done. You don’t need to know how to do anything, you just have to do it.
Famous Scorpio: Winona Ryder, October 29
Local Scorpio: Nikki Gressley, November 2–Hairstylist, Colorist & Co-Owner of D & G Studio at 2017 E. 46th St.
Sagittarius (Birthday between November 22 – December 21):
You are so tired. The last year has been full of twists and turns for you, and even if you feel ready to throw in the towel and give up, keep hangin’ on. You might feel emotionally spent, but remember that change takes time and growth spurts can sometimes be painful. Aches and pains are worth it in the long run, so be gentle with yourself and ride this thing out. And things are looking up for you later in the month. I know it’ll be worth it.
Tarotscopes | The Hanged Man: The only thing that makes time pass is time, and there is never enough of it.
Capricorn (Birthday between December 22 – January 19):
This month should be full of opportunities for you to connect with people who can help you—and people who you can help, in turn. You just might know somebody who knows somebody who can get your foot in the door. Take some time this month to check in with your people and nurture your network. Just make sure you’re not doing good deeds only because of what you believe you’ll receive in return.
Tarotscopes | Justice: Don’t do the thing just for the reward you expect to reap. Selfless good deeds are satisfying and impactful
Aquarius (Birthday between January 20 – February 18):
Meditate on your direction to determine your next steps to get where you’re trying to go. There are so many directions you can take, but you need a plan, even if it’s a loose one. If you’re ready for your next big thing or want to reach the next level, speak clearly and confidently. You can and will succeed, especially if you ask for what you want. Sometimes, simply asking is all that’s required. Show them what you’re worth and the value you bring to the table.
Tarotscopes | Ace of Swords: You’re not afraid of what you want, so don’t be afraid to speak up about it.
Pisces (Birthday between February 19 – March 20):
Inspiration is everywhere, and this month, you couldn’t hide from it if you tried. Your creativity is a gift that keeps on giving, and even if you don’t have any desire to capitalize on it, creating something just for the hell of it can bring you so much joy. Take a class to learn how to paint with watercolors or learn how to knit. What would you have wanted to do when you were a kid? Indulge your inner child. Whatever you do, just let yourself be inspired and enjoy the results.
Tarotscopes | The Empress: Nobody can tell you how good it feels to create something. You just have to do it.
Aries (Birthday between March 21 – April 19):
You’re testing the limits of what’s possible for you, and that’s amazing. This is the perfect time for your expansion… as long as you aren’t testing the limits at the expense of someone else. Watch out for putting people through unnecessary tests, pushing them too far, or sabotaging your relationships just to see what they can take. For you, now is not the time for rash behavior or making decisions in the heat of the moment. You want a change, but you don’t have to hurt anybody to make it happen.
Tarotscopes | King of Swords: You should stand in your own power, but not on the shoulders of anyone else.
Taurus (Birthday between April 20 – May 20):
The risk is sure to be worth the reward this month, as good times are bound to be had when you put yourself out there. Make asking for what you want a priority, and then make expecting to receive what you’ve asked for your habit. Don’t be surprised if you get way more than you asked for—it may even be too much at times. If you are able to stay mindful and tethered to reality, everything should be just fine and your efforts will pay dividends.
Tarotscopes | Strength: You are known for overdoing it at times. But you are entirely capable of overcoming overindulgence.
Gemini (Birthday between May 21 – June 20):
Your career seems to be at the forefront for most of the month, but this isn’t just limited to work: your good ideas have the potential to seriously take off and turn a real profit. However! You may have, at times, been known for taking things too far or expecting too much. Once you start getting used to seeing results, you sometimes take that for granted. People want to hear what you have to say, but don’t let that go to your head. Delusions of grandeur and arrogance can rear their heads and neither of those qualities are likely vehicles to take you to your next level.
Tarotscopes | Queen of Wands: Right now, it’s easy for you to turn ideas into realistic situations. Don’t let that go to your head.
Cancer (Birthday between June 21 – July 22):
You are extra charismatic and magnetic this month. By the middle of November, all the connections you’re making will have you feeling deeply inspired by the world around you. Let yourself be awed by the magic of the universe and give yourself lots of space to make something new from it. You don’t just have the potential to make something new come to life. You can also easily draw the right audience and take their input to create something really special.
Tarotscopes | Ace of Wands: Brilliant ideas are all around you. Allow them to spark and see where they can take you.
Leo (Birthday between July 23 – August 22):
It’s just like Portia says in The Merchant of Venice: “How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.” My translation: goodness is a drop in the bucket of the universe that casts a beautiful ripple of positivity outward. You once did something that, to you, was most likely a simple gesture or a small act of kindness. It meant way more than you knew to the recipient, and now, your past kindness is paying dividends and returning to you. This should be a good month for you, and connecting with your nearest and dearest is sure to help heal the past to ensure future growth together.
Tarotscopes | The Star: A renewed sense of optimism makes you feel blessed and hopeful for the future.
Virgo (Birthday between August 23 – September 22):
Towards the end of the month, you’re more likely to get people to see things from your side, but for now, speak and act carefully. It’s easier for you to be misunderstood or for your words to be twisted into barbs right now. So better yet, tread lightly this month, and consider how other people might see the situation before you make bold claims or statements about it. You’ve always got good ideas, but the way they are communicated is way more important than their content right now. You may be right, but consider the cost of being right. Is it worth it?
Tarotscopes | Knight of Swords: Is it really worth it if you have to hurt people in order to have your ideas heard? Sometimes it isn’t necessary to communicate your perspective.
Libra (Birthday between September 23 – October 22):
Admit your faults this month rather than attempting to come out clean. It’s better to be honest than it is to try to make yourself look good. You could encounter confrontational situations this month, and your instinct may be to make excuses or try to skirt the issue. This is not always possible, and you make yourself look worse by trying to play either side: whether it’s the diplomat or the devil’s advocate, people aren’t trying to hear it right now. You’re not playing a part; this is real life. All anybody wants is for you to take responsibility. For now, say less. The less you say, the cleaner the issue. It may be easier to address this again later down the road, but the battle is not yours to win at the moment.
Tarotscopes | Wheel of Fortune: The pendulum swings one way or another. You’re catching the wrecking end for now, but that only means you’ll be on the other end of it soon.
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
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