February 2025 Horoscopes With the Spellsisters

What do the stars have in store for you?
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Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.

February 2025 Overview

These are trying times, my friends. 

Acres and acres of Los Angeles went up in flames, while Bourbon Street collected record-breaking snow. We watched in real-time as ash rained down on one of the biggest cities in the world. Meanwhile, right before our eyes, some of the most observed people in the entire world broadcast hate speech and gestures, proving that power frequently goes hand-in-hand with bigotry. As long as there are no limits to the amount of power that money can buy, there will be no limit to the amount of suffering that’s allowed. 

None of it makes sense, and so, if for no other reason than desperation, I feel like we all need something to believe in. I believe in astrology. Because even through the lens of astrology, everything is on fire, literally and figuratively, for a reason.

It is an act of defiance to make sense of things from beyond the confines of the methods you were taught growing up. In the name of David Lynch, I pray, because I believe in the power of the subversive mind. Publicly expressing your belief in something like astrology (or energy, self-care, manifesting, etc.) is subversive, and imo, Aquarius is the most subversive of all. So, fire, walk with me. (Sidenote: Did you know that natal charts were made for all the major characters in Twin Peaks to aid in the writing process?)

Though it’s a short month, you can count on action and movement. Like January, February promises to deliver in the theater of the absurd, but by the end of the month, some of the dust begins to clear, even if it’s the tiniest bit. It should feel easier to see the path forward, and hopefully, we’ll all feel a bit more at ease, with a sense of clarity and resolve. Somehow, against all odds and evidence, I feel mildly optimistic.

Things are looking up as Venus enters Aries on the 3rd, bringing the potential for boldness and passion in relationships and creative endeavors. Be guided by desire and fascination–pay attention to what you feel enthusiastic about and follow it like a beacon. Just be careful to avoid overdoing it; this placement can easily cause us to veer into impulsivity. 

Then on the 4th, Jupiter stations direct, opening up the potential for unexpected new opportunities, especially when it comes to travel or education. If you’ve felt restricted or blocked, watch the mail because February could be the month that lifts the fog. My hope for us all is that by the end of the month, we begin to feel that the road is open.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th encourages even more boldness and inspires us all to be more comfortable celebrating ourselves and each other. Bonus: feeling good about yourself can expose anyone who doesn’t want the best for you. If anybody tries to dull your shine, at least you’ll know who to vote off your island.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, muddying the water a bit, as the head and the heart find themselves at odds. It might be challenging to be logical and rational when feelings are involved because it’s tough to be impartial and realistic when you’re caught in an emotional undertow. On the plus side, intuition and sensitivity are heightened, making empathy easier (which some of us could greatly benefit from). 

The Sun will join Mercury in Pisces on the 18th, increasing empathy and compassion even more. Trust your gut, my dudes. Pisces is accurate and strong where intuition is involved, so listen closely. Now is also a time to pay attention to your dreams, and if you feel pulled to follow, do it now. 

Finally, Mars will go direct in Cancer on the 24th after retrograding since the beginning of December. Restrictions and limitations are lifted, doors are opening, and things are finally moving forward. Best of all, it becomes easier to express your emotions. And with the New Moon in Pisces on the 27th, we feel even more imaginative and free.

Important Dates This Month:

  • Feb. 3- Venus enters Aries
  • Feb. 4- Jupiter direct in Gemini
  • Feb. 12- Full Moon in Leo
  • Feb. 14- Mercury enters Pisces
  • Feb. 16- Pallas enters Aquarius
  • Feb. 18- Sun enters Pisces
  • Feb. 23- Ceres enters Pisces
  • Feb. 23- Mars direct in Cancer
  • Feb. 27- New Moon in Pisces

BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed this month with all the action in our sign, my fellow Aquarians. Sometimes I feel like the only reason I can’t decide what I want is because I genuinely want everything. This is the case this month, especially with Mercury in Aquarius until the 14th. As with the rest of the zodiac, we should feel more clarity by the end of the month. However, if you’re questioning the bigger things, like whether you’re in the wrong relationship or job or city, consider that there’s a reason. You wouldn’t feel any hesitation if it wasn’t a hell yes. So, I’m not saying you should skip town, but you should give these thoughts very careful consideration. Avoid making big decisions on a dime. Give yourself lots of space for rest and processing.

Tarotscopes | Page of Swords: You are prepared to stand your ground, but don’t jump the gun. Don’t anticipate conflict where there is none.

Famous Capricorn: Emma Roberts, February 10

Local Aquarius: Literally me on February 9!


Pisces (February 19 – March 20): 

Once again, this month is highlighting your natural talents, and you’re being asked to step into the spotlight you’ve been waiting for! You have every right to bask in your own greatness–so do others. Don’t be bashful or doubt yourself. And don’t just expect the best; ask for it. It’s very rare for someone to be given the kind of huge opportunity you’re hoping for without asking.

Tarotscopes | The Magician: You have done everything right to reach this precipice. Now don’t let it become a plateau. Ask for what you want.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): 

Denial is out this year. You’ve gained clarity on what you want, and now it’s time to demand it. It’s giving “The Boss.” It’s giving “Main Character.” You can finally see your strengths and this month is about standing in your power. If anybody tries to knock you down a peg, just walk away. They’re just jealous, imo!

Tarotscopes | 7 of Wands: You’re not just receiving the benefits of your hard work because you’re lucky. You have earned the praise.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): 

This month feels like it’s smacking you down, slapping your little hand away from the cookie jar of achievement. The things you’ve been dreaming of don’t feel right anymore. Maybe you’ve taken a step back and realized you don’t even want what you’ve been fighting for. Maybe you’re content where you are. Maybe you’ve changed and you need to switch gears. Or maybe you have just received an actual rejection. Whatever the case, you’re being asked to make your next move. You thought that was the one, but it wasn’t. There will be another.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): 

Things are really looking up for you this month, with romance and money making opportunities on the horizon. Even if you’re in a relationship or love your job, you could be in for a surprise: things can always get even better. And if something is meant to fall away, let it go. You’re making space for the new. Be aware of communication challenges—you’re feeling hungry and ballsy, and so you risk writing checks you can’t cash when you shoot your shot before you’re truly ready. 

Tarotscopes | Knight of Swords: Overcommitting, overstepping, overspending. Be careful not to jump too soon.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):  

This month, you will be free of whatever has been weighing you down and it feels like you can do anything. You’ve been through a lot and you’ve grown. This next phase of your life is rich af with inspiration and it’s up to you to capitalize on whatever lights you up. Take the chances you’re given. You are ready. 

Tarotscopes | The Star: You can afford to be optimistic because things are looking better. Onward and upward.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):  

This month’s Full Moon is in your sign, bringing insights into who you are, what you want, and where you’re going. This could be revelatory for you, because once you know exactly what’s what, you can also see what isn’t. Look for the messages and synchronicities, the little signs that are everywhere. Let yourself be guided. 

Tarotscopes | Ace of Wands: Once you’ve found the inspiration, you’ll easily make your dreams true.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): 

With the South Node newly in your sign, it will get easier and easier to see which areas of your life need a makeover. What negative beliefs or patterns do you need to release? Are you telling yourself untrue stories? Are you tired of hearing them? Then this month might be for you. Pay attention and take the lessons as they come. You have a chance to be reborn. It’s time for your personal renaissance. 

Tarotscopes | The High Priestess: Self awareness is perhaps the greatest superpower. Hear the insights you’re being guided to hear.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): 

Are the people you’re letting in the ones you want to bring into the next phase of your life? It’s possible you’ve gotten distracted from your goals, and this month it will become crystal clear where you’re off track. If there are any freeloaders or people who bring you down, cut them off or ask them to change their behavior. You need to release anything that separates you from the person you’re trying to become. Your future self implores you. 

Tarotscopes | 8 of Swords: You absolutely hold all the power, so even in avoidance, your choices are deciding the outcome.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

When all the bullshit falls away, what is left? What do you live and die for, your core, your raison d’être? Even if the world falls apart around you, this should be your guiding light. Things are changing and so are you. Maybe it’s time for the dream you’ve always kept alive to see the light of day. This month can be magical for you if you choose to act. 

Tarotscopes | 3 of Wands: Things are coming together whether you can see it or not. Are you joining in or allowing it to happen without you?

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): 

This month is two halves of a whole for you. First, you have an unlimited thirst for adventure and thrive on exploring the unknown. The potential is high for amazing insights that lead to major improvements. And then, the other half is urging you to root down and enjoy your cozy nest at home and find peace in solitude. You don’t have to choose and one doesn’t negate the need for the other. You can have both at the same time—this is always your challenge. 

Tarotscopes | 4 of Wands: Your expansion could happen anywhere and at any time. Your life could be majorly transformed from the comfort of your couch.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):  

The past few months have put you through some tough situations. You may have had tense conversations or confrontations and sometimes, it’s possible this made you feel alone or unseen. Now that this period has passed, you have so much clarity. Maybe instead of being misunderstood, you were misunderstanding, and now that you know, you can drop the rope. Now you can commit to yourself instead. Spend this month showing up for yourself fully. As an experiment for a little treat. 

Tarotscopes | The Sun: Even through a challenge, there are so many things to look forward to.

Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.

Follow the Spellsisters on Instagram @spellsisters and schedule a Zoom reading or purchase gift cards here.


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