Welcome to Indy Maven’s August astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
April has the energy of the tarot card, The Fool, ushering in new beginnings and opportunities for new chances. In a tarot deck, The Fool is numbered “zero,” meaning that it exists outside of the deck–it represents the moment before take-off. It’s that moment of lift before the journey has really begun. So, as someone who loves new beginnings and taking risks, I tend to think of The Fool as an exciting card. But! Our paths are entirely unique to us as individuals. Even though we’re all co-existing and living under the same sky, experiencing the same astrological transits, the way they affect you may not line up with how they affect me. A new beginning can also mean an end, but keep in mind that not all endings are bad.
I recently refinanced my house, for example. I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely not into being an adult. What I really hate is taking care of myself, looking at my bank balance, and paying attention to most of my responsibilities. Personally, I seriously prefer to be sipping a French 75 at Petite Chou, reading an epically long book surrounded by the scent of roses over adulting. But I did it. I was a grown-up. I took care of something that I really needed to do, and thank goddess, the work is done. This is a much-welcomed ending and gives me room to breathe, and space for lightness.
That’s really how I am seeing the month ahead. We begin April with the Sun in Aries and that sparkle of life is back in our eyes. It’s like waking up refreshed and with a lighter spirit. After the past month in Aries, less heaviness is greatly appreciated. That’s not to say that there won’t be intensity, because intensity there will be! It’s just a different kind of intensity–more like momentum, inspiration, progress. Like spring bulbs pushing up through the dirt and breaking the surface to bloom and greet us with our renewed pep.
On the 7th, we journey into Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow, so communicate carefully, meticulously save your important documents, and be careful when considering changes to contracts or agreements. I closed on my house just in time! On the 12th, Mercury officially stations retrograde in Taurus, potentially creating some issues. Because with the Sun in Aries promoting hope and change, Merc retro in Taurus cools the jets and urges us to slow down. While frustrating, this is ultimately good–delays and setbacks may be undesirable, but looking on the bright side, they could also prevent errors. Like I said, I don’t wanna do adulting, so I’d really rather not have my progress become undone. I’ll welcome the need to be more meticulous and calculating.
It’s officially eclipse season, too. On April 8th, we have our first eclipse of the year, a total lunar eclipse in Libra. This lunar eclipse can be trusted to expose any areas of your life that need to go. I suspect this month might bring changes to relationships, work arrangements, and unfairly biased situations, and it will definitely allow you to find closure in anything you’ve released in the past few months since the last eclipse.
Remember, though, that not all endings are bad. Sometimes a much past-due end comes by the grace of god and is a huge blessing. Any endings that occur now will likely feel like a relief, healing any imbalances or unhealthy dynamics that you’ve been trying to fit into. Regardless of how this shows up in your life, this eclipse will help you find balance and fairness in any biased or unjust situations you find yourself entangled with.
On April 23rd, we have our second eclipse: a partial solar eclipse in Taurus. Integrating the lessons of our early-month lunar eclipse can make the solar eclipse a herald of blessings. This is especially true when it comes to how we use our resources: finances, belongings, creature comforts, and material possessions are receiving a boost here and it’s the perfect time to set new intentions re: abundance, stability, and comfort. There is huge potential for opportunities to arise that allow you to work toward once-in-a-lifetime achievements.
This month is really affording us all the opportunity to approach change with confidence. The lesson from Aries is to step up to these shifts, even the ones that bring about massive change, with grace and enthusiasm. We’re being urged to assert ourselves and stand up for what we want and need. Use the confidence and ability to take huge risks to help you pursue your big-deal goals! Anticipate bursts of energy, forward communication, and a tendency toward enjoying softness and beauty. This month brings a lightness the past few have lacked, and with it, a compulsion to enjoy and bask in natural beauty.
BIRTHDAY BABY <3 ARIES & ARIES RISING (March 21 – April 19):
Your word for the month: intensity. Which is fine, mostly! It’s no stranger to you. The month starts off with a total lunar eclipse in your opposite sign of Libra. This has the potential to stir up some drama in your love life, but really whatever is revealed to you about how you feel about your arrangements is valid and important. This means that if a relationship needs to change, then it simply must, and I think you’re reading and willing to accept that at this moment. You have to be patient, Aries bb. You may feel naturally driven to push and achieve and pursue, but this month things will happen for you without your effort. This universe is a self-driving car, okay honey! Revelations won’t necessarily end things for all Aries–it may be more appropriate to say changes are likely rather than endings, but some changes inevitably end things. It’s up to you how you choose to interpret what’s happening around you this month. You can’t always control what is going on in the world or with other people, but you can be sure that those things don’t become what rules you. Towards the end of the month when the Sun lights up your second house, money, investments, and financial well-being become a focal point. It could be an excellent time to invest in something that lights you up. What you choose to focus on now could pay major dividends toward your security and stability down the line.
Tarotscopes | Ace of Wands: Use your inspiration wisely to get you closer to what you’d like to achieve. Don’t waste your gifts elsewhere. You already know what excites you and what you feel passionate about. Put your energy there, whether it’s paying you right now or not.
Key Dates: 5, 7, 8, 19
Local Aries: Mariah Barlow, Realtor & Broker at F.C. Tucker, Great Dames Real Estate–April 8
Famous Aries: Lady Gaga, March 28
At the beginning of this month, you might find it hard to express yourself to others. You know what you want and you’re confident in who you are, but you’re feeling misunderstood. It’s hard not to take things personally this month. You feel compelled to focus on your own personal wellness, which is great and I deeply encourage you to do that. But it may end up driving you to feelings of isolation. Especially as we ease into Mercury retrograde, you might feel like you’ve been alienated within a group of friends, or at work, or perhaps even in your closest, deepest relationships. Something just doesn’t feel right and you’re not coming off the way you think you are. Think carefully before burning bridges and take time to really consider it before you even bring up the conflict. What’s making you feel totally like an outsider right now may not even be an issue, or at least won’t bother you as much tomorrow. Towards the end of the month, things look way up for you as the Sun moves into your 1st house of personal identity. You should feel much more self-assured and less like an alien in your home.
Tarotscopes | The Moon: Something feels so weird and cringe that you just can’t put your finger on what it is, which is exactly why you shouldn’t vocalize it and make it into a huge problem.
Key Dates: 3-7, 14, 20-23, 29
You’re dying to experience something new, something real, something exciting. This month feels like a test for you: you’re being called to examine how you balance your drive for experiencing new things with your inner, more spiritual and sacred self. This is up to you, and nobody can tell you the right answer, but you’ll find yourself seeking outside advice since this might feel like something entirely new for you. Take stock of the advice you’re given, but take it with a grain of salt. The solutions you’re seeking this month are not one size fits all, and it doesn’t really matter what’s worked for others. It might help you find some inspiration on your path, but these things can’t be defined. You might recognize that the philosophical questions you’re being faced with are leading you within, inspiring an impulse to connect more deeply with your intuition. Pay attention to your dreams and keep a journal, especially as Mercury retrogrades. It may not be the answer you hope for, but insight is insight.
Tarotscopes | Temperance: Not to be corny, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. You can try, but lol, what’s coming out?
Key Dates: 10, 11, 14, 23
You’re lacking an outlet, Cancer, and it’s making your bleeding heart feel even more tender than usual. It might help you to consider the creative outlets you’ve given yourself lately? Are there any? It’s not actually a bad thing to be in your feelings, but it’s not good to leave them inside and unexpressed. That doesn’t mean you should take it out on anybody, but you might feel better if you take up a new journaling routine or sing or move your body or do some guided meditation. I don’t know, scream into a pillow. The important thing for you this month is to be very aware of where your feelings are coming from. Be super cautious about misplacing or transferring them to something else. What I mean by this is: are you upset about something someone actually said, directly to you, or are you convincing yourself that what you’ve intuited is the absolute truth? You also need to be really cautious of relying too much on witness statements over your own legitimate evidence. Have you seen and heard this with your own eyes or are you leaning on gossip. You might need to look at things with an entirely fresh set of eyes.
Tarotscopes | Page of Swords: You’re in your feelings, but why? If you haven’t spoken up, you can’t expect people to read your mind.
Key Dates: 7, 23, 29
This month you kinda want to stay in and get some rest more than usual. It’s better to cancel the plans rather than overextend yourself and do things you don’t want to do. Meet yourself where you’re at; if you’re feeling down or like you just want to be chill, don’t try to push yourself into grinding harder. We all know you like to show up for the culture and the cause, Leo, but you need to rest at least as hard as you work. But while it’s definitely a good time for some r&r, I don’t think that means this is a dead month for you. Rest is being emphasized only because you’re not usually one to fully let yourself recover. So while you may be laying a little lower than usual, there are still plenty of opportunities to work on your public image. If you find yourself in the middle of conflict, try to stay neutral and take on the role of mediator rather than fixer. Your presence is becoming invaluable. You could find yourself reconnecting with old friends or long-forgotten beloved habits. You may also have some interesting opportunities to network and make new connections throughout the month. Just be careful not to stretch yourself too thin, and only show up where you really want to.
Tarotscopes | Justice: It’s all about balance, my friend, and you are figuring out how to strike it just right for yourself. All is well.
Key Dates: 11, 18, 20, 25
If you’d rather be at home on the couch with Leo, then don’t go! This month, pay attention to the advice you give to others and consider how it fits into your own life. You may be feeling like everyone wants your opinion or attention or feedback and you’re being pulled in a million different directions. It’s exhausting. But you’re in control here, and nobody is making you act as the advisor in all of these situations except for you. You have to learn how to say no without feeling like a jerk about it–that sounds way harder than it actually is. You can say no without saying, “no,” and you can also just be honest. If you’re worn out, then you’re just worn out. No need for other excuses! And besides, a clearly drawn boundary is generally respected by the people you want to keep in your life anyway. This month, you’d be better served seeking advice or trying to learn something new rather than showing up as the teacher anyway. You do not have to lead to be a leader.
Tarotscopes | The Hermit: The teacher and the student are one and the same.
Key Dates: 10, 14, 19
You’ve been through the wringer and yet, you still show up every day and fight for yourself to become who you want to be. You already are that person. The personal evolution and depth you’ve been working with are going to pay off in a major way, but not without feeling or intensity. There is potential for amazing revelations and insight regarding your healing, especially early in the month when the Sun is conjunct Chiron, the asteroid that we consider to be the healer of wounds. I feel like we tend to think of Chiron as the bearer of bad news because typically its transits can stir up old pain and bring past traumas back to the surface. But really, especially for you and especially right now, this is a gift because of the potential revealing of the last little scabs that need to heal over for you. You’re being granted the ability to move past unresolved issues this month. There will likely be circumstances popping up throughout the month, providing opportunities for you to move past deep-seated fears and anxieties, past hurts, and old wounds. It might seem like this will be a difficult month, but I truly see this as insightful and revelatory for you. April brings you the gift of empowerment and self-discovery.
Tarotscopes | The Star: You are being guided, held, and loved by all the old versions of yourself and all of the versions of yourself from the future. When grief touched you in the past and you knew something bigger than you was there for you, that was you. Right now. Holding yourself, loving yourself, and guiding yourself.
Key Dates: 5, 10, 14
Like Libra, there is an opportunity for great healing for you this month, particularly on the 8th when the total lunar eclipse hits your eighth house of debt, evolution, sex, and secrets. What this means is that the old patterns and toxic behaviors in which you’ve engaged with those things will be highlighted. While that might sound super unappealing, it’s not when you think of the amazing potential this gives you to release your old habits and integrate new ones in the name of personal empowerment. You might find it hard this month to stay out of other people’s drama, and it may seem like you’re constantly being pulled into toxic situations that have nothing to do with you. It’s best to avoid getting involved in the gossip and drama, especially at work and when it comes to your colleagues. It’s not worth your energy and there’s no benefit in participating–in fact, engaging in it now could hurt you down the line. Instead, stay present in the relationships you want to cultivate and be sure to invest the time, care, and love into them that you want to receive in return. Don’t do it because you want to be loved by them; do it because you genuinely love them.
Tarotscopes | The Devil: This is your card, my dude. Avoid getting involved in toxic dynamics that want to pull you back down to a less evolved version of yourself.
Key Dates: 3, 11, 20
This month you feel like you’ve made a mistake. It feels like your energy has been misplaced or you put your eggs in the wrong basket. It’s okay, bb, do not worry! It’s just time to reassess where you’re exerting and whether your efforts are paying off where they’re being placed. If it feels like you’re not being recognized for your work or appreciated for your ingenuity, maybe it’s time to reconsider where it might be put to better use. There’s nothing like feeling under-appreciated or not cherished, especially when you’ve done all you can to cultivate an environment where you are invaluable. Sometimes invaluable can become invisible, especially when the level of difficulty you’re experiencing has gone unnoticed–the hard work and difficulty inevitably become the standard. It wasn’t always like this, though, and you know you could dial it back and unplug from this situation. It’s really hard for you to be patient and flexible when you feel this uncomfortable, but it’s so key to make sure you don’t make decisions on impulse. This month is hard for you, but it’s worth it. You’re going to have so much more clarity this time next month and you’ll also be that much stronger for it.
Tarotscopes | The Chariot: You are still in control of this situation even when you pull back and put in less effort. You’re invaluable here, but if you don’t want to be, you have to redirect.
Key Dates: 11, 19, 21
Fresh energy is being pumped in for you this month, possibly breathing new life into your habits and routines. You might feel inspired to pick up an entirely new fitness routine or approach your wellness from a new, healthier perspective. You could even be inspired to revive an old activity you’d forgotten about this month, but in whatever way this inspiration shows up for you, be mindful of how it’s making you feel. If your habits are making you feel bad, maybe it’s time to give them a makeover. If you feel like your habits are supporting your overall well-being, then be sure to prioritize them, even if that means overhauling your schedule and redistributing your attention. This month, your idea of feeling Well is being transformed and you’ll see that any positive changes you make that support your mindset will trickle down. This new way of thinking about wellness will begin to impact other areas of your life, as you start to feel more confident expressing yourself. You might feel called to practice something just for fun, like playing the flute or going to a dance class, and while it might feel silly, it’s all supporting positive changes. It’ll help you approach and navigate any difficult communication issues with ease while Mercury is retrograding in Taurus.
Tarotscopes | Queen of Wands: You’re quieter these days, mostly because you’re focused on being present in your body and listening to what it needs.
Key Dates: 5, 14, 21, 23
You have changed, and so have the opportunities that benefit you! Bursts of passionate, creative energy are flooding in this month, and you’re ready for it. Eat the fruit and revel in the delight of being deeply inspired by life. It could feel intense and at times, it may make you feel even more at odds with the rest of the world than usual. Your closest connections at home are being activated later in the month when the Sun enters Taurus, which is your fourth house of home and family. Sometimes, you feel misunderstood by the outside world. This can bring up intense feelings and irritate deeply held wounds, especially if you were an outcast growing up or if you were bullied when you were young. You’re being encouraged and feel pulled to be super vulnerable and put yourself out creatively there this month, and it could stir up some of those feelings of heartache and loneliness. Know that it isn’t real. You have way more freedom to express yourself now than you did then, and now that you know yourself so much better, you know where you can seek solace: wherever you consider to be a safe space, with your chosen people, at home.
Tarotscopes | The Lovers: Don’t let other people’s opinions turn what you consider to be beautiful into something ugly.
Key Dates: 3, 20, 29
You wanna be good so bad, I know. Good at what you do, good to other people, a good and healthy person. You’ve made a lot of positive changes in your life over the past few years to help support your goodness, but this month, it’s important to remember that first of all, goodness is relative. Also, you are a Pisces, bb–you need to embrace depth. You can’t always exist within such confining, rigid structures. You are at your best when you have the flexibility to go with the flow and allow yourself the space to be creative. Not if you’re stuck in a strict routine that reliably predicts a solid output that you’ve deemed good. It’s like, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” except, “All rules and no fun is absolutely nothing like who I am at my core but I’m trying to be like that anyway because it’s what I’ve determined needs to be done in order for me to be good.” It might become apparent if you remove the blinders, that you’ve been trying to shove yourself inside a box that you hate and doesn’t fit you. It might be time to make some changes and release yourself from rigid structures. You may even want to move house or try on a new romantic partner for size. Who can say?
Tarotscopes | The Emperor: Plot twist–in many cases, the fact that you want to be good automatically makes you good. You’re a beacon for others.
Key Dates: 5-7, 14, 18, 25
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
Follow the Spellsisters on Instagram @spellsisters and schedule a Zoom reading or purchase gift cards here.
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