Your July 2023 Horoscopes With the Spellsisters

Learn what’s in the stars for you in July with your horoscope reading from the Spellsisters.
Spellsisters July Horoscopes Graphic

Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.

July 2023 OVERVIEW

Summer is officially in full swing, and July promises to be carefree. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a minute since I’ve felt some carefree vibes! This month will be an exciting adventure with lots of beautiful opportunities to grow and manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of! Sounds perfect, right?!

The first few days of July carry lovely Jupiter transits, helping us all to visualize our bright futures. On the 1st, Mercury and the Sun are both in warm, soft Cancer, and sextile Jupiter is in Taurus, encouraging luck and optimism. This harmonious connection between our planets of communication (Mercury), identity (the Sun), and expansion (Jupiter) could present opportunities to bring our purpose together with our desires. Goodness and light are easily attracted, and with a little gratitude and posi vibes, July begins with excellent opportunities for manifesting and receiving the good. 

This is followed by a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd, so while we’re entering the summery phase of lightness and happiness, we’re granted an opportunity to be serious and focus on what needs a little work before sauntering off into the summer sunset. This Full Moon is the perfect time to pay attention to how the ways you come off are affecting your long-term goals, particularly those related to your career. There might be a need for some damage control if you’ve been laying low or if you’ve been a little over-indulgent, but it’s nothing too serious–it’s likely your reputation just needs a little dusting off. Take stock of your achievements, reassess your plans and redirect your focus wherever necessary. 

The following day, the planet of love and beauty, Venus, enters Gemini. Charm and playfulness come centerstage in romance, and the 4th of July holiday could be an awesome moment to embrace curiosity. Indulge in flirtation and fun, and let yourself participate fully in whatever stimulating experiences pique your interest. Love and play go hand-in-hand on most days, but this month the butterflies are especially fluttery, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying them. 

It’s time to let life be magical–don’t you remember those summer days eating ice cream with your friends by the pool listening to Alanis Morrissette? Summer is inherently magical! Especially so when Mercury, our cosmic messenger, enters intuitive and emotional Cancer on the 6th, gifting us the magic emotional depth, closeness and a deeper understanding of our emotions as a collective. Heart-to-hearts and deep communication are encouraged–it’s a good time to be guided by your emotions. 

Welcome experiences that allow you to work in harmony with people who change the lens on your perspective. Seeing your problems from a different angle can encourage inspiring and creative new solutions. I promise this will help you greatly, as our warrior planet, Mars, who controls how we deal with conflict and aggression, enters Virgo on the 10th. 

It’s important to remember that you can’t always change the situation, but you can change your reaction to it. Accept what cannot be changed, and avoid being overly critical or analytical. While perfection is a nice goal, it’s not likely. Nobody’s perfect, and finding fault in everything everyone else is doing is sure to create unnecessary drama… and draw attention to your own faults. This same day, Mercury opposes Pluto in Capricorn, creating an intense platform for communication. Avoid judging others for their response to conflict. I promise it isn’t worth it!

The Sun makes its way into radiant Leo on July 22nd, pulling us into a season of vibrant energy and cultivating an incessant desire to express ourselves. Leo’s fiery vibes encourage us all to embrace our inner Main Character™ and let our unique talents shine. Independence is at the heart of everything this month as the the Lunar North Node enters Aries on the 17th. Let yourself stand in your own unique power, and rebel against the status quo if you feel compelled. Just be careful not to burn any bridges. 

The New Moon in Cancer offers a much needed cozy counter-balance. While you might want to burn it all down and bulldoze your life, anchor into your foundation, and find comfort in your own traditions. This is a good time to set intentions related to home, family and self-care — consider what those things mean to you. Prioritize nurturing yourself, and seek grounding in your own little sanctuary. Focus on strengthening bonds with your closest loves.

Venus retrogrades in Leo starting on the 22nd, bringing the heat along with the drama. New relationships aren’t particularly blessed during the next few weeks, so avoid picking up a new flame. Money is also ruled by Venus, so it’s best to avoid making big financial decisions and commitments, too.

Overall, this month is about embracing and indulging your inner Leo. Flirt with abandon, but avoid getting too serious; go on exciting adventures, but not to the detriment of your security; and aim high in your career. You can afford to be a little unrealistic.



BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Cancer & Cancer Rising (June 21 – July 22):

Birthday baby, keep an open mind, and embrace new challenges because this month holds immense potential for personal growth, profound connections and significant progress! Your career has the potential to take an unexpected turn, ushering in exciting opportunities for advancement. Your diligent efforts and hard work will be recognized, leading to possible promotions or increased financial rewards. However, exercise caution while making financial decisions and avoid impulsive spending. It’s wise to save and invest for the future. Romance is also in the air!  If you’re single, be open to meeting someone unexpected. They may seem off-type at first, but really appreciate your sensitivity. Existing relationships are infused with a surge of passion and intimacy. Be careful to balance “work” with self-care this month! It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and practice self-compassion. Listen to what your body needs, and take breaks when necessary. July brings so many opportunities for personal growth. Spend time sitting in self-reflection to gain valuable insights. Trust your intuition, as it is always guiding you toward the right path. Embrace change, and be open to new perspectives. Stay true to yourself.

Tarotscopes | Ace of Cups: Keep an open heart and an open mind to allow amazing transformation to occur in your life. You are ready.

Key Dates: 1, 17, 21

Local Cancer: Sara Baldwin 6/25, Owner of Lux & Ivy Shop (1051 E 54th St. Indianapolis, IN)

Famous Cancer: Patron Saint of Spellsisters, Lana Del Rey, 6/21/85


LEO & LEO Rising (July 23 – AUGUST 22): 

We’re almost to your season, little lion! July is full of creative inspiration, opportunities for self-expression and a renewed sense of confidence. This month, it’s important to prioritize your well-being — keep an eye out for fun and exciting experiences, but exercise caution. Your career has the floor as your natural leadership skills and charisma are on full display. Your colleagues are impressed, and the doors to advancement and recognition could open soon! New projects have the potential to elevate your career, but at the same time, overindulgence could threaten your long-term stability. Stick to your budget, and make a plan. You’re passionate and feeling revived! Do what you can to prevent burnout and keep the momentum going.

Tarotscopes | King of Wands: You might now know how you’re getting there, but you know how to have fun on the way.

Key Dates: 10, 22, 23, 27


July could be a great month for you professionally as your hard work and attention to detail is recognized as an invaluable asset. Practice humility, but be sure to promote your ideas and take the initiative to call out your unique skills. Avoid impulsivity, and take the time to evaluate what you need emotionally. Be open and honest to strengthen your connections, but don’t defer to others’ expertise. Be sure to stand in your own personal power while allowing and trusting that your intuition will guide you to the right circumstances. You may have felt like you’ve been missing the mark here and there lately, and this month encourages you to spend time reflecting on where you’re really trying to go. Be patient with yourself–everything will occur in divine timing. Consider taking time to conduct a mid-year inventory of your achievements and use this to re-focus.

Tarotscopes | Page of Pentacles: You know more than you think you do.

Key Dates: 9, 10, 28


July is all about harmony for you, Libra, as your life is developing towards your desires. You may be seeing that your work and skills bring value and that everyone wants you on their team. Stay focused on your long-term goals as you feel yourself pulled in multiple directions, and try to avoid getting caught up in the minor details. Your partners might be feeling closer and more aligned this month as you stay open to honest communication. Your charm is constantly working in your favor and pulling in the right people who appreciate you! Trust that when you focus on mitigating stress and focusing on yourself; you are attracting all the right opportunities for creative ways to show off your talents. You’ve been calling in something new, and it’s been listening. You’re in a very “what you seek is also seeking you” moment.

Tarotscopes | The Star: You can take your eyes off the prize because the prize has its eyes on you.

Key Dates: 10, 22, 27

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

Nothing makes you feel more ambitious than a little challenge, Scorp, and this month, you’re called to impress your suitors/competitors with your intensity. You want so deeply to be in the lead right now, but be mindful of power struggles and how existing dynamics can be impacted negatively. You don’t need to force your way in — know that playing a cooperative part is your best friend this month. Keep in mind that you’ll get there faster with baby steps than you would if you built a new bridge. Not only is this more sustainable in the long run, you’ll come out on top and be seen as a valuable asset. You’re emotional and raw this month, and keeping the lines open is the key to keeping the peace.

Tarotscopes | 3 of Pentacles: You are playing a crucial part, but it’s not the only part.

Key Dates: 10, 17, 23

Sagittarius & Sag Rising (November 22 – December 21):

You’ve been sooo focused on being ~good~ for the past few months that you’ve almost forgotten that you used to have to hold yourself back from making impulsive decisions. You used to have to practice control, and now you know it well. As July ushers in tons of opportunities for play and adventure, you can rest assured that you totally have the ability to indulge in a little fun without losing all your progress. You don’t have to be impulsive and reckless to live your life and log off. You’re learning how to strike a balance between having your shit together and not even knowing where you’re supposed to be. You absolutely can trust yourself to blow off a little steam without going off the rails.

Tarotscopes | Temperance: You know how to do both, and you know how to allow yourself to be healed by what you don’t know.

Key Dates: 1, 17, 23

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

The month of July starts off totally surprising and delighting you with the blessing you’ve been waiting on–it could be a new house, a promotion, a baby, even the perfect outfit. You’ve been waiting on a sign that your hard work will pay off, and here it is! Delight in your win, no matter how minor, because when Venus goes retrograde, challenges are sure to darken your doorstep. Your relationships could be put to the test, but mostly because of how you react to being challenged. Keep in mind that this is simply an opportunity to evaluate your investments. You don’t necessarily have to make any decisions or take any actions.

Tarotscopes | 2 of Pentacles: Take the good with the bad and learn to go with the flow.

Key Dates: 10, 20, 21

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (January 20 – February 18):

The past few months have felt heavy, like there’s a big question mark looming over your head. But this month, especially as the Lunar North Node lights up your house of communication, try to ask yourself where you’d like to be going. Consider what you want to be doing, where, when and who you want to be doing it with. The conditions are just right for you to manifest your long-term goals. You just have to figure out what they are. Every conflict or contrast you experience this month is simply meant to filter out whatever has lost its luster. Come to terms with whatever it is that you want, and release what you don’t. You can go literally anywhere. All you have to do is take the first right step. 

Tarotscopes | The Chariot: The question dissolves and the path becomes clear.

Key Dates: 2, 6, 14, 23

Pisces & Pisces Rising  (February 19 – March 20):

It’s possible things have felt heavy and boring for you lately, as multiple planets are retrograding in your sign, and this month, Venus joins them. When planets are retrograde, we’re asked to reflect, and this is especially true for you this month–what is no longer serving you? Pay attention to how you’re taking care of yourself. Are you taking care of yourself? Consider how you’re nurturing your financial plans. Do you even have financial plans? Give yourself space to consider where you might need to put up walls and establish boundaries. You could have some major breakthroughs and clarity, espeically when it comes to your finances.

Tarotscopes | The Hermit: Nobody can give you the answers when they can only be found within.

Key Dates: 9, 17, 20

Aries & Aries Rising (March 21 – April 19):

You may not be expecting a raise or a promotion, but it’s possible you’ll get one anyway. Either way, you’re receiving blessings–good news is likely! The thing is, your focus and utmost commitment is required to see this thing through in the right way. You have the ability to bring something amazing to life this month, and if you choose to engage with it on a deep level, you could majorly move the needle in an area of  your life that’s more or less been lackluster. Chase your dreams, and set a good example for everyone else to do the same! Pay attention to where you could be leading the pack, and then put the pedal to the metal. 

Tarotscopes | The Sun: After a long slumber, you’re reawakening to the possibilities of success in your life.

Key Dates: 10, 17, 23

Taurus & Taurus Rising (April 20 – May 20):

Pack your bags, and say yes to adventure! You’re ready to let your hair down, even if only a little bit, and take your mind off of what needs to be accomplished. You don’t have to focus on what you need to achieve for it to be done. It’s like that Lao Tzu quote: “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” You can afford to take your eyes off the road for a minute and focus on your inner peace. Your focus is shifting to your spiritual practice and soul-work with this month’s Lunar North Node movement. You’re reinventing yourself and finding a new level of peace as you step into a new chapter of your life.

Tarotscopes | 7 of Cups: Pick a new path and set about achieving something new.

Key Dates: 1, 6, 17, 23

Gemini & Gemini Rising (May 21 – June 20):

This month quickly becomes focused on your environment, Gemini, as you feel called to rearrange, organize and maybe even purge your belongings. You’re compelled to do the hard work of shifting the mood and vibe of your space and transform how you participate in it. You may feel drawn to overhaul how you communicate, especially within tense circumstances, and only you will be privy to what that means in the background. You’re cutting through the muck of your life, and your goal is to really hone in on what matters to you. You’ve gotten really, really good at figuring out what isn’t necessary anymore, and now your job is to make way for the new. 

Tarotscopes | The Tower: It isn’t always bad to burn down your life.

Key Dates: 1, 10, 17, 28


Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.

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