Maven to Know is a weekly series by Indy Maven highlighting a member of our community. Want to be featured? Join us!
CEO and Founder of RB Consulting, Rebecca Bormann is driven by a desire to empower people, especially women, to reach their full potential and lead a purpose-filled life. She believes this desire is the foundation of her success in sales/business development, leadership and technology. She loves serving the community, feeling a powerful call to do her part to advance equity, inclusion and belonging for all women and minorities in the STEM fields and business. A dog mom to two Cocker Spaniels, Lucky and Bonnie, Rebecca loves spending time with them outside tinkering around in her flower gardens. Her other passion? Travel. Tell us more, Rebecca!
My Maven Superpower is … My intuitive ability to help people see their greatness and how they can use their gifts and talents and partner with folks with different gifts and talents to have an even greater impact.
Best book I’ve read lately is … The Light We Carry By Michelle Obama
Self-care habit I swear by … Regular massages with Mira Bell at More Life Plus
My first job was … Sales Clerk at JC Penney
The best career advice I can offer is … “To be authentically me and allow others the space to be authentically them.”
A purchase I’ve been loving lately is … Canva Pro! I am not an artist by any stretch of the word. Canva has allowed me the ability to be creative in a new, fun and easy way.
I feel most confident when … I am my authentic self and trust my intuition.
My favorite local restaurant dish is … Tough choice for a foodie! Right now, I am going with Root & Bone Chicken & Waffles
The thing I’ve been binging lately is … Okay I know these are polar opposites and… The Chosen and The Dynasty.
A fun fact about me is … I’m told my laugh is contagious! 🙂
The skill I most want to learn is … French. I’ve been learning on Duolingo.
A Maven you should know is … If you don’t know the talented and incredibly kind Faith Blackwell, you should!
My favorite nonprofit to support is … There are so many amazing local nonprofits. Women & Hi Tech & Pass The Torch For Women are at the top of my list.
What have you achieved recently that you’d like to celebrate with our community? My bestie gave me a bonsai tree grow kit for Christmas, and I am growing my first bonsai tree from a seed. It’s so cute and tiny right now, and I can’t wait to watch in grow!
What’s next for you? What can we expect to see over the next few years? I am over the moon about growing my business and teaching professionals and entrepreneurs to be comfortable and confident selling and growing their businesses while being their authentic selves. You can expect to see me hosting and speaking at events and workshops and partnering with other amazing organizations and professional to pursue our dreams, created connected communities and live purposed filled lives. I am excited to have launched my first open workshop series, Connect & Grow, to invite professionals in the Indy community to share and learn from one another and some outstanding professionals in our community.
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