March 2024 Horoscopes With the Spellsisters

Learn what’s in the stars for you in March with your horoscope reading from the Spellsisters.
A photo of text that reads "March horoscopes from the spellsisters" and a constellation

Welcome to Indy Maven’s astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins, better known around Indy as one of the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.

March 2024 OVERVIEW

Everybody always talks about how thin the veil is during Scorpio season, and they’re right–it’s true. The thing they’re not saying, though, is that the same thing happens this time of year. The veil between worlds is thinner in the space between summer and winter, at the back end of the year, and again as the world opens back up. If you listen closely, you can hear the earth herself thawing with the chirping birds and budding trees.

And just like that, if you listen closely during Pisces season, you might hear the veil lifting for you in dreams and stillness. We’re like sponges taking it all in, seeing the bigger picture rather than focusing on what we gain. From the very first day of March, the planets are working together to make it easier for us to listen and find inspiration. 

All planets are direct as we begin the month of March, and many will pass through Pisces, creating an air of mysticism. Not only can dreams be especially laden with intuitive hits and guidance, but the potential for creativity is also high.

It might feel like your ideas are a little unusual or “out there,” but even the wildest ideas could have legs right now. Earlier in the month, we’re all feeling a little mad, but in a good way, as Mercury makes some quick angles to Uranus on its way to settling down into the sign of Aries. This means your mind is active and full of excitement, creating the perfect environment for electrically charged, original ideas. Then, on the 9th, action-oriented Aries gives us the boost we need to express them.

Use this inspiration to your advantage and treat your ideas like a garden. Life’s a garden, dig it? On the 10th’s New Moon in Pisces, plant the seeds of your intention, and then, especially with Venus joining the sun and moon in Pisces on the 11th, tend to them daily and watch them grow. 

Your devotion to your dreams is one of the greatest acts of self-compassion you can give yourself. If the life you’ve been living this winter just ain’t it for you anymore, now is the time to make the necessary changes. You’re growing out of who you used to be, just like snakes do. No use hanging on to what’s dead. 

This month is the perfect time to take an inventory of your day-to-day activities. Are your actions and interactions in alignment with your intentions? You can make the necessary changes to reach for the life you dream of living and remain authentic. You can be different while staying true to who you are.

Despite the wild ideas and ability to dream, your goals could still feel out of reach. You may be feeling compelled to take action before you know where you’re going. That’s because Venus and Mars are in Aquarius, making dreams great for dreaming but difficult to match against reality. Remember that your vision is impaired even though you look super cool in your rose-colored glasses and get good ideas from seeing things in a new light. Avoid impulsivity, and wait until you have true clarity before uprooting things. We’re planting seeds here, people, not harvesting–there’s nothing to harvest right now. 

BIRTHDAY ROYALTY <3 Pisces Placements (Birthday between February 19 – March 20):

People want to hear what you have to say! Most of them, at least. This is always true, but especially this month, as so many planets pass through your sign, magnetizing the right people, places, and circumstances into your life. Not only do you have great ideas and the right information to do the job, but you’re also especially eloquent this month. You can exist across realms–you’re one of those souls called to be in the world but not of the world. Of course, this is a beautiful thing, but the consequence of this allure is that you often feel “othered.” You don’t always feel understood or read the right way. You aren’t. You’re not always received the way you intend to be. In truth, you’re very transparent–when others call you delusional or think you’re speaking in tongues, it’s only because they aren’t ready to hear what you’ve come to say. For the right audience, you’re sparkling and enchanting. The world needs the medicine you’re here to administer, my dude. Don’t let it dim you.

Tarotscopes | The Star: Like you, your fantasies can seem otherworldly. You know how to do both. You, of all people, can lasso the moon and bring it down to reality.

Local Pisces: Gwen Sunkel, February 25 – local comedian and skincare specialist

Famous Pisces: Liza Minnelli, March 12


Aries Placements (Birthday between March 21 – April 19): 

It might sound too mystical to take seriously but trust me. Your guides are near. You have a strong connection to inner wisdom this month. Pay extra attention to dreams and messages as they come across, and consider keeping a record to look for patterns. Put a notebook by your bed, dictate memos to yourself in your notes app while you drive, and write anything that seems like anything down as soon as you rise from meditation. The voice of your intuition is louder than usual, but you have to create the right conditions to pay attention to it. 

Tarotscopes | The Hermit: If you want the answers, you must start looking for them.

Taurus Placements (Birthday between April 20 – May 20): 

You’re not likely to accept no for an answer this month regarding a cause you deeply care about. You could feel compelled to take inspired action, call senators, or knock on doors. Trust your gut and follow its lead. You’re being guided to work towards something that feels way bigger than you for the greater good of humanity. While you’re feeling especially friendly and might feel like being more social this month, be patient. It takes a special person to have the passion you have, so the odds are slim that there’d be another person with your goals in your circle. You shouldn’t expect anyone else to have the same calling. This path is singular.

Tarotscopes | The Hierophant: You know there’s truth in what you believe, but it’s not your job to evangelize.

Gemini Placements (Birthday between May 21 – June 20): 

This month, you’re extra curious and open to ideas about improving and growing, especially in your relationships and career. You might find inspiration in peculiar places, but just go with it. The urge to seek perfection is strong this month, but let your vague ideas linger so they can transform from something nebulous to more lucid. Each bauble that sparks your attention doesn’t have to make sense until it does. Resist the urge to make it make sense. Applying pressure and trying to figure it out will do you absolutely no good. As with athletes who over-extend themselves, stretching past your limits can cause injury.

Tarotscopes | The Hanged Man: You don’t need to understand where this is going for it to go somewhere. Sit with it and let it be.

Cancer Placements (Birthday between June 21 – July 22):  

Your brain is like a sieve, and so is your heart. Your heart knows what to filter out and what to let in. Your brain knows how to tell fact from fiction and discern between distraction and high priority. This month feels like it will end in a test, and you’re trying to take in all the information you need to graduate to the next level in your life. Lean into this pursuit as it expands your imagination—whether through travel, novels, or tarot readings. Wherever you allow your mind to wander and explore, you will find crucial information alongside inspiration.

Tarotscopes | Ace of Wands: Your curiosity is piqued. A new venture has the potential to create big opportunities in the future.

Leo Placements (Birthday between July 23 – August 22): 

This month, you’re drawn to collaboration and feel more in tune with others. You would like to be a valuable support person, but it may be really hard for you to maintain boundaries. You feel especially receptive to others’ moods and whims, and it’s beneficial for building lasting relationships. The downside of being able to attune to the energy of the people around you is that it can infiltrate your own. Their energy isn’t always good for you. It’s easy to fall into the trap of commiseration, but remember that negativity is like poison. It’s a steep and slippery slope. Protect your energy.

Tarotscopes | Page of Swords: Stay vigilant against negativity, my friend. You have the power to let people in without letting them take over.

Virgo Placements (Birthday between August 23 – September 22): 

You want closeness and intimacy and to let yourself drown in the intoxicating mystery of another person’s energy. It’s lovely and compelling. This month, you’re more closely in tune with the beat of another’s heart. You can immerse yourself in the fantasy of what it’s like to be them–your best friend, your lover, your colleague. Stay close to yourself, and don’t be so naive as to believe everything you’re told. It’s okay to be attuned to the frequency of others, but don’t lose yourself. Nobody likes that guy who changes his preference as soon as he learns yours.

Tarotscopes | Queen of Cups: You can relate to others and immerse yourself in their energy without losing sight of who you are.

Libra Placements (Birthday between September 23 – October 22): 

You’re looking for connection in all the wrong places. What you truly seek is within, and I hate when people say that, but it’s true. You can’t find clarity or peace outside, and all the busybodying in an attempt to seek it is only a distraction. Take stock of where your energy is going. You may recognize that some relationships or circumstances no longer serve your needs. While it may feel like setting boundaries is burning your life down, what you’re really experiencing is a personal renaissance. You’re reinventing yourself, becoming the person who lives the love story in your fantasies, and this can only be done if you let go of your expectations.

Tarotscopes | Death: You can’t change if you don’t change.

Scorpio Placements (Birthday between October 23 – November 21):

Let yourself play this month, and just see where it goes. See what happens when you allow yourself to create something without expecting what it should become. Crack open your dusty journal and free-write, or just doodle or play with paint for the hell of it. You make magic when you let yourself stray from expectations and just dream. A secondary benefit of this is that you plumb the recesses of your mind, uncovering forgotten dreams or discarded memories. It always seems that the things that surface come at just the right time–maybe you’ll discover the answer to a riddle plaguing you.

Tarotscopes | 7 of Cups: You could unexpectedly find your purpose in the rabbit hole you’re going down.

Sagittarius Placements (Birthday between November 22 – December 21): 

It can be exhausting to engage with the past. You are being called to connect with past versions of yourself to excavate meaning for a current situation in your life. You could be revisiting memories from this lifetime, extending compassion to baby-you. You could be recalling past lives to understand current situations, or you could even be finding information about ancestors that leads you to understand more about yourself. Whatever comes up for you during this time, take the message, absorb it, and then move on. Don’t let past traumas take you under and derail you. Things are coming up because you’re meant to integrate and ground their lessons into your current reality. 

Tarotscopes | The Moon: Time is a flat circle, hologram, looking glass. You look through a microscope to figure out the mystery, and what you see is yourself.

Capricorn Placements (Birthday between December 22 – January 19): 

Life is more poetic and inspiring to you this month, Capricorn, and this could make you feel impulsive or less calculating than usual. In some ways, this is good. Go after what you want–use your especially strong communication ability to ask for it. But also, don’t let yourself fall into the trap of saying yes to everything only to regret it later. Earlier in the month, you could feel pulled to make a big, bold move, maybe one that requires a financial investment. Consider your options and look at things through a realistic lens. It may be the right thing to do! Just be careful of jumping into things too soon without enough consideration. At the end of the month, you’ll feel more intuitive about how you should be spending your time, money, and energy.

Tarotscopes | Temperance: Take the middle road–you may or may not end up leaping. Just don’t leap too soon.

Aquarius & Aquarius Placements (Birthday between January 20 – February 18): 

You and money have a long, storied relationship, but the story is changing. In the past, you may have felt unworthy or incapable of accumulating wealth or feeling secure, but it feels like a major fog is lifting. How you relate to and feel about abundance is transforming–it’s important to remind yourself that most of what you have believed about your own sense of agency was inherited. You didn’t come up with these beliefs on your own. They were learned, or maybe even genetically passed down to protect you. Well, my dude, it’s safe for you to accumulate in this lifetime. It’s safe for you, and you are worthy and capable of changing your beliefs about your resources, be they money, time, energy, love, knowledge, etc.

Tarotscopes | Ace of Pentacles: This energetic shift is an offering. You’re being handed the keys to unshackle yourself from a crusty old belief that doesn’t serve you in the present.


Photo of the Spellsisters by Schwebach Photography.

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