![Featured Image November Horoscope with Scorpio constellation](https://indymaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Featured-Image-November-Horoscope-thegem-blog-default.png)
![A photo of the Spellsisters horoscopes](https://indymaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Spellsisters-Schwebach-Photography-e1628693252660-300x214.jpeg)
Welcome to Indy Maven’s August astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins and Hayley Trussell, better known around Indy as the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
There’s tension in the air. We have fully entered the 2022 eclipse season in November and after the major solar eclipse moment we had at the end of October, we may be craving a little rest. Rest doesn’t appear to be on the agenda, however. Scorpio season is pulling you to get acquainted with your shadow in November — the parts of yourself you stuff down and project onto others. Meanwhile, the total lunar eclipse in Taurus this month is inspiring events that take you closer to self-preservation. There is a war between maintaining the status quo and radically shifting the paradigm to crack open your life and be reborn. You can go deeper into the void, but you can’t stay the same in the process. November’s giving survival of the fittest energy.
Eclipses guide us to our destiny. They force us to investigate what is really going on beneath the surface of our reality and make a decision about what we find there. Lunar eclipses, in particular, are even more heated because they’re really just super-charged full moons. They bring up BIG endings, BIG culminations of long-standing issues, and usually, they force you to deal with the BIG consequences of past actions. With the added emphasis on fate and timing during eclipse season, events will conspire this month that lead you far and away from your comfort zone and force you to act on impulse. Your past will come back to haunt you, but you also have the opportunity to kill it dead, particularly with the influence of Scorpio guiding the proceedings. You will only truly know how the eclipses have affected you six months down the line when we’re revisited by the next cycle of eclipses, beginning on May 5 of 2023, and repeat the messages to offer a new, deeper layer to the story.
The Lunar Eclipse on Nov. 8 is in cozy, patient Taurus, amid an intense, transformative Scorpio season. One thing these signs have in common is that they both rule money — just in different ways. Scorpio rules other people’s money — the money we obtain through loans, inheritances, happenstance, and which inevitably put us in “debt” to others, one way or another. But Taurus rules the money that is ours alone, the kind we earn through income or our own hard work. Issues may arise this month regarding debts that need to be paid — financial or otherwise. With Uranus making tight beams to Mercury-Venus in Scorpio, expect surprise money to come back to you (if that’s what you’re owed) or for unpaid debts you thought were forgotten to resurface. You could face a sudden major expense or need to take out a loan. Regardless, you will begin to heal your relationship with money, as well as the self-worth issues that lie beneath it this month.
Even as you’re experiencing the feeling of being rushed to deal with what comes up during the eclipse, your quotidian existence continues to beckon from the sidelines. The tense face-off between Sun and Saturn in Scorpio on the 10th forces you to face an unwanted reality check: your good intentions may not be enough to make the right thing happen. Not all that comes up around this eclipse will be soft — some of Saturn’s lessons will be downright rude. Authority figures, bosses, the legal system: Anyone who judges you “for your own good” (thanks Mom) may end up intervening in your life in November with constructive criticism. Don’t just take it to heart by default — it’s time to trust yourself more than ever.
At the tense Mars-Neptune configuration on Nov.16-22, you may feel sluggish and unmotivated, but somehow also oddly manic. Channeling your energy into effective outlets will be difficult mid-month, so be patient with yourself and honor your indecision. It’s there for a reason. Luckily, with Jupiter making a tight connection with the Sun from Nov. 20-22, you can’t go wrong even if you still have the eerie feeling that everything is about to fall apart. This aspect is a cosmic protector, and it only happens in this particular way a couple times a year. Any effort you make in the right direction will carry you forward further and faster than you’d expect.
At the soothing new moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd, you will reach a safe place where you realize that the chaos is coming to a close. You may start setting goals and getting inspired by new ideas that lighten your load and make you feel a lot less overwhelmed. Sagittarius season starts off around this time, with positive beams from Mercury and Venus encouraging you to ask for what you want and expect the best from the situation. Whatever fires you put out this month encourage you to see yourself in a different way and see the world a little more optimistically. With Mars making a positive connection with Saturn at month’s end, taking practical steps in the right direction feels easier, and the stress of “adulting” seems less serious. By the end of November, expect the work you’ve put in to feel like it was well spent. The chaotic changes you’re experiencing this month will once and for all clarify where you’re going financially and shift your attitude on what you deserve.
Happy birthday, baby (you might literally feel like a baby right now!), and welcome to your long-awaited revival. It feels like you’re fresh, with new skin, and seeing the world through new eyes. Your vibe is different, and you feel like you suddenly *get it* even though nothing that deep has actively changed in the last few months. That’s because this transformation has been slow-moving and beneath the surface, maybe even going unnoticed by you. Of course, a new year by way of your birthday could always represent a fresh start. But this time around the sun really changed who you are on a deeper level than you’ve ever recognized in real time before. There have been several noticeable transitions, metamorphosing in ways obviously expressed. All of them have created a snowball effect, wiping the slate clear, and scrubbing you clean of all the old murk that haunted you. Okay, maybe not all of it, but you definitely are experiencing a sort of resurrection this month, and it might even feel like something has changed in you overnight. You have been subconsciously practicing the drills and training and now, you are beyond ready to move into the present. At last month’s eclipse in your sign the final tethers to the old you were cut, and now with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio, you feel like you’re truly being seen and known — and loved and accepted! The total lunar eclipse in Taurus on Nov. 8 completes this cycle and finally, finally transitions you into your new life. Now that you feel like you can really be who you are, you want to live your life that way, and babe, you should! Pick three to five people who mean home to you and help you be who you are by making you feel safe. Hold them in your mind, and then tell them, irl!, what they mean to you. It’s your birthday, but maybe they’re the reason you’re here right now as you are. The right things are clicking into place like magic, just at the right times and you’re always in the right place. Let the old fears, habits, and traumas fade into the background — they no longer apply to this version of you.
Tarotscopes | The World — an old version of you has died, but it’s beautiful and exciting. Now you get to be who you’ve always wanted to become.
Key Dates: Nov. 4, 8, 20, 29
Famous Scorpio: Goldie Hawn, Nov. 21, 1945
Local Scorpio: Kayla Pappas — musician for the band Living Dream and DJ Mild Cherry
*Living Dream will be playing live at Healer on Tuesday, Nov. 6
Healer | venue | 3631 E. Raymond St. | @healerdiy
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):
Your spotlight is coming up this month, and while it’s not your time to shine just yet, you may still feel like you’re under a microscope. You’re being deeply affected this month by Mars, which controls our energy, action, and desire — often this planet is looked at as the definitive factor in how you deal with conflict and your sexuality. Mars controls how we express our animalistic nature, and bb, you’re feeling kind of like a beast this month because it’s officially retrograde in Gemini until January. Gemini rules your 7th house of “others,” meaning your plus one, your coworkers, your family, and how you’re seen by them. This month, it feels like the people in your sphere are exposing you just by looking at you, and you kinda hate it, tbh. You want to buck and maybe fight, and you’re definitely on one. You can no longer ignore what’s become crusty and dusty in your life, especially when it comes to your relationships, partners, or roles you play; the parts you no longer want to play have been played out, and you’re not entertaining the storyline anymore. This month, be aware of your instinct to strike — we’re not saying you’re wrong (you probably aren’t!), but it may be wrong to be reactive. What we mean by that is, try not to say anything you’ll regret. There’s a very real threat this month for you to say something you mean in the moment that doesn’t ring true when you wake up in the morning. Try to deploy the tried-and-true practice of Waiting & Seeing rather than the more favored F*cking Around & Finding Out method.
Tarotscopes | 7 of Swords — your guard is up, and the defensiveness is necessary. Apply your guard and defense to your own energy, too.
Key Dates: Nov. 16, 17, 22, 26
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
Self-satisfaction is a hell of a drug, and you’re on a hell of a high this month. You’re always ambitious and going after achievements and recognition is a frequent motivator for you. November is bringing you a steady flow of resources as lots of planets hit your 10th house of career. Whether your bursts of luck are financial, energetic, inspirational, or material, you should see tons of opportunities to get what you want. If you’re hoping to change jobs or transform your career, this could be as good a time as any! You’re accustomed to working hard, and maybe it won’t be that hard this month — you should allow things to be easy this time. Putting too much pressure on yourself is going to apply unnecessary tension to the situation and could cause problems elsewhere in your life. While you’re especially motivated and feeling very lucky, be careful to avoid instigating issues with your nearest and dearest; your family, friends, or partner could be feeling like you’ve neglected them recently, and your determination to get gold stars could add fuel to the fire this month. Jupiter and Mars could work together to increase your wealth and decrease your expenses, so there’s really no reason for you to make it harder than necessary. Tend to your wellness, especially when it comes to your spirituality and in love. Give the same amount of energy in these areas that you give in your pursuits of success and accomplishments.
Tarotscopes | The Hierophant — the necessary restrictions will be applied in the necessary areas of your life, whether you apply them yourself or not.
Key Dates: Nov. 4, 8, 20, 26
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
Luck is on your side this month, Aquarius! You’re feeling inspired and lit from within, and things are looking up … but only if you take action. You may feel like you’ve been in a holding pattern, hitting snooze on your big idea, or like things have just been delayed for months and months. The crucial missing piece is you. All of this month’s big planetary action is calling on you to put your money where your mouth is, maybe literally. It could start to feel like the things you’ve been waiting on are actually waiting on you, as you’re hit with sudden waves of realization that the things you’ve been wracking your brain over are simple. It could be a simple matter of finally making that phone call, placing the order, rearranging the furniture, putting pen to paper, or waking up from hibernation. This month it feels like suddenly it’s not that hard to bring your creative or professional dreams to fruition, but then, when it comes to home and health, you could see some new challenges. It’s nothing life-changing, but pesky things you’ve put off or ignored come to a head and if you don’t want your luck to run out, you’ll have to look yourself in the eye and finally face them. If your pests are financial, completing those quick but annoying tasks you always pretend don’t exist might just be the ticket you need to transform it once and for all.
Tarotscopes | The Magician — you’re the missing link. Nothing else stops you from getting what you want.
Key Dates: Nov. 10, 20, 23, 26
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
You’ve been putting a lot of energy into building something you can hang onto and, while you thought you were gaining momentum, you suddenly realize the trail is dry. It feels like there’s a boulder in your path, like the sign says, “no,” and your plans have come to a rapid stop. It sounds disappointing on paper, but honestly, this comes as a relief. Your heart wasn’t in it, because now it’s clear that what you thought you wanted was really just a stopgap for what you actually want. You don’t know where this is all going to take you and you feel different — you seem different. It’s likely you start November feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus: you have very little motivation, everything seems kinda dull and lackluster, and you’re just tired from applying a lot of energy towards releasing what once might have been. So long as you embrace the uncertainty and ride the wave, you’ll feel ambition and excitement start to pick up — and surprisingly, you may find that you’re picking up where you left off, just in a new direction. When Mars squares Neptune around the 16th, you could realize that even though you’re in a Hermit phase, something feels triggering and shocking. Ultimately, this is all leading you out of your chrysalis and into your fresh start. Despite the shocks to your system, your projects and ideas are infused with some kind of magic. The planetary shifts are conspiring to bring these changes and endings to your life for a reason. You’re meant for something bigger.
Tarotscopes | The Hermit — let your downtime inspire your next big thing.
Key Dates: Nov. 8, 15, 16
Aries (March 21 – April 19):
You’re getting a cosmic comeuppance in November, one you may not have been expecting. Part of the surprise is that this Lunar Eclipse is aspecting your solar second house of finances and interacting with Uranus, the bringer of random events. You may have been penny-pinching or saving for the past couple of years and could have taken a major hit during the beginning of the pandemic. This month, you should see something you’ve lost over the past couple of years returned to you. You may pay off a debt this month or otherwise use money saved to finally take you out of a bad situation. You’re hitting a milestone where you are no longer the person always giving — you’re flipping the script and learning what it’s like to receive. It might not be totally comfortable for you, and you might be wondering if everything is about to fall apart. In the areas of your life where you’ve been giving time and money, you may suddenly see a reward that you hadn’t anticipated to arrive for a couple of years’ time. The acceleration of this process will allow you to do something with the newfound space this creates in your life: Use your power wisely.
Tarotscopes | 6 of Pentacles — You’re balancing the scales. The giver becomes the receiver.
Key Dates: Nov. 4, 22, 23, 29
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
Always the tireless worker, but typically not acknowledged for your unique contribution: You’re seeing the scales tip in your favor this month. A wave of multitasking starts to weave its way through your life in November, and incredibly, you’re somehow making it all work. You may surprise yourself this month with what you’re able to accomplish and the amount of ground you’re able to cover. The changes with eclipse season are affecting your sign more directly than anyone else, most notably in the areas related to your personal identity and self-worth. A situation that has been getting out of control in your life may have actually diverged into two separate problems around this time, with divergent needs and no way to reconcile them. You’re feeling pulled in two directions by your priorities and forced to figure out a solution that would satisfy both. In a lot of ways, this issue is one that’s closely tied to how you feel about yourself and could echo issues with money you’ve had in the past. A personal goal you have may require a significant financial investment that will require you to move funds from something equally important. You will find a happy medium, but it may be stressful while you try to balance your own expectations and plan for the future at the same time.
Tarotscopes | Two of Pentacles — You convince yourself you’re too busy, but constant flow actually brings you comfort this month. You’re going to surprise yourself.
Key Dates: Nov. 2-3, 8, 25, 30
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
Whew, you are at your wit’s end this month. You’ve been trying to figure out how to salvage something, but there’s literally no way to make that happen. You’re facing a reality check at the end of the month: Not everything can exist in the same state forever. Normally you’re cool with change, but right now this just feels like a lot to deal with. Once you let go of that career, relationship, or family tie — whatever situation you know needs to transform — you are going to feel so much better, but this might leave a gaping hole in your life in the meantime until you slowly rebuild yourself. The reveal should come in May of next year — you will see major shifts happen and new people entering your life to fill this void over the next 6-8 months. Over Scorpio season, you may notice the ways you self-sabotage relationships and aim to find ways to prevent this from happening in the future. You’re coming up with constructive psychological tools to avoid hurting people and hurting yourself in the process. At month’s end, around the new moon, a new partnership could begin, one that will end up flowering into an excellent romantic or business opportunity. You’re feeling more socially connected around this time. With Saturn making a positive aspect to Mars in your sign, you are galvanizing friendships and learning how to talk about difficult issues with a sense of humor.
Tarotscopes | Death — It’s finally over. Now you can reclaim it and turn it into what it was supposed to be.
Key Dates: Nov. 7, 10-11, 16, 23
Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
Nope — immediate no. You are turning right back around when you see the menu for November. You’re tired and you thought the pressure had reached its maximum last month when Scorpio season started, but it’s actually really important for you to continue to open the wound, even if it hurts like hell. You’re dealing with major family issues this month — old trauma, resurfacing drama, genetic lineage revelations, dreams of past ancestors. The ghosts have been disturbed this Scorpio season and you’re feeling it more deeply than others this month (not unusual). You will notice some difficult emotions come up that you don’t necessarily associate yourself with — anger, hatred, shame. These won’t stick around long, but they are definitely going to make it obvious that there’s still a lot to let go of and it needs to be done *now*. One thing that could come up in November is having someone else (a friend, a child, a sibling) live your dream — on one level, you’re super happy for them, but in another, more … real way, you’re livid that it hasn’t happened to you yet. Sometimes that can be hard to face. For instance, you may be feeling paradoxically jealous of your child for having both their parents, or a friend for getting married. Whatever it is, November will call you to address an old family wound that you’ve been nursing for a long time. It’s not selfish to accept you are angry — it’s just being honest with yourself. By the time Sagittarius season moves in on the 22nd, you’ll be able to take your power back and reframe your feelings.
Tarotscopes | 10 of Swords — It’s too much. So let it go.
Key Dates: Nov. 8-10, 16, 29
Leo (July 23 – August 22):
Cosmic promotion alert! You’ve figured out a way to work smarter, not harder, particularly when it comes to your job and habits. Even with all the chaos of eclipse season, you’re finding unexpected pockets of ease in your path — likely because you’re expecting adversity and it’s just not as bad as it seemed like it would be. Particularly around the eclipse on the 8th, you may be fighting tooth and nail to get your way, however, you may notice that it’s a lot easier to get people to agree with you than you thought. You’re a natural leader, but others are finally beginning to realize that as well. What started out as a dream to be the boss, may end up making you wish you’d never asked for that role. It’s a lot of work, but you can totally handle it, Leo. You’ve reached the apex of a creative project and it’s time to take some calculated risks. If you don’t make some real moves now, you may end up regretting it later — the opportunity is arriving now even if you don’t feel completely ready (classic eclipse). As the energy shifts into Sag at mid-month, the pace picks up and you need to start rolling out the plans for next year (when you’re still kind of worried about this year). With Mars and Saturn on your side at month’s end, you’ll feel fired up to cement new ideas and make them real, even if they seem like you’re biting off more than you can chew. You have tremendous power of concentration in November but be careful to not let all the people asking for your opinion derail your deadlines.
Tarotscopes | Emperor — You said you wanted more control, but that also requires more responsibility. Get ready to work — it’s finally time.
Key Dates: Nov. 1, 8, 20-23, 26
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
Oh, it’s about to get good. Your life is entering weird territory for you; there’s a romantic undercurrent, some drama, and even some potential offers from jobs/creative communities. It’s not unusual that you’re in high demand, Virgo, but with eclipse season, you’re feeling like everything seems to be happening all at once and you would like just a little more time to investigate the pros and cons of everything that is beating down your door. If you can, get away from it all and meditate about your decisions this month. No pressure, but whatever you decide in November will change the trajectory of your life up to six months down the line and it’s very much a head vs. heart decision. You’re getting the opportunity to do two good things, but you’ll need to devote all your time and attention to only one of them. Make sure you consider who you’re becoming and not just your usual likes and dislikes when you start to plan for the future. On the 23rd, at the new moon in Sagittarius, you can expect some conflict when what you thought you signed up for turns out to be a little different. This is a blessing in disguise, but there may be some growing pains as you stretch to accommodate the stirrings of your soul. You’re fully embracing a more adventurous lifestyle this month, but with Mars in a tense angle to your Sun, you might feel frustrated by the fast pace and the unexpected detours.
Tarotscopes | The Lovers — You have to make a head vs. heart decision. Problem: Your Head isn’t returning your calls.
Key Dates: Nov. 6, 8, 22-23, 27
Libra (September 23 – October 22):
You’re on the precipice of a cosmic wardrobe change and tbh, it feels like it’s been a long time coming. You’ve been trying to follow a script, but big changes are ahead and unfortunately, the pages are stuck together. You’re gonna have to act on the fly … even though how you choose to react and respond is, like, really important. You’re making eclipse decisions on a full moon budget, meaning the weight of what you do now will impact you for the next six months. No big deal, right? Last month still has you feeling like you have whiplash. Like, what now? What else could you possibly have to confront? Well, for one thing: What are you doing to distract yourself from where you’re trying to go? The chaos of October maybe took you off course and away from yourself. Even if you’re exhausted, don’t let that be a reason to settle into acceptance and complacency. The purpose of last month’s challenges was to expose your most toxic patterns so that you can change them. Now your path has been righted and you can transmute last month’s moments of weakness into a newfound sense of badassery. It’s sexy. You probably don’t even know who’s looking up to you, but we promise you: they are. Your strength is like honey, wildly attractive to pollinators, if you know what we mean. You have admirers, bb, and you deserve them. Don’t let the near-misses or near-hits of last month keep bringing you down. There’s plenty more chances where they came from, and with Jupiter in Pisces through the month, you feel more grounded in your body and present in the moment. You’ll know it when you see it.
Tarotscopes | The Empress — an invitation to feel alive awaits you.
Key Dates: Nov. 2, 8, 22
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
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