Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
September 2024 Overview
It might feel like it’s a little early for pumpkin spice and everything nice, but it’s true! Fall is approaching, and sweater weather’s on its way. This month, Mercury leaves the retrograde shadow period as Virgo season goes into full swing, and all bets are off.
It’s time to dig out your favorite pens and highlighters. Crack the spine on that beloved planner you’ve spent the last few months ignoring. This month, setting clear intentions and releasing what’s holding you back from manifesting them is a major key. There’s nothing like the Sun in Virgo to remind you to make plans, keep your priorities straight, and follow through.
For the next five months, as Uranus retrogrades in Taurus starting on the 1st, lives will be changed. This is always true, of course, because things can change in a second, but this retrograde sharpens your instincts to show where in your life you need transformation.
Uranus prioritizes progress and forward motion, creating the potential for spontaneous and unexpected changes–so whatever feels stuck in a rut should break free during this time. This is a perfect time to shake up your routines and recalibrate your life’s structure. Whether you feel ready or not, Uranus is bound to help set you free from anything that’s gone stale so that you can focus on living your best life.
Slow down and keep a close eye on the details because Pluto re-enters Capricorn on the 1st, too. Structure and discipline are king here–stay sharp and pay attention to avoid falling back into old habits and routines.
The New Moon on the 7th feels like a bit of a personal evolution, as it coincides with an intense T-square between Jupiter and Saturn. Your pragmatic, responsible side will feel at odds with the version of you that’s dreamy and idealistic. You’re at the center of a tug-of-war between setting lofty intentions to follow a dream and staying focused on your path, setting SMART goals, and following through even if it’s not what you want anymore.
Throughout this month, staying true to who you are and what you want is important. Maybe that’s changed in the past few years. It’s okay to not want what you used to want. All of the different sides of who you are matter and are essential in guiding you on your path.
There isn’t a wrong answer. There is no perfect. Remember that your lofty, seemingly silly, big dreams are valid. They’re just as important as the realistic, attainable goals that may seem like low-hanging fruit. In fact, crazy things that once seemed too silly or lofty to be real happen every day. Sometimes, your wildest dreams materialize thanks to the ostensibly unimaginative, mundane things that had to happen for them to be possible.
Other important dates this month:
- September 2: Mars in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces
- The vibe is having an open mind. The move is flexibility. Be chill even when things are happening slower than you want them to. Force is a repellent!
- September 3: Venus Conjunct the South Node in Libra
- A rare meet-cute that exposes what the past can teach you. Use this conjunction to examine how what you learned in the past can lead you to more security, happiness, and beauty.
- Emphasis shifts from others to the self.
- September 4: Mars enters Cancer
- The planet of action meets empathy and emotion.
- You catch more flies with honey vibes–you’ll make more progress through empathy and rest. Trying creates resistance.
- September 9: Mercury enters Virgo
- Get ready for a burst of inspiration. Ideas will flow easily, and we’ll have a heightened ability to communicate them.
- September 14: Venus in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini
- A lucky and harmonious aspect that promotes peace and harmony.
- Love and partnerships feel blessed.
- The potential for financial gain is high.
- September 17: Lunar North Node Eclipse/Super Full Moon in Pisces
- This Eclipse is a portal for change, activating the potential for karmic, significant turning points in life.
- This can inspire unexpected, life-altering changes that impact destiny.
- September 22: Sun enters Libra
- Brings more clarity and balance along with mutual respect and trust through improved communication.
- September 26: Mercury enters Libra
- Pleasant, easy communication comes naturally.
- This placement can help you find balance and weigh what needs to be released during this Eclipse season.
- This placement brings the potential for diplomatic conversations, resolution to misunderstandings or conflicts, and more harmonious love connections.
- September 29: Mercury Conjunct the South Node in Libra
- The South Node is tied to past lives and karmic connections. Confront old patterns and consider whether your perceptions are biased.
- Pay attention to any sensitivities or emotions that arise, and then journal about them. How might your karmic ties or past lives have led you to feel these things?
BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
You have been ~*changing*~ for a long time, but now it’s becoming more and more obvious. You can no longer hide things you were once able to keep under wraps, and it is imperative that you speak your truth right now. You’ve been through something (or maybe it’s just regular, old life) that’s got you rethinking everything. And tbh, what better time to have a personal renaissance than your birthday season? Everything down to your personal goals and values is under review. You may feel like revising your life philosophy to align more with your current reality. What I mean by this is: you have changed, so you have to let your life change to support that.
Tarotscopes | The High Priestess: Trust yourself to know yourself, even if it doesn’t make sense to everyone else.
Local Virgo: 9/11–Amber Giles, aka Bunny Beaumont, half of the Goodtime Ghouls
Famous Virgo: 9/2–Keanu Reeves
Libra (September 23 – October 22):
This month feels like a major check-in with your emotions. Your internal life is the focus–your home, your little rituals, your closest relationships. You could have a wake-up call when you zoom out and evaluate how what you invest in personally contributes to what you experience externally. It’s becoming easier to notice when your social life, work, and daily habits don’t support your inner wellness. Personal growth is your spotlight at the Lunar Eclipse, so it may be time to meditate on where you’re trying to go. Be sure to prioritize balance and give yourself room to breathe. Maybe you’ve been too hard on yourself these past few months, which could be partly because your goals haven’t been aligned with what you want. Set new intentions to support your re-invigorated vision.
Tarotscopes | Queen of Hearts: Let yourself be led by your heart and prioritize reflection over persistence.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
Empathy is a keyword for you this month, Scorpio, as you recognize that maybe you’re not coming off how you intend to. Everyone feels misunderstood sometimes, but this is different. You are being urged to think and reflect before you act. The way you’re communicating is not effective for the situation at hand, and the best way to rectify that is to listen. If you want to make this work, consider your approach. You have new opportunities to connect with people you respect. You may even have opportunities to advance your career or take on a more prominent role. You crave this change, and prospects are good. Reminder: what you think impacts how you communicate. Maybe it’s time to tend to your inner landscape and try to kick out some of the nagging, judgy thoughts that tend to color your expression.
Tarotscopes | The Devil: Old habits die hard, but you don’t have to keep feeding them. You can let it go and evolve past it.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):
You feel oddly competitive and maybe a little obsessed with getting ahead. This is particularly true in your career, but in other areas too: you want to win. You’re willing to do what you need to make it happen, but if I have one piece of advice for you, it’s this: fretting and agonizing will not help you in any way. What will help is sticking to your priorities. Don’t fall off at the first sign of defeat. Even if you don’t win this round, it’s preparing you for the final boss. Pay attention to where your money is going this month. There may be cracks in your budget that you hadn’t noticed, and there may be a windfall in your future. This month, joint ventures are particularly blessed–put a little extra love into passion projects and close relationships.
Tarotscopes | Judgment: Wake up! Are you putting your energy where you want it to go, or are you distracting yourself from what you truly want?
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
You’re different now, and that’s a good thing. While you’re still undergoing this personal evolution, it’s safe for you to recognize your successes. You’ve been good at maintaining presence–paying attention to the Now and going with the flow has been more important than stressing about the past or putting all your energy into the future. This month, you’ll have the opportunity to consider more long-term plans. You are meant to prioritize your needs right now, so be assertive if necessary. Your life is meant to be lived for you. You might need to consider another perspective or shift your thoughts about the situation, but ultimately, your focus should be on feeling good.
Tarotscopes | Ace of Cups: You are the love of your life.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
Okay, is it time for an overhaul? This month, you may have the itch to make dramatic changes, especially in your home and emotional life. This could mean a move in your future, but it could be as simple as rearranging things to flow better for you. You’re realizing that everything you interact with is meant to serve your well-being, so if it’s not, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate and reconsider what you interact with. Shared resources could be an important factor this month. For example, say you live with your boyfriend, and you suddenly have the strong urge to get rid of all his shitty furniture. That wouldn’t be particularly ~cool~ of you, my dude, and it’s pretty impulsive. So, your mission this month is learning how to communicate your needs and prioritize your wellness while staying mindful of how that can affect your close relationships.
Tarotscopes | The Fool: tfw you wanna just throw everything away, leave it all behind, and set out on a new path.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
I hereby declare you free of the old, outdated roles you continue to indulge in and play! You no longer need to fulfill any roles that don’t allow you to be your most current best self. This month, we’re abolishing feelings of obligation and unease. Because you have changed! You should no longer feel obligated to show up as old versions of yourself to please other people–or yourself. Who you were back then may have acted as armor or protection, but you don’t need that shell anymore. What you need is to be true to yourself. Let yourself like what you like, and then act accordingly. This is a period of self-reflection for you, so while communication is necessary, nobody needs to understand or approve of who you are becoming aside from yourself.
Tarotscopes | The Star: You are not what you once were. Let the soft animal who lives inside you be free.
Aries (March 21 – April 19):
Your peace is your purpose this month, so if it doesn’t bring you peace, let it go. This month is an excellent time to release all that baggage you’ve been dragging around that isn’t serving you anymore. You don’t have to set it on fire to let it go. Let things be this month, and see what happens when you’re not feeding energy into what keeps you from contentment. What happens when you pour that energy into something that would bring you joy and ease? When reviewing your goals and routines this month, consider what supports you best. Allow yourself to focus on the things that free you up from anxiety.
Tarotscopes | The Hanged Man: You don’t even have to do anything to change everything. You have to let it be.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
You are teeming with brilliant ideas, bursting at the seams with possibilities and creativity. You don’t always grant yourself the luxury in your creative endeavors, but who’s to say creativity is a luxury? In fact, maybe expressing yourself is a lifeline. Maybe choosing to “indulge” in playfulness is the life-sustaining support you need right now. This month has the potential to be profoundly transformative for you. You might choose to expand your family or make a new passion project become your new baby. However this manifests in your life, it’s important to realize your potential. You have the magic touch right now.
Tarotscopes | The Empress: You are a divine vessel, ripe for harvest
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
You’re in reflection mode this month, taking a personal inventory of your spaces and relationships. This feels like the end of a tired old chapter and the start of something amazing, but it requires you to address some things. Because of this, throughout September, it could become increasingly more apparent how what has happened to you in the past has shaped where you are. Everything that you experienced made you into who you are. But this is a beautiful double-edged sword; on the one hand, of course, the body keeps the score. All the grief, loss, and trauma you experienced led you here. On the other hand, so did every gift you’ve ever received. Your mission this month is to find the gifts and gems.
Tarotscopes | The Tower: It’s always possible to find something beautiful within something ugly. Sometimes, things are destroyed so that they can be rebuilt more beautifully.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
You’re reevaluating your social life, putting all your relationships and partnerships under a microscope; frankly, some don’t make the cut anymore. You’re looking for intellectual stimulation, growth, and personal advancement, and right now, you’re stretched too thin to prioritize what you want. This month is putting your confidence and assertion to the test. Are you ready to ask for what you want? When you ask, you run the risk of being turned down, and when that happens, it’s impossible to deny what isn’t feeding you. You don’t have to entirely cut ties with the social situations that no longer serve you. You can just cut back on your investment in them. This month, it’ll become clear where your energy is best spent.
Tarotscopes | Strength: Asking for what you want is a courageous act.
Leo (July 23 – August 22):
Back to your routines and back to the grindstone, my friends. This month, choosing to refocus on financial- and health-based goals has the potential to pay off big. Brat girl summer is nearing its end, and you’re feeling its effects, so you’re ready. It’s time to bring your focus back to the things that bring you stability and make you feel productive. A summer of love and fun is awesome, but there’s no denying that focusing inward and treating yourself well will set you up for success in all areas of your life. A boost to your financial and professional status is well due, and to get the most out of it, you have to pay attention to how you feel. Don’t downplay anything, and don’t hide from yourself. That’s your baseline.
Tarotscopes | 6 of Swords: Time to move past whatever’s held you back, even if it seemed cool for a while. You can tell when it’s past its prime.
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
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