Your October 2022 Horoscopes With the Spellsisters

Discover what’s in the stars for you in October with your horoscope reading from the Spellsisters.
Featured Image October Horoscope

A photo of the Spellsisters horoscopes
The Spellsisters

Welcome to Indy Maven’s August astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins and Hayley Trussell, better known around Indy as the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.


Something magical this way comes. We’re entering October with a whopping six planets running retrograde and the focus squarely on what doesn’t exist yet or what used to exist before. You’re feeling outside the frame of reality: Life is just a bit askew. That’s because you’re betwixt and between a powerful transformational energy that hits its highest octave during Scorpio season, beginning on Oct. 23. Libra season and the Autumnal Equinox are the doorways which provide us a point of access to the depths. You’re being initiated even if you’re not sure where you’re going. 

On the 1st, a tense aspect between Saturn and Uranus starts a cosmic gridlock between two powerhouses for nearly the rest of the month. These planets connect to our primal cultural need for stability and alternatively, rebellion. With these being in conflict, you’re being low-key broken open by the universe to serve a higher, deeper purpose. You may rebel against previous versions of who you thought you were in October. With Venus and Jupiter engaged in a tug-of-war aspect around the same time, this iconoclastic energy could also involve your idealized self and the beliefs you harbor about the feminine aspect of your nature and what she should and shouldn’t do. There may be matrilineal trauma coming up to be processed, as you shed proverbial “skin” that’s not even yours (thanks, Grandma).  

Luckily, Mercury *finally* goes direct on the 2nd after torturing us through September. You’re free to comfortably sign contracts, block exes, even send emails without re-reading them first. No wires should be crossed this month — you’re speaking clearly and confidently, even if all the other retrogrades point to things still being emotionally messy. As these planets gradually move direct throughout the month, particularly after Oct. 26, you’ll notice a lot more energy available to you.  

The Full Moon in Aries on Oct. 9 starts a cozy little maelstrom between Venus and Saturn around the same time Pluto moves direct into Capricorn. The combo is high drama, yet blasé unbothered. It’s like Cher rolling her eyes in “Clueless” as Amber does something terrible. We’re one foot outside the situation, so the events that come up around this time are borderline funny, even if there’s a great deal of stress surrounding them. With Mars in a tense connection with Neptune, other people in your life could be acting shady and not communicating their real feelings and intentions around this time. Just know that more will be revealed. Remember, Libra season is the beautiful liminal hallway that grants us access to the deeper secrets of Scorpio season. If it feels like a hall of mirrors when you push people for clarity, that just means you’re paying attention.    

You’re learning to keep a part of yourself to yourself in October. Not everything is for mass consumption — some things are just for you. As Saturn moves direct on the 23rd, expect plans to finally start moving forward and critical mentors to come back from sabbatical. You’re not doing practice runs, this is primetime. You’re cooking with gas by the time the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio starts the season off with a bang. Solar eclipses clear space so the universe can move your life around and make the impossible suddenly possible. You’re planting seeds at this eclipse, and leaning into the raw emotional materials that will transform you as we enter Scorpio season. Some of this might mean traveling to the proverbial Underworld to face some demons. By the time Mars starts stationing backward into retrograde on Halloween, expect an imperceptible shift. You won’t be the same on the other side.  


Libra: It’s time to shine. Even with six planets retrograde at the start of October, you’re feeling more composed and in your element this month. Attribute it to the slow and steady galvanizing influence of Saturn in fellow air sign Aquarius — you’re setting down roots and restructuring your life to fit an “old money” narrative. If you have had to work very hard for what you want recently, you’re loosening those beliefs and manifesting things with speed and ease this month.  

Never one to skimp on the finer things, now is a time where you’ll be upgrading all sectors of your life, particularly when it comes to partnerships and finances. On Oct. 1, when Venus hits a tense aspect with Jupiter, you’ll being challenged to spend money to make money. This may come with some serious price tags, but the stars say you’re good for it — maybe you’ve been saving up for just this moment. Whatever you spend money on early this month will have investment potential, so don’t be afraid to customize and make it exactly what you want.  

Your career moves forward more comfortably after the 2nd; finally, it seems like you’re pushing past delays to reach a place of peace and stability again. The only hiccup in store for you will likely occur the week of the Full Moon in Aries on Oct. 9; suddenly you feel pushed into the crosshairs of an enormous emotional breaking point. We know this sounds like a lot, but this is actually really good for you — you may have been avoiding a conversation with a partner that’s loomed heavily on your heart or been procrastinating a meet-up with a difficult friend. Now is the time to clear the air and politely disagree; it’s not selfish to ask for what you want, it’s just self-preservation.  

You may have felt your needs mattered less over the past year, in favor of all your responsibilities to others. You will be setting the record straight, even if there’s likely to be conflict and possibly some hurt feelings on the other side of this convo. If life has felt uninspiring over the past few months, expect to wake up with excitement, a boatload of creative ideas, and increased focus as the Sun aligns with Venus from Oct. 19 through 26. There is a magical tendril weaving its way through your life and you may be surprised what suddenly works out to your benefit. With so much retrograde emphasis on the past, you could finally get something you dreamed about months ago, that you completely forgot about. It’s as if something you ordered from the universe finally gets delivered.  

When Saturn moves direct on Oct. 23 right around the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, you’re feeling inflamed with the desire to nest and save. You may restructure your investments or go on a financial diet, in preparation for a major life change you’re planning think: leaving the country, quitting your job, moving in with your partner, pregnancy. This is not a time to play it small. You’re a schemer and October showcases you extending the boundaries of what feels possible, while keeping your feet firmly on the ground. You’re ready for more and this Halloween season is just the beginning. 

Tarotscopes | 9 of Pentacles: You’re no longer the lady-in-waiting. You’re the cat who got the cream. 

Key Dates: Oct. 1, 8, 9, 12, 23-25 

Famous Libra: Doja Cat 

Local Libra: Kalliopi Nikou | Co-owner of Paul’s Flower Shop, Photo Shoots and Events / Real Estate Agent for F.C. Tucker | @home.sweet.hoosier and  


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): 

You’re committed to the bit this month; the bit being that you’re doing okay. A resounding yes, even though you know you’re overwhelmed. You hide it well, Scorpio. You feel the untenable weight of existential angst at the start of October, right before we shift into your season. Something’s off it’s as if you’re driving in a low gear up a hill with no end in sight. It’s not going to feel like this forever and on Oct. 8, as your ruling planet Pluto moves direct from a period of being retrograde, you’ll notice the weight of the world remove itself from your shoulders. At the Full Moon on the 9th, anger comes up to be healed, but it could feel a bit more primal scream than you were expecting. Don’t be down on yourself for feeling out of control just work to set things right if you lash out. You might find that you need to set some boundaries this month. That’s a tired request, but it’s super important for you to take it seriously because you’re in danger of burning out, just when your life is blooming behind the scenes before making its big reveal. At the Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 25th, you are risen. You’re energized, courageous, and you may find yourself actually realizing a major goal that you never expected to come to fruition so soon. There’s something like a cosmic graduation here you have hit a major milestone and it’s time for you to rest for a bit and reflect on where you’ve been. This could come in the form of an actual graduation, a moment where you realize you finally made it at work, or it could even be a major relationship anniversary or milestone. Whatever it is, you need to be fully conscious of how much power you harbor within and recognize you made something out of nothing. You’re using the impetus of your inner power to give yourself the space to explore what is raw and unhealed without judgment. You will succeed this month, but you may also feel very overwhelmed at times. Make sure you get some time to yourself, even if you have to fight for it. 

Tarotscopes | The World It’s finally here. The moment you’ve been waiting for. Blink and you’ll miss it. 

Key Dates: Oct. 8, 9, 23, 25, 30 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):  

There are some hard truths you’re spilling and not everyone’s ready to hear them in October. This will probably make you pretty unpopular in October, but alas, you’re right: The truth must be revealed. This month, Mercury finally moves direct on the 2nd right around the same time your ruling planet Jupiter makes a clash with your love/friendship sector. If you’ve been waiting to bring something up, it’s likely you will choose the beginning of the month for your mic drop moment with someone important in your life. You may have been hoarding resentments you were worried would deeply offend someone, but you’re feeling compelled to address the issue as Pluto moves direct on the 8th. This might manifest in an offhand remark that really hurts someone, so make sure to know your audience and take the time to say it right. Your gloves may be unintentionally off in October. A lot of what’s coming up is centered on you not wanting to take one for the team one last time or always be the fall guy. Your sign is the prom queen who stayed home with her friend who had the flu; you’re used to being there for buds when they need you, but you’re feeling excruciatingly burned out on your fellow man this month, particularly around the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th. Even if you feel selfish by taking back your energy, it’s important to notice the ways you end up over-giving even when no one asks you to. In a way, that is selfish too. Take back your power and own your part in the problem. It’s possible that you still may need to set expectations with needy friends and boundary-crossers, but you need to clarify when you are being manipulative and when other people really are taking advantage of you. If you feel the urge to cut off a friendship this month or otherwise drastically address a situation in your work life, that may be necessary, but take some time to logically process your feelings on the 26th. On the 31st, right before Mars hits a distressing angle to your Sun, you will see your anger recede and turn to sadness. Don’t let this loss of energy force you to back down on an area of your life you know needs to change. Things are unsustainable the way they are. Don’t let them change your mind just because you’re feeling vulnerable.  

Tarotscopes | Tower You might not want to rock the boat this month. But we know you’re gonna do it. 

Key Dates: Oct. 1, 2, 8-9, 11, 31 

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):  

It’s a wild time when investments start paying dividends and you’re finally past the point of breaking even. You start to feel almost childlike, feral, like anything could happen and like the clouds might really have a silver lining. Although your sign is typically realistic to the point of pessimistic, you’re not one to snub cold, hard facts. Particularly when you’ve done the hard work to ensure that any gains are real and not flash-in-the-pan indulgences. As Pluto moves direct in your sign on the 8th, you’re magnetizing abundance into your life and noticing the ways you can turn a small investment into something substantial. Pluto demands transformation and this month, after a period being retrograde, you’ve reflected carefully on where you want to pool your energy (and money). You may be dealt a harsh hand on the 9th, when events outside your control come up to loosen your wallet and kindle your anger. Luckily, you’ve prepared for famine and you’re not in a bad spot; you may just need to restructure your life to accommodate the damages. On the 23rd, when your ruling planet Saturn moves direct, you’ll have all the natural forces on your side to put plans in place and focus on the future. You may have been feeling depressed while Saturn was retrograde over the past months. Now you’ll have sterling clarity and a feeling that not all is lost. By month’s end and especially around the Solar Eclipse on the 25th, you’ll hit the cosmic reset button on any siphoning funds and scale back on repeat purchases. You may get a new job around this time, a raise, or some other source of income that really makes a difference. Although major changes tend to happen around eclipse season, these changes will begin to solidify in the coming months after you’ve already laid the groundwork. You’re embracing a lifestyle that used to be just outside your means and learning what it means to move in silence. 

Tarotscopes | Ace of Pentacles: New job, new keys, new clothes. You have it but remember to invest it. 

Key Dates: Oct. 8, 10, 23, 31 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):  

You enter October with the pressure of big-daddy Saturn ominously staring over you. You may be feeling compressed by the weight of recent events and pressured to be an adult when you just do not have the bandwidth to do so. You have to try though, baby Aquarius. It’s not easy, but it’s what’s being asked of you. As Pluto moves direct into Capricorn on the 8th, you’ll notice a shift in your personal power, but it comes with a catch: You can’t trust yourself fully unless you do what you promised you would do. There can be hard adjustments in October: There are big eclipses hitting your chart specifically, and outside events triggering instability. Stay strong. The Full Moon on Oct. 9 may trigger a downward spiral moment, where you have the emotional equivalent of realizing the water wasn’t as deep as you thought when you fell in. You can stand on your own two feet, and you are actually capable of withstanding anything right now, even though it doesn’t seem like it. Particularly as Saturn, the ancient ruler of Aquarius, moves back into direct motion, expect to notice the waves of depression lift and an immense feeling of gratitude wash over you. You’re happy just to be alive this month for some reason that feels miraculous and special, even though it may have felt like a burden before. At the Solar Eclipse on the 25th, you may have a forced clearing of chakras and an emotional experience with a friend that borders on therapy. You’re cleaning out your closet and rediscovering the ways you’ve let your light go out by giving up on being your own dad. There’s so much more to life than waiting for the perfect moment or the ideal situation. You’re realizing as Mars goes retrograde on the 30th that you are free; your mind is the prison. 

Tarotscopes | Sun Your vitality is rushing to the surface and making you glow. You are free.   

Key Dates: Oct. 1, 5, 23, 25, 30 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

There are moments when your dreams really do end up being just illusions and then there are times where your Pollyanna ways are redeemed seemingly by chance. Now is one of those times. As we enter October, you’re like a sailor getting your sea legs, navigating each retrograde back swing of the planets with grace and ease (mostly because you’re used to chaos, Pisces). On the 2nd, when Mercury moves out of retrograde, you might have an awakening of sorts where you realize the answer to a problem you’ve been thinking over for months. It turns out to be a lot simpler than you thought: in fact, you might just need to ask for what you want. On the Full Moon on the 9th, even though you’re manifesting with speed and ease, you’re so connected with the universe at this time that you’re feeling the tension and wondering why everyone is so testy. Notice what happens around this time because your sensitivity is magnified to a billion and you may start subconsciously tuning into the fears of others. You could make some surprising discoveries about the people in your life if you pay close attention. From Oct. 9-15, your fantasies may start to solidify into reality, as a tense aspect from your ruler Neptune starts hitting the gas on Mars and making things happen. At the Solar Eclipse in fellow water sign Scorpio on the 25th, make sure you claim a demarcation line between your feelings and everyone else’s because you have a tendency to be an emotional sponge as a defense mechanism when others are freaking out around you. Your inner spiritual nature is quite calm in October; you’re clearing out space patiently to make room for what you know is on its way. By the time Mars stations on the 30th and attempts to backswing into Gemini to confuse you, you’ve already assembled the pieces to form a picture, and no one is more surprised than you when the puzzle actually comes together. You can trust your notions this month, even if they seem a little doe-eyed or impractical you’re on the right path. 

Tarotscopes | 9 of Cups: Sometimes life is actually better than you thought it’d be in your head. 

Key Dates: Oct. 2-3, 15-16, 25, 30-31  

Aries (March 21 – April 19): 

You’re outright vibing, yet also completely aware that all your good fortune could crumble at any moment like a storm ruining a summer’s day. October has you hyper focused on what you want to the point where you deeply believe you can have it, so expect manifestations galore to come flooding out of the woodwork. Particularly at the beginning of the month, with Jupiter the giver of joy making a direct hit to your chart, you’re finding you’re in the right place at the right time to make things happen. Although the tone is *lucky,* you’ll still need to put in some elbow grease this month to see your dreams bloom. In the spirit of sweeping changes, on the Full Moon in Aries on the 9th, you’re hitting a HARD reset on your identity, to the point where you may completely change an element of your personality for good over the course of a day. Sometimes that’s all it takes and baby Aries, you’re not one to perseverate once you’ve officially made up your mind. Meanwhile, as you’re entering a season of your own personal rebrand, you may be encountering the changes a partner’s choices have necessitated in your own life. With so many planets in your partnership sign of Libra until Oct. 24, you will feel heavily clued into what your partner (romantic or business) is doing, and feeling the urge to merge more than ever this year. Although you may start to lose steam around the Solar Eclipse on Oct. 25, you’re ultimately heading toward a future collaboration that makes you feel a lot more secure, and not quite so stressed to figure it all out on your own. As your ruling planet Mars moves stationary at month’s end, expect an energy dip as you’re forced to deal with past anger and figure out what to do with it. You’ll be able to transform old resentments by rethinking them and stepping outside the box.  

Tarotscopes | 10 of Cups Everything was great and nothing hurt. Man, this month will be unexpectedly cute. Sickeningly so. You’ll love/hate it, but mostly distrust it. 

Key Dates: Oct. 1, 9, 11, 15, 30 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):  

You can’t help it you’re the “One to Watch” this month, fully stealing the thunder from birthday sign Libra. There’s *so* much going on in your life, to the point where you might feel a little overwhelmed, even if the news is likely positive. From the beginning of October until the 23rd, you’re under the cosmic pressure of a Saturn-Uranus square aspect, ripping your security-loving sign in two with surprise after surprise. Although it’s fun, it’s … a lot, and you’re not really ready to make all these moves without a solid plan B. Keep an open mind on what you think you want this month you’re likely to be asked to change things or escalate plans you had imagined for even as far as NEXT YEAR in order to make them happen right now. Who’s idea was that you might say? It’s likely yours there’s something in the air indicating urgency, so expect it to be a pretty good reason. At the same time, although the energy is high, you’re low-key undergoing a personal inner transformation that will take slow moves and consolidated effort to withstand. Particularly around the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (your opposite sign) on the 25th, something needs to come to an end in order for this other thing to be reborn. The Universe is a Slider puzzle it gives and takes in equal measure, but it needs room to move. This may be an old area of your life that no longer serves you or it could represent a relationship that’s run its course. Either way, you will not have time for both good things and may need to make a choice. By month’s end, expect Halloween celebrations to rope you in, even if you’re not usually the party type. You’re utterly on fire with possibility, so don’t waste this spectacular eclipse month. 

Tarotscopes | 3 of Cups Party time. You deserve it. There’s mirth to be had, and every celebration seems to involve you for some reason (if not center stage, you’re a member of the proceedings).  

Key Dates: Oct. 4, 8-9, 23, 25 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)  

Security reigns supreme this month. You’re settling down in a way (or as close to it as a Gemini could), and focusing on big purchases, strategic mergers, and major money moves. Even the Geminis who don’t like to think too deeply about the financial side of life will be stacking cash and focusing on the future in their own way. Credit it to that whole “Ant and the Grasshopper” story you’re realizing that “winter” is coming (literally or whatever winter means to you) and you know on some level you’re not really ready. You’re much too resourceful to have to think more than a few minutes about a solution, however. If anybody can straighten up before company arrives in the blink of an eye or b/s a maid of honor’s speech, it’s you. Use that slapdash scrappy energy to move mountains just in time to have everything in order before anyone notices. With the pace of life shifting as your ruling planet Mercury finally moves direct on the 2nd, you’ll feel like things are finally moving forward again after a long period of delays. Even so, things are not as they seem from the 9th to the 15th, with Neptune in Pisces activating your chart ruler and forcing you to navigate lies and illusions to find the gold underneath. Promise us you’re not adopting any slick side jobs or snake oil sales this month. Although it’s nice to have a second source of income, stick to tried and true methods so you don’t accidentally wind up in a situation that’s difficult to extricate yourself from. By the 30th, when Mars in your sign hits a stationary placement where it temporarily appears to sit still in the sky, take a pause to figure out which direction you want your career and lifestyle heading and where you want to be in 2023. Your family situation and career will be directly affected by the eclipses that start this fall and you’re going to want to be prepared with a nest egg to pull from in case things change. 

Tarotscopes | 10 of Pentacles You can’t help but feel like everything’s sort of working out. Your support system is impeccable, and your finances are in order this month. Invest what you make this month. 

Key Dates: Oct. 2, 12, 15, 30-31  

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

October is an enlightening month for you, as you hear the inner stirrings of eclipse season and sense a shift. Eclipses always heavily affect you Cancer, because you’re ruled by the moon; eclipses involve the moon’s visceral lunar power and alignment with universal cycles. You are highly aware of all the tidal shifts inside your soul and you’re sensing that the wind’s about to change again just in time. This should be a welcome relief to you since much of 2022 has been stressful and emotional, if not borderline overwhelming. You’ve come to an impasse where the pendulum is swinging upward and finally releasing you from anxiety with unexpected joy and personal freedom. You may have started your own business or birthed something major of your own this year and it seems that this month you’re finally letting your proverbial baby bird fly on its own. Expect to have a lot more independence, expansion, and dare we say wildness in your life even if you wouldn’t normally allow yourself to make moves without considering others’ needs. The Full Moon in Aries shows you at your most feral you may be forced to protect something or someone you love, to the point where others deem it reckless. You’re right though: It’s yours, and you need to fight to keep it safe. Expect emotional roller coasters that give way to happy tears. Around the Solar Eclipse in fellow water sign Scorpio on Oct. 25, you’re experiencing a sea change that feels oddly sensual. You feel finally in your body again and possibly more sexually awakened than you have in a while. You need to remember who you are beyond the role you play to all those who rely on you for support. You’re more powerful than you give yourself credit for and you need room to move they can survive on their own. It’s your turn. 

Tarotscopes | Sun All will work out better than expected. You’re on your way to a time of freedom.  

Key Dates: Oct. 3, 8, 9, 23, 25 

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

This month you’re letting go of something major and learning to move with the flow of life. You’re not typically the first to start the conversation on self-care or healing your own trauma … it can be a bit of a bummer, but October has you diving in and figuring out the defenses you have within that keep you from experiencing intimate connection. With six planets retrograde at the start, it’s time to look back into your past to uncover the wounds you’ve papered over when you thought the show must go on. There may have been times back then where you hid your most “unloveable” parts not knowing they were also your most relatable. You’re learning to get so freaking tired that you just drop the facade, baby Leo. At the Full Moon in fellow fire sign Aries on the 9th, a passion project may reach full fluorescence, just as you’re learning to showcase more of your flaws for public consumption. What you may want to be “Sell-Out Stadium” may turn out to be a bit more “MTV Unplugged,” but don’t let that discourage you. Your real ride-or-dies will be there with bells on and whatever you do this month should be well-received. With Libra season sparking joy and growth and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio inspiring a massive re-homing experience, you’re being bolstered to look within at the versions of yourself you neglected and the identities that withered on the vine. You could be forced to move house or change your living arrangements as your version of home becomes more complicated. Despite needing rest this month, you are also bathing in the afterglow of being elevated after feeling lost for a long time. Don’t lose sight of how far you’ve come: Anything is better than the hell you didn’t know you were in. You’re on the mend.  

Tarotscopes | 6 of Swords Anything’s better than where you’re coming from. You’re moving on. 

Key Dates: Oct. 1, 13 20, 25, 30 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):  

There’s a lot to do, but you love it. You’re borderline blissed out to have so much on your to-do list because it all has a *purpose* and it all feels *significant,* buzzwords that mean your tremendous work ethic is actually doing more than spinning its wheels. Something about Mercury moving out of retrograde on Oct. 2 makes everything easier you’re focused and see things clearly. On Oct. 8, Pluto goes direct in fellow earth sign Capricorn and casually shakes the bedrock of your life with something minor. This could be something small someone says or a situation that crops up out of an apparent misunderstanding, but either way it smells of a power play and you immediately sense a hidden meaning. File it away but say nothing now is not the time for confrontations. Best to wait until Scorpio season on the 23rd, when incidentally Uranus moves out of ugly configuration with bad-daddy Saturn, before you start to actually lay down hints that you know what’s going on. Then, you can actually beat them at their own game. Not many people understand how much you know, Virgo you miss nothing, and you only show your cards when you have a plan A, B, and C. Use whatever information comes up around the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th to protect yourself from the drama that other people are digging up for themselves. Eclipses reveal things and create holes for the universe to fill make sure you distract yourself with work so you’re not busy watching the door while the universe fills your cosmic letterbox. Major changes are in store next month for your reputation, so get the boring, responsible citizen stuff out of the way in October and keep a low profile for now. You’ll be surprised how glowingly you look in comparison when this person gets found out for what they are, and you get your just desserts in November.  

Tarotscopes | 8 of Pentacles You’re in the flow. Keep focused and you’ll make amazing things happen.  

Key Dates: Oct. 2, 10, 12, 19, 31 


Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.

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