Sh!t You Should Know: Why you need a tankless water heater

The benefits of having a tankless water heater.
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This piece was created in partnership with Hope Plumbing.

Join Indy Maven CEO Leslie Bailey in her basement with Hope Plumbing owner Brad Persic, as she gets the 411 on…tankless water heaters. Trust us, it’s actually informative. You might think they aren’t worth the price tag, but after this chat, we’re betting you’ll change your mind. We sure did. Watch and tell us what you think.

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Whether you are a household of 2 people or a household of ten people, a tankless water heater is going to make sense. Without a tankless water heater, your home has (at least one) huge tank of water, and your house burns gas to keep that water hot all day, every day.

Which means you’re burning money all day, every day to keep that water heated.

Do we have your attention now? That’s a top benefit of going tankless, but there are others! Watch and educate yourself to help reserve resources in your wallet and the planet all at the same time.

Interested in going tankless? If you’re part of our Membership Program, you have access to Hope Plumbing‘s friends & family plan that’ll offer some serious discounts when you get one installed.

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