Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
June 2024 OVERVIEW
The Gemini energy is strong, my friends, and imho, this shift is not just welcomed but fully embraced with open arms. Thankfully, this is bringing golden opportunities to begin seeing all the lessons of the past few months as valuable insights to help ignite change. Now that you have the necessary info, you can decide what tools are needed to integrate these insights into healing.
It’s been a heavy year so far. If we view the challenges as lessons providing crucial information, then the duality of Gemini could be exactly the benefit we need, with its levity lightening the load. This doesn’t erase the challenge, of course, but perhaps the solution could become clearer.
Although Gemini often gets a bad rap, it’s one of the only signs that operates evenly between two worlds. We tend to think of the Gem of the zodiac as two-faced, impulsive, sometimes indecisive, and unruly. Really, the twins represent the dance between our physical and spiritual worlds. The twins play equally between dark and light, masculine and feminine, soft and hard.
Two things can be true at once. One truth does not cancel out another. How fitting for the current climate of our world.
For the first time in 12 years, Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion) shifted into Gemini on May 25, where it will stay stationed until June 9, 2025. The vibe is energy, baby. Think: curiosity, excitement, innovation…but also expect delays by way of over-analysis and over-scrutiny.
Jupiter’s home base is in Sagittarius, putting it at its detriment in Gemini, the opposite sign. Its natural state is an easy-go-lucky, adventurous, global mindset, which explains Sagittarius’ jet-setting nature. Gemini can pump the brakes on this energy by being analytical and process-oriented.
But if you have something to say, now’s the time to speak up. It’s the perfect time to put yourself out there. Gemini gives you the gift of clarity (in thoughts and words), and Jupiter may just have what it takes to boost the message for your audience. This is even truer with Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, joining Jupiter in its home sign of Gemini on the first. Ideas are supercharged, and our minds are sharp. Writing, brainstorming, and collaborating should come more naturally this month, boosting the potential for personal and professional growth.
The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is a good time to see things with fresh eyes–your new beginning comes here, especially regarding learning, communication, and travel. Set intentions for intellectual and social endeavors, and start your new projects now.
Love and self-expression are in the spotlight when Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on the 17th, encouraging openness and vulnerability. You’re more receptive than usual, so engage in your passions and be confident expressing your love. Your talents are unique, and it’s time to put them on display. This is an inspiring time with the potential to generate expansive ideas and excellent communication.
On the 29th, Saturn will retrograde in Aquarius, inspiring major reflection and consideration of boundaries and commitments. It could become clear where you may have been unrealistic with goals or relationships, encouraging realignment with that which brings peace. No more stretching to fit.
The goal this month is to stay flexible. Give yourself the space to reflect so your message comes across as intended. There is so much potential for depth and security, especially when it comes to our emotions. Let yourself learn to balance between intellect and emotion, just like the twins.
BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Gemini Placements (Birthday between May 21 – June 20):
Fittingly, the party’s at your place this month, with all these planets visiting your sign. All this Gemini energy has the potential to bring so much clarity to your life, bb! I’m talking love, career, friendships, money, family, health–you name it. Everything makes so much more sense for you this month, and you’re feeling the love. Something’s in the air, and if it feels like you’re capable of making a 180 on everything in your life, that’s because you are. Any adjustments you make to your life that empower you to live as your most authentic self are supercharged. Your priorities don’t stay the same forever and aren’t always ordered in the way society believes is conventional. You are allowed to prioritize joy that comes from outside of your relationships. You’re allowed to change your mind. You do not have to go down the same beaten path as everyone else, conforming to convention. It’s so unlike you! Just embrace what’s most important to you right now, communicate with clarity and respect, and give yourself all the space in the world to chase your dreams. What a way to enter a new year!
Tarotscopes | The Sun: Everything looks brilliantly inspiring when it’s the first time you’re opening your eyes.
Local Gemini: Jessie Kai Harden, Owner of Garden Table, May 29
Famous Gemini: Angelina Jolie, June 4
Cancer Placements (Birthday between June 21 – July 22):
Your grip is loosened right now, and we love to see it! This is not the time to try to force yourself to be responsible or shame yourself for acting a little off-script. You’re not crazy, you’re just a little wild. And don’t worry: this is temporary. It’s perfectly acceptable to let your hair down and lightly shirk some of your responsibilities. There’s no law against having fun. No law–at least none that I’m aware of–says you can’t call in sick when you’re not actually sick. You deserve to take a load off, bb. It’ll all come back into focus and even out. Now’s not the time to worry about how or when that will happen.
Tarotscopes | Knight of Swords: I would argue that it’s more illegal not to force everyone else to have fun right now.
Leo Placements (Birthday between July 23 – August 22):
You are at a pivotal moment right now. While other people are partying and enjoying summer, you’re in the middle of a transformation. It’s time to decide whether you want to keep becoming the version of yourself you’ve been carefully molding. Is that still who you are? Is she still doing what you wanna be doing? You’re allowed to change. This month, you could be gifted the vision of a different future. Are you interested in rearranging your life to match a new possible outcome? You can ditch a storyline, no matter how invested you are. There is no correct answer; ultimately, change is in the stars for you, no matter what you decide.
Tarotscopes | Wheel of Fortune: You can’t stop time or avoid its ticking hands. The tides turn no matter what you do.
Virgo Placements (Birthday between August 23 – September 22):
You are in a little bit of a chrysalis moment, becoming something beautiful in secret. In fact, it could look a little ugly on the outside. To the rest of us, it seems like your decision-making is slightly reckless. You’re more concerned with advancement than appearances, though, and while socially, you’re not coming off the way you think, professionally, you’re making strides you didn’t expect possible. The more you trust yourself and believe in what you’re doing, the more powerful the changes will be. It feels like this month will bring a transformation, if only because your priorities are shifting.
Tarotscopes | 7 or Pentacles: You’re willing to put in effort even when it doesn’t seem like it will pay off. You know when the risk is worth the reward.
Libra Placements (Birthday between September 23 – October 22):
These days, you are more focused on your personal growth than being seen, and your investment is beginning to pay off. Things look optimistic this month. If you’re open to it, your life could totally shift because you’re beginning to see the roots of your motivation—this month, you are beginning to understand why you want what you want, and once you start working this out, it becomes easier to work towards it. You’re learning to set yourself up for a level of success that you once thought was so far off. You’ve caught up to yourself now, and it’s time to believe in your ability to grow beyond what you think is possible.
Tarotscopes | The Magician: Everything you have now came from a dream you once had.
Scorpio Placements (Birthday between October 23 – November 21):
It may be a stretch to say this is your favorite time of year, am I right? You’re not always a huge fan of the social expectations that come with the summer; this month, that could be especially true. It seems like all anybody wants to do is have fun, but you kinda just want to be left alone. Unlike them, you are in a much more reflective mood. You feel like two separate people lately: the version of you that the world sees and your inner landscape. You are incubating something, but seeing what’s cooking from where you are might be difficult. You don’t need to know how things will turn out. All you need right now is to observe and let yourself be.
Tarotscopes | The Moon: You had this card last month, too. What are you refusing to see? What inner voice are you neglecting to hear?
Sagittarius Placements (Birthday between November 22 – December 21):
Gone are the days when you sit back and wait for an answer. You are no longer content with waiting for acceptance or acknowledgment, and this month, it’s abundantly clear that if they don’t see it now, they never will. You’re a 10 and a catch in every area of your life, and you’re accepting appreciation only from here on out. Give people a chance, though. Listen to what they say before you make a judgment or decision. You are not meant to rot while you wait for others to make up their mind, but you don’t have to make up yours if you don’t yet have all the information.
Tarotscopes | The Empress: You are absolutely glowing, resplendent, and magnificent. You’re attracting attention from the right people.
Capricorn Placements (Birthday between December 22 – January 19):
You’re feeling refreshed and revived as we approach Summer Solstice. It feels like you’re learning to master the balance between your professional ambitions and your personal well-being. This is welcoming new chances to show off your truest skills and be seen as the valuable asset that you are. Be wary of overworking—in all ways. The potential for burnout is always strong with you, but you can lean on your relationships and deep connections with people, romantic, platonic, and professional, to keep you grounded. It’s all about giving yourself space to relax while maintaining enthusiasm for what you’re most passionate about.
Tarotscopes | Strength: Sometimes the most important way to showcase your strength is by knowing when to say no.
Aquarius Placements (Birthday between January 20 – February 18):
You have several irons in the fire and lots of plates spinning. It can be overwhelming to focus your attention when you have so much going on, and it’s important for you right now. Because it’s not even so much that you have a lot going on. It’s more that you have a lot of things you want to make work and not a lot of ideas about how to make it happen. It can be really difficult for you to stay grounded and keep your priorities aligned with your goals, and that’s why it’s especially important to assess the situation before making any sudden movement. The things you want and the people you love seem like they’re physically far away from you, but you know best of all that space and time don’t matter.
Tarotscopes | The Tower: Loosen your grip, or else it all could topple.
Pisces Placements (Birthday between February 19 – March 20):
Your priority right now is comfort and peace, so you’re putting down roots where you feel most secure. Your heart has been through the ringer, and you’ll not likely feel settled until the Sun moves into Cancer. Something feels unfinished, and it seems like no matter what you do, you uncover another insecurity—which is why investing energy into what feels secure is important. You, dreamer of the zodiac, keeper of secrets, likely suspect that the insecurities are not yours. Hint: you are absorbing the world around you and carrying the burden of people who came before you. You don’t have to do this, of course. Stay true to yourself and hold tight to what brings you comfort. This is the way.
Tarotscopes | The High Priestess: Although you cannot see the tethers, you feel them. You know that what’s real cannot always be perceived.
Aries Placements (Birthday between March 21 – April 19):
Your gift this month is motivation. You have a million special ideas and paths you could take, and none of them is bad. Your mind is moving faster than your body can; the key here is to keep it moving anyway. You can’t keep up with all the insights, but you can write them down. You can practice. You know that the best way to get what you want is to ask for it, but it may be more valuable to just listen this month. You’re receiving more information than you can process, so it’s best not to make any important decisions. Wait until you know.
Tarotscopes | 8 of Wands: If it seems chaotic that you’re going a million miles a minute, focus on your direction rather than your speed.
Taurus Placements (Birthday between April 20 – May 20):
Finally, you’re awake. Your body, mind, and spirit are opening up to a fresh perspective. You may have run out of steam or lost focus over the past few months, but now your energy is restored, and with this renewed optimism and inspiration comes confidence. You have Mars on your side, lifting you up, making you feel more assertive. If you have been feeling crusty-dusty, your life has seemed lackluster, you don’t have anything to look forward to, or all of the above, hang on tight. This month, watch for serendipitous moments and synchronicities. There are sparkles and blessings all around you. Any one of them could just be life-changing.
Tarotscopes | The Star: Life feels better when there’s something to look forward to.
Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.
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