Welcome to the our monthly astrology column coming by way of Kelli Jenkins and Hayley Trussell, better known around Indy as the Spellsisters. Check out their website and Instagram feed for even more info from the world of horoscopes and tarot, or to book a private reading.
It’s a new year and the start of a brand new cycle for Indy Mavens. After a wild and tumultuous eclipse season last month, powerhouse full moons, and the Great Conjunction™ between Saturn and Jupiter, it’s likely your life looks a little different than you had planned earlier this year. You may be struggling with the aftermath of massive changes or finishing up a mercy kill on other projects that have expired. Whatever side you fall on, old habits and ways of being were given a cosmic reset during 2020, leaving a void to be filled. With many planets in Capricorn, the sign of hard work and the five-year plan, January will give you the first taste of how to make your new plans and fantasies a reality.
As if driven by a case of the Mondays, the astrological configurations of early January seem oddly lazy and light. You may feel like you’re in a betwixt and between space and time is moving super slowly. You have the opportunity to trudge meaningfully through your routines and set habits in place that are more set-it-and-forget-it rather than requiring major shifts in your lifestyle. Luckily for us, the first weeks of January offer a transitional release, offering a break before tension and pressure ramp up mid-month.
Mars, the ruler of energy and drive factors heavily (and stressful might we add) from January 10 to January 26. From that time on, you’ll notice a pressure cooker of emotion building to bring you resolution on a problem you’ve given up untangling. There will likely be some surprises with Uranus involved, but with strong outer aspects from Jupiter, the giver of luck and joy, you’ll likely find these surprises if not slightly chaotic. From January 10-15, an argument may surface with an authority figure that leaves you defensive and frustrated. Channel your energy into a workout, a game, or intellectual warfare of another variety to take the pressure off yourself. There’s not a lot you can do about what they decide.
On January 13, the New Moon in Capricorn enters like a cosmic exfoliation: a rough pep-talk session leaves you feeling shiny, new and spiritually connected for weeks to come. Around the time of the New Moon, you may get an odd break in your workload that makes you appreciate being so busy. You might feel a touch bored as you reconnect with your inner me-time. Take is as a soothing balm from the Universe to help heal you of any stressful energy. From January 14-21, expect to have some fun, as Jupiter meets with Uranus for a bit of debauchery. You may notice you’re working hard and playing hard at this time, and while you’re able to push your limits during that week, you may have to pay for it later.
On January 28, the tense Full Moon in Leo squares off directly with Mars, indicating outside drama will likely rear its ugly head toward the end of the month. Tensions are running high and emotional volatility is at its maximum, so try your best to think before you speak and maybe take a few days to meditate on a problem before taking decisive action. There’s a propulsive quality to January that will give you a lot back if you put in a little effort. This month is a time to take it easy as much as it is a time to keep up the good work, so stay on course and you’ll be as good as golden.
You might be one of those people who does not necessarily *love* your birthday, Capricorn, but this year feels a little different. There’s somehow cheer hanging around, even after the holidays, giving you light and bright toasty-warm feels that make it seem like you could accomplish anything. Last year, for maybe the first time in your life, you may have realized that it’s up to you how you feel.
Everything you experience is a result of your mindset. You have learned through this past challenging year that there is nothing that you can’t get through now that you’ve gotten this far. Finally, nothing can stop you from achieving your wildest dreams and tackling your biggest goals. This is absolutely wild for you, Cap, as you’re typically not one to believe in magic. You know that nothing happens without hard work, and simply believing that things can be good has been hard for you to conceptualize in the past. There’s been a shift for you; it occurred while you weren’t looking and instead focusing on making it out alive through a freaking pandemic. Yeah, we know that it’s not over yet, and we still have lots to continue making it out alive through. But something truly splendid and absolutely magical has happened for you in the process: now you know that magic is, in fact, more real than you could have ever imagined. This year, that magic will propel you forward into situations you would have never guessed you’d actually be in, reaching heights you thought you’d probably never see. This time last year, it just didn’t feel practical. But now you know something that can’t be taught, but only learned through experience. Perhaps you’re more optimistic than you’ve ever been.
Relationships are a focus for you this month, and you could be hearing from someone you’ve been missing, romantically or platonically, so keep your ear to the ground. While you’ve been busy learning about the power of intention, someone may have been dreaming of you; you can let them back in for memory’s sake, but keep in mind that you don’t have to if you don’t want to. The past can stay in the past if you want it to. That doesn’t make it any less valid.
Dreams, revelations, messages from the other side…You’re getting them all. So many planets are joining in your sign, Aquarius, creating mystical and otherworldly experiences and crazy opportunities to flow into your life. This is likely going to make everything seem super important. It’s like everything feels like it has meaning this month and is supercharged with a heavy undertone of cosmic significance. When the sun enters Aquarius on the 19th, you’re going to notice that you’ve unknowingly been the subject of lots of attention externally—something you’ve been putting out into the universe is being answered and it’s beyond your wildest dreams. A book deal? The perfect match? A new home? A big, fat raise? Nothing is out of the realm of possibility this month, and you are absolutely glittering. Pay attention to those psychic hits, crazy dreams, and repeating symbols. You’re probably no stranger to the strange, but this time they’re direct messages just for you.
You’re ready to get TF out of the house in January, and there’s probably a safe way to do that. Like Aquarius, this month you’re feeling super tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to the universe, and you’re receiving divine intervention in an area of your life in which you’ve lost hope. Information comes to you in dreams, so pay attention to what happens when you sleep; I feel like there’s something physically happening to you in dream life that has major significance in your waking life. As a Pisces, you’re sometimes misunderstood as this really emotional, heavy person, but the real you is truly shining through this month. Those closest to you know that while you do have emotional depth, you’re also a prism. You’re compartmentalizing all of this depth and learning to channel it into a new kind of receptiveness. It’s like your antenna is up and you’re more eloquent than usual, and this is making you want to be more deeply understood. Advice: put yourself out there and open up way more than usual this month.
Feeling a little attacked, Aries? This month has you firmly on the defensive and randomly triggered by another’s bad behavior. You may not see the part of you that also leans a little arrogant, because you often sing your own praises so charmingly that we love you for it. You’re seeing your own dark side in another and realizing how far you’ve come from using your confidence as a weapon. This month you’ll be squaring off sharply with someone who appears at first glance to have everything you want, but no appreciation for it. Instead of brandishing your sword against the entitled dope, take it as a signal for you to feel compassion even more deeply and model good behavior. You have patience and maturity in there somewhere, but you’re feeling the urge to burn it all down for a fleeting win. This month will show you how to maintain your reputation as the baddest bitch in town even if you have to share the limelight with somebody equally as worthy.
A sweet and charming person like you doesn’t often talk tersely, Taurus, but this month shows you feeling a little gruff and impatient. You’re ready to get down to business, finish what you start, and maybe make some money in the process. You don’t have time to suffer fools and they’d be silly to cross you in January, but we do think you’ll be seeing a few frustrating circumstances finally boil over. With Mars and Uranus in your sign and supportive beams at the New Moon, it’s time to take action. You’re sensing a fire under you at mid-month, not only to get everything situated, but to start what you said you would and keep the promises you’ve kept. You’ll feel oddly serene amidst all this activity, as if keeping your head down was an act of meditation and not just necessity. The pace will be rampant, but you’ll be accomplishing more than almost anyone this month and feeling motivated to change your life for the first time in possibly a while.
Gemini baby, you’re having a pretty rough time of it this month. For some reason, of which you almost certainly already know, you’ve hit a mental land mine and you’re having trouble getting back to yourself. Circumstances have gotten out of your control and made you feel like you’re at the mercy of an unseen force. You may have had a mini-failure, a personal let down, or a crisis that has felt like the Universe put a target on your back. It hasn’t, but this month may feel like the darkness before the dawn. What you think has leveled you will be revealed as the grit that made your pearl and the antidote for any past complacency. You’re about to reach new heights, but only after recognizing the gifts in the dim present moment. You have everything inside you that you need to overcome the stress you’re dealing with and you’re softening in the face of adversity. The tough stuff that came up in 2020 was happening for you and not to you—you’ll be miraculously left with far more than you started with this month.
You’re getting called this month to engage more deeply with your life purpose, Cancer. WIth many planets in your sister sign Capricorn, you are feeling pushed to find your authentic voice and commit to what you’ve been wanting to do for a while. It’s time to put your energy, time, and money into a long game, even if you don’t feel like you’re ready or you know what direction you’re headed. This is a month where you’ll begin a new project, invest in a new business, or take a calculated risk to advance your goals. You’re putting in the effort even if it feels small for you. Around the New Moon on January 13th, relationship issues may come up that force you to make some sweeping changes to your lifestyle together. With Jupiter and Uranus involved, these surprises will be welcome. You are being offered an opportunity with “legs” that will give way to dreams come true in the future if you see it through. This month you could see a romantic relationship reach the next level.
Feeling lucky, Leo? This month you’re ready to take the initiative to align your life with what you love most. You may have gotten bogged down with boring routines and deeply in a rut. The heavy aspects from Mars are surrounding you in January to pull you out of your funk and get you feeling excited about life again. You have so much to be grateful for and you’ve likely had a big year in 2020, filled with departures from the norm and new beginnings. This isn’t a time to reinvent the wheel, but it may be a time for you to release your hold on the old patterns that you’ve brought into your new and improved surroundings. It’s time to welcome a little adventure into your life and maybe even some kooky choices, so you can pivot into a more engaged relationship, more fulfilling job, or wholesome lifestyle. Expect events coming out of the woodwork to derail you from the mundane and force you to gamble with your heart a little. Nothing can change for the better in your life until you want uncertainty more than you want control.
It’s the month of rest for you, Virgo. You’ve prepared so much in advance that now all you have left to do in January is just live it through. You may be feeling like you’re returning home to yourself in January. A tenderness that you would typically paper over is allowed to emerge like a small animal. You’re giving into your indulgent urges and learning to appreciate the power of doing the bare minimum. Your routines are borderline sanctified around the New Moon—you may practice some form of energy clearing, meditation, or just a good old fashioned skin care mask and body scrub. You are tending to your inner garden, even at the chaotic full moon in Leo on January 28th. The drama arising during that time won’t be affecting you much, because you’re likely already in bed listening to an audiobook while the rest of us are running around making too much out of nothing. It’s time to take a month off from being the Zodiac’s unlikely superhero and really take pleasure in the process.
This is the time for you to really hunker down and spend some time creating the cozy nest of your dreams. Go to the Container Store and get some cute little organizing tools, and set yourself to the task of clearing out the old for the new. It’s a super optimistic time for you—and you’ll be feeling like sharing that with your closest people. January 13’s New Moon in Capricorn shines on the part of your birth chart that hits your house of home and family, providing an opportunity to slow down. You’re not usually too keen on the solitude or homebody front, but this month, you’ll feel more like staying in to enjoy the fruits of your labor and playing board games. There’s something that comes from doing this that you didn’t even know you needed—perhaps even an ancestral connection you didn’t know about. You’re cultivating a welcomed refresh, a fresh start. What you once had settled into has started to feel crusty while you didn’t even notice. By the end of the month, the space you have cleared will have all the love flowing in to you.
This January, it’s likely you’ll be playing a bit of a social butterfly role and, though this might feel a little out of character, you’re open to it. There’s a passionate joie de vivre you haven’t felt for a while, and a sweet tenderness you don’t normally have towards people. There’s an opportunity for deeply reconnecting with a person or a situation you’d more or less written off in the past, but suddenly sparks your interest again. But while you’re feeling sweet, you might feel like the people you’re interacting with are…not. People who know you aren’t used to you feeling like this, and when you come at your nearest and dearest with some super out of character stuff, it could be slightly off-putting or confusing to them. Don’t worry, though—this is just a moment and you’ll be back to normal so soon. But you should take advantage of this rare mood and use it to express your deepest desires. Maybe you should write some poetry, babe.
You’re too blessed to be stressed this month, Sadge babe. You’re hyper-focused on securing the bag—and major blessings are on their way. This is so well-deserved; you’ve worked hard, and now it’s time for you to accept what you’ve known was coming to you. It’s a good time for goal-setting, planning, and budgeting. If your finances have been a little out of control lately, spend some time this month getting it together. You can’t feel as abundant as you really are if you’re afraid of looking at your bank account. Regardless, this month you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something. Your accomplishments could be financial or not. Now, simply be grateful and begin to consider what you want to work on manifesting next. Okay, so now that that’s out of the way, let’s focus on the real-real. You need to set some big fat boundaries with someone you feel is supposed to care for you, but has, rather, been taking advantage of you. Stop letting them control how you feel. You’ll know when it’s time to address the situation; just know that it’s coming shortly after Mercury enters Aquarius on January 8.
Photo by Schwebach Photography.
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